Cut the word orthodox, you're just describing true Christianity, though I haven't heard the word "Mammon" before as a title for Satan.
Look i do not kwom very much about Christian orthodoxism like somebody else. Maybe a other Orthodox Christian would correct me.
I can only say what I know.
There is only one Christianity. That is the Christianity whit its roots coming from the
teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles. They were the founders of the bible and the Christian church. They established one church of Jesus Christ one Apostolic church which teaches Christianity.
The eastern Church know as the Orthodox church kept the purity of the Christian religion. And did not compromise with other theories.
In 1045 Western Europe separated officially it selves from the Apostolic church.
They brought changes and compromises into their religion and it lost its purity.
They started to shave their beards and decided that priests must not be married and other changes took place.
After a while there took on other separation place. This time not between the west and the east but among the Western nations.
The protestants under Marten Luther did not want to have anything in common with Rome. In 1517 his followers became protestants. In stead of going back to the old roots to the Apostolic church. They decided to separate there selves from the pope and started to create their own way, religion.
Protestantism was born in 1517? What a young religion even the Islamic religion is older?
The orthodox church represents the Apostolic church from the fist century.
We gave plenty of blood for the conservation of the purity of our Church.
We were attacked and prosecuted by two side, by the crusaders from the west and by the Islamists from the east. Even under the 500 Turkish occupation we managed to keep the purity of our church. We showed what means giving your life and blood for your fatherland and true Christianity.