WN is White Nationalist Means I am White and I am a Nationalist.
The true meaning of that term.
And separatist, some one believes all cultures and races should not mix. Live along side each other yes, but not cross over.
Such as Asian's breeding with Whites, or Blacks with Asians. etc.Is wrong.
Each culture has a right to exist just separate from each other.
Like dogs, cats and fish 
Aren't there some White Nationalists that think a "Hitler II" is needed to help the White race?
I get lots of those comments and mails on JTF - movies on youtube.
A Nation : what does it mean ?
I wouldn't know I am not Neo Nazi, that is there beliefs. They have many ideas that i can't even see being reality, should as the belief of the World being controlled by Jews, if that was the case we wouldn't have anti - semites now would we.
A Nation, collective term of a one culture, one people on their land , in their country that is theirs.
Ownership of pride, spirit and faith in G-d.
Some of the pro-white people seem to be the most anti-semitical people.
It may SEEM that way, but the leftist, pro-immigrant, muliculturalists are the BIGGEST Jew-haters of all.
So, how do you explain the fact that the leftist, pro-immigrant, multiculturalists don't see themselves as anti-Jewish,
but only find Israel a neo-Nazi, Apartheid State.
Or what about their adagio: <<I am against Israel, but I have nothing against Jews>>
Or : <<I am against Israel, and against what the Nazis did, I am against the Holocaust, but.... Isn't Israel doing the same.>>
before, they were a little bit shy to talk like this. Since some Jewish authors wrote anti-Israeli books, they use this adagio :
<< Even (good) Jews are against the inhumanity of Israel.....>>
Nazis just regard Jews as a bunch of thieves, that have to be eradicated. Their adagio is the same as Hamas :<<Kill all the Jews&push them in the see>>
My conclusion:
there are at least 7 kinds of Jew-haters:
-pro-immigration / anti-Israel - leftists. (against-Israel-but-not-against-Jews-morons)
-neo-Nazis some are anti-Jew/anti-Arab/anti-Asian/anti-african; some are pro-arab, as long as arabs fight Jews, and stay out of Europe, they are pro-Arab.
-Jews like neturei karta. Jews like finkelstein.
http://www.normanfinkelstein.com/content.php?pg=5-black supremacists
-some Christians.
-anti-Judaism-Christianity-Islam-people that believe Europeans/Whites should get rid of monotheism/desert-gods;and should return to Odinism.