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How do jews treat their women?

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That still does NOT give women the right to divorce their husbands when the husbands are not willing to give a divorce settlement and they are fullfilling to the best of their ability their side of the KETUVAH. THe TORAH does not sanction ths anywhere. Nor does it sanction extorting money from a husband when he did nothing wrong other then being born a man and having some human imperfections like we all do. If a gentile woman is joing this forum because she thinks Judaism is feminism g-d help us all and g-d help the kahanist movement. I don't know if g-d will let the kahanist movement succeed if it supports feminism and selfish women or feminized girlie men who feels it is OK to promote women divorcing for no reason and forcing men to pay for their wives and children even though they did nothing wrong and have little contact with their children (HONOR THY FATHER AND MOTHER IS ONE OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS NOT HONOR THY MOTHER AND THROW THE FATHER OUT OF THE HOME.) and g- d forbid believe that we should be telling other nations to do the same thing.  It is very sad the gentile women does not really care about the Jewish family as long as the women can do as she pleases. This really is terrible and is very bad for children. There is a whole single crisis in the Jewish observant world today and for any nonjew to think the Jewish family is in good shape I don't think is a true friend to the Jewish people. 

Furthermore, Christian Zionist there are positive quotes in the bible about women. There are also very negative one's and you did a nice job of selection all the good one's. We should discuss Leviticus (27:3-4). A man between the ages of 20-60 the valuation shall be 50 shekels. If she is female the valuation shall be 30 shekels. So clearly g-d did view the man having more value in the supply and demand outside world then woman in their prime years.

Here is a negative quote for you Christian Zionist and Gentile women: Issiah (3:12) My people, their oppressor's are mockers and and women dominate them.
Issiah (3:16) G-d Said because the daughters of zion are haughty walking with outstretched necks and winking eyes 17. the lord will afflict the daughters of Zion with lesions, and hashem will bear their priovate parts.

Lastly, g-d chose are patriarchs and matriarchs to be men and women that both were neccesary in different ways for the Jewish people. Abraham was the one who went out to spread the word about g-d while Sarah was the one who was better in terms of raising her own child and knowing better then abraham what was best for him. G-d did not chose our Matriarchs to be wanna be men and women to rule over men. The exception does not negate the general rule.

Here are some quotes from Genesis which again proves my point.  Genesis 1:18 It is not good that man be alone I will make him a helper corresponding to him. Genesis 3:16-17 after the sin of the tree of knowledge in which g-d punished both the women and the man. G-d said to the women: I will greatly increase your suffering and your childbearing in pain shall you bear children. Yet your craving shall be for your husband and he shall rule over you. (Genesis 3:16-17).

Christian Zionist:
Adam613, the verses you've mentioned are not related about the "treatment" of women in the Bible!

In the Tanak we can see that women are not inferior to men but they are different.

Their roles in the family and in the society are different.

Men are visually aroused and therefore we need to follow what the Bible says.

I never said women were. Don't put words in my mouth. Men are not inferior to women either. You also seem to be avoiding my questions Christionzionist and all the biblical quotes that I quoted that are from the 5 books of moses and the people in these books at a higher level then the people you mentioned? THE BIBLE does clearly state that in most cases men are better when it comes to leadership then women are. 99% of the public leadership was by men. If you honestly think women make such great leaders because they aren't sexually aroused the way men (and ignore all the other reason's that have more Biblical proof then one reason Chaim said on his show about men being aroused by women) are and are honestly trying to follow the bible you then you must be happy about now retired Sandra Day O'Conner,Ruth Badar Ginsburg, Nancy Pelocy, and Hillary Clinton. We have more and more women in political positions today and we must be in better shape the way you read the bible. They are not sexually aroused like men are so it must be better. That is what you are saying Christianzionsit.

Also much of your post has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO with how to treat women either. I don't appreciate your dodge CHristian Zionist.

And I will say it again Christian Zionist. The torah only forces a man to give a get in a case in which the husband is an AWOL husband and doesn't want the women to remarry but does not really care for the wife. The torah does not allow women to force a man to give a divorce whenever the women pleases when the man is not doing anything wrong and is reasonably fulfilling his side of the marriage document.  This is extortion and the women and the evil corrupt Rabbi's that abuse less connected men will be punished for it. So will people who support this kind of immoral system Christionzionist. Because men are more sexually aroused does not give women the right to extort money from men because they feel like it. And not allow children to have a father and turn him into an ATM machine.

Gentilelady liking Judaism because Judaism has mimicked the immoral no fault divorce laws and made them even harsher doesn't suggest to me that Gentilelady is a true friend of the Jewish people. Your friendship is becoming suspect too Christian zionist for going along with it. I do think no fault divorce laws are immoral and while there is a time and place for divorce, no fault divorce in this country may very well destroy this country too g-d forbid Christainzionist. Some have advocated change in this area and require both sides to agree for it to be no fault. 

Anyway, to take this one reason THAT MEN ARE MORE SEXUALLY AROUSED and ignore all the other reason's why g-d felt it is more natural for men to assume a more public role is not really being intellectually honest in my opinion. To suggest that Abraham assumed the public role of bringing people to the idea of one g-d was only because if Sarah did it they would all lust after her but really it would be better for Sarah to assume the more public role I think is a terrible insult to Abraham's intelligence and the risk's he took with his knowledge throughout his life. It also insults Sarah who when it came to Issac knew better then Abraham what was better for his development But really that wasn't what Sarah should have been doing. Only because men are sex maniac's did she take this role of understanding what was in Issac's best interest. . 

Christian Zionist:
Adam613, you have misunderstood me.  It was late night yesterday and I did not go into details.

1. I did not say that you meant that women were inferior.  I was expressing my opinion.
2. I did not try to avoid your questions - I have not found time yet for that. I need to refer the Bible to get back to you.
3. I believe that the leadership is for males only.  Men are visually aroused - I meant a woman leader could become an idol for her male subordinates.  If a woman is a Rabbi or a Pastor the members of the congregation might be fatacizing about her which sometimes come under the guise of getting a "motherly" care.
4. In my post I was primarilly comparing how we and muslims view women. 
5. I believe in the Torah and the rest of the Tanak 100%.  I take the Tanak literally and believe in the inerrancy of the scriptures.
I hate divorce!  In my posts I never mentioned about divorce at all.  The laws of Torah is ideal to govern our morality.   Whatever the Tanak says is the ultimate authority in my life and I do not try to amend G-d's commandments.

You've mentioned about friendship - I am taken aback by those comments.  First of all I need to follow and obey the Bible primarily to please G-d. Friendship follows that.  I believe in the same Tanak that you believe. 

I 100% agree with Sarah in the Bible.  I mentioned about visual arousal with reference to a woman serving as a Rabbi or a Pastor.  That will tempt many men.  Biblical women heroines were always under the authority of the Aaronic High priests.  They served as prophetesses but never as Levite priests.

I will take some time to answer GentileLady and other posters in this thread.

Sorry my brief comments made you to think differently.

I cannot forget you for supporting me in the "evolution" thread while most of the posters (except you and Marzutra) disagreed with me. 


I think men and women have specific roles to play for example women may not serve in the Beis HaMikdash nor may a women be the sovreign.


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