Author Topic: White Nationalism.  (Read 2114 times)

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White Nationalism.
« on: December 30, 2007, 07:11:47 PM »
What is it? Who are the major players.

Note I have sticked this so people Know who they are talking about. Many label people and assume without an informed view.

White nationalism (WN) advocates a racial definition (or redefinition) of white national identity, as opposed to multiculturalism. The contemporary movement in the United States is a reaction to the alleged eventual decline (based on US census projections) in white demographics, politics and culture. According to Samuel Francis, a key White Nationalist writer, it is "a movement that rejects equality as an ideal and insists on an enduring core of human nature transmitted by heredity."

Supporters see themselves defending the legitimate civil rights of white people against society's alleged racial double standards. Jared Taylor, another key writer in the movement, says their racial views were held by mainstream American leaders before the 1950s. Opponents accuse them of hatred, racial bigotry and destructive identity politics.

According to Samuel P. Huntington, the modern movement is increasingly cultured, intellectual and academically-trained.  Rather than espouse violence, they use statistics and social science data to argue for a self-conscious white identity. They say a natural hierarchy should triumph over the "false promise of egalitarianism" - and that the downfall of white dominance spells doom for representative government, the rule of law and freedom of speech.

A point of contention for White nationalists and opponents alike is the issue of "white" identity. While the common definition of a singular "white" or "European" race is largely an anthropological archaism, many White Nationalists continue to hold this belief, as the White nationalist movement depends on the existence of such a categorization.

Supporters say they stand for racial self-preservation and claim culture itself is a product of race. As a result, according to Huntington, they say the demographic shift in the US towards non-whites brings a new culture that is intellectually and morally inferior. With it comes affirmative action, immigrant ghettos and declining educational standards. By challenging established policy on immigration, civil rights and racial integration, they seek to build bridges with moderately conservative white citizens.

White separationism and supremacism are two smaller subgroups within white nationalism. The former seek a separate white nation-state, while the latter add ideas from social Darwinism and nazism to their ideology. Some white nationalists are in neither category, however. They avoid the term "supremacy," saying it has negative connotations.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 07:37:55 PM by Skippy »


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Re: White Nationalism.
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2007, 07:15:29 PM »
My conclusion:
there are at least 7 kinds of Jew-haters:
-pro-immigration / anti-Israel - leftists. (against-Israel-but-not-against-Jews-morons)
-neo-Nazis some are anti-Jew/anti-Arab/anti-Asian/anti-african; some are pro-arab, as long as arabs fight Jews, and stay out of Europe, they are pro-Arab.
-Jews like neturei karta. Jews like finkelstein.
-black supremacists
-some Christians.
-anti-Judaism-Christianity-Islam-people that believe Europeans/Whites should get rid of monotheism/desert-gods;and should return to Odinism.

But anti semites and White Nationalist are two different groups, not to say they can be apart of each other.


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Re: White Nationalism.
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2007, 07:31:32 PM »
Development of White Nationalism.

White nationalism has a long tradition in English-speaking countries. According to one view, it is a product of the modern centralised state's emergence in the West, like all nationalisms. The term originated as a self-description by some groups, primarily in the United States, to describe their belief in a racially defined collective identity of white or Caucasian people. In the past xenophobic ethnic policies may be seen as congruent to white nationalism.

By the 1830s, the Declaration of Independence was widely seen as a manifesto for white freedom and white supremacy in a white nation. Some abolitionists even opposed slavery on the grounds that it caused inequality among whites. In the 19th and early 20th century racial definitions of the American nation were common, resulting in race-specific immigration restrictions, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act. The 1915 film Birth of a Nation was an allegorical invocation of white nationalism, for example.

Also, the 'White Australia' ideal was semi-official policy in Australia for many decades. In South Africa, it was championed by the New National Party starting in 1948, as the struggle over apartheid heated up. In recent years, the Internet has quietly multiplied white nationalism's public influence.

White nationalism in the US combines elements of American racial nationalism and a race-based identity politics. Starting in the 1960s, it grew as the conservative movement developed in mainstream society. Samuel Huntington argues that it developed as a reaction to a perceived decline in the essence of American identity as European, Anglo-Protestant and English-speaking. Some American white nationalists, for example, say immigration must be restricted to selected people of European ancestry.


White nationalists say every nationality feels a natural affection for its own kind.  Thus they believe in a common identity, common interests, and common political action for 'white people'. This identity is valid for the entire white population, but not an obligation for others. This worldview is often influenced by late 19th-century romantic racial nationalism.

Most supporters see 'white nationalism' refers to political activities within an existing country
. They have not necessarily rejected their existing national identity and allegiance, nor that they seek to destroy existing states. They see as themselves patriotic preservers of European history and culture. In other words, their racial identity coincides with this patriotism: for them, everything that is good about their homeland is white.

The present form of American white nationalism, inclusive of Caucasian immigrant groups, is relatively recent. Conversely, "white nationalism" in Europe normally indicates a racial variant of an existing ethnic nationalism. For example, the British National Party opposes large-scale immigration of Russians and Poles, even though they are white. They see the true British nation as consisting of only white British people.

Some white nationalists support a territorially defined white separatism, the belief that white and non-white people should reside in separate territories (and not just lead separate social lives). Like the Volksstaat proposal, it would require migration of whites to a remote and thinly-populated location. However, some other forms of white separatism proposed by white nationalists take the form of far-reaching racial segregation, within an existing nation-state.

Source :wiki


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Re: White Nationalism.
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2007, 07:33:37 PM »
Definition of "white"

White nationalists define 'white' in a restricted way. In the United States, it implies European ancestry, self-identification with European culture and European ethnicity. Likewise, the neologism European-American is a contrast with Asian-American and African-American.

There is no corresponding 'European' ethnicity in Europe itself. In fact, some opponents of the European Union question its legitimacy, precisely because there is no corresponding ethnic or cultural group. Despite their self-definition as 'European', many American white nationalists would not regard all descendants of European immigrants as "white." For an acceptable definition, white nationalists draw primarily on 19th-century racial taxonomy, which neither reached a consensus on racial categories nor is accepted by geneticists. (For example, geneticist Neil Risch classifies racial groups in a way that few white nationalists would accept; Jews, Germans and Pakistanis are all Caucasoid).

Different variants of racial-origin theories, such as Nordicism and Germanism, define different groups as 'white', both excluding some Southern and Eastern Europeans because of perceived racial taint. Pan Aryanism — itself originally a component of Nazi race theories — defines most Europeans as Aryan-origin whites. Some white nationalists use the term 'Pan-Europeanism' for a definition including all European ethnic groups.

Other white nationalists hope that population genetics will provide clear criteria for 'white'. Some have adopted a definition based on the Y-chromosome haplogroup R1b. This marker is prevalent in most Western European populations, possibly reflecting the re-expansion into Europe of a smaller human population in Southern Europe, after the last ice age.



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Re: White Nationalism.
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2007, 07:36:18 PM »

White nationalism is more controversial than other forms of ethnic or racial identity politics. Opponents to white nationalism charge that White Nationalists are in fact White supremicists, Ku Klux Klan members or Boneheads, and that white nationalists are not so much interested in their own 'white heritage', as in power over non-whites. White nationalism is sometimes described as a reaction by whites who believe they are disenfranchised by the rise of liberal multicultural ideologies based around tolerance and inclusiveness, as well as the gains of other racial and ethnic groups against the majority white population in many Western nations.

White nationalists respond that they are simply organizing in ways similar to organizations such as the NAACP and other groups that are generally not seen as controversial, and that to accuse white-nationalist groups of racism while approving of, or tolerating, other racially-oriented groups is hypocritical and racist towards white people. Some white nationalists respond to the accusation of white supremacism by saying that they are white separatists, and that separation precludes domination of one group by another.

Critics point out that while posturing as civil rights groups advocating the interests of their ethnic or racial group, white nationalist groups frequently draw on the nativist traditions of the American Ku Klux Klan and the British National Front [4].

Since there is no official organisation, anyone can call themselves a 'white nationalist'. The term "white nationalist" has been used by neo-Nazi, white supremacy, and Christian Identity groups, which have differing ideologies but share an identification with the 'white race'. Some of these groups have condoned violence in the past, others, however, strictly condemn violence (e. g. David Duke and EURO), and some have built up strong followings in US prisons.

 White nationalist groups

American Renaissance, Council of Conservative Citizens, the National Alliance and National Vanguard are four leading examples in the United States, but antiracist groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center prefer to call them racist or white supremacist.

In Europe, nationalist parties such as France's Front National, Germany's National Democratic Party and Belgium's Vlaams Belang promote nationalism and oppose immigration (especially non-white immigration), but do not describe themselves as "white nationalist". In most European nation-states, the nation is traditionally defined by ancestry and long-term association of a single ethnic group with the national homeland. If that ethnic groups is already 'white' - as for instance with the Germans in Germany - then additional definition as 'white' is superfluous. In countries with a longer history of mass immigration, as in Britain, some definitions of the national identity now include immigrants. It is when this redefinition is disputed, that ethnic or racial limits on the composition of the nation become a political issue.
