A few reasons, first is breeding like rats, breeding just to bring more muslims into the world NOT because you love your children.
Secondly muslims ALWAYS prop up their numbers, they were just caught doing it here in the US.
Thirdly, the penalty for leaving islam is death, that doesnt mean muslims dont leave islam in droves...it means that most of them cant SAY they have left for fear of losing their lives...usually by the hand of their own family.
What is going up is the number of people waking up to what islam REALLY is
which is why taquiyya is in overdrive with mosques and muslims all over the world.
don't compare muslims in Russia with the others.
Russia's empire assimilated them. They are confident that the muslim-regions will choose to follow kremlin rule.
the demographical situation is horrible. Russia's PM Fradkov is openly stating it is a problem!
That no Western leader ever does!!
Muslims have the same goal no matter where they live, the penalty for leaving islam is the same no matter where they live and muslims breed like rats no matter where they live.
They can state the problem all they like, until they DO something nothing else matters. Bush could state that islam is the problem...it he did nothing about it then it wouldnt matter and I have yet to see any western leader INCLUDING those in russia do a thing about the problem.
Muslims will never follow kremlin rule, the goal is sharia...to think otherwise is ridiculous and dangerous.
the world is ruled by $$.
The chechens got their little autonomy like under the Tsar.
other places in South-Russia cause troubles, but...
The muslim regions in Russia, know perfectly well, that without Russia,
They are going back to the middle-age-period.
That's why some musslims choose to live as muslims , in their homes, do business, work.
Let me remind you!
A mu-slime, that knows it has no force, power, ....
will obey you as if he was your slave.
A mu-slime that smells you're compassionate,
and that smells you're able to use force to crush him, no matter what,
that is the muslim that is dangerous.
In other words:
If we bomb the umma (muslim-nations-combined)
back to the stone age.
and hunt them away from their oil fields...
- they will crawl on their knees for us
-they will do nothing to harm us.
So what are we waiting for, to use EXCESSIVE FORCE ON THEM?