Friends describe Amina and Sarah
as quiet but well-liked students at Lewisville High School. They played tennis and soccer and were enrolled in many Advanced Placement classes.
They were extremely smart -- like geniuses," said Allison Villarreal, a senior at Lewisville High, where Amina was a senior and Sarah was a junior.
Liz Marines, secretary of the Lewisville High School Student Council, had classes with both of the sisters and also remembers their scholastic abilities.
Amina was very nice with everybody. She helped me in [Advanced Placement English] class," she said. Sarah was a sophomore when she took an Algebra II class with Liz, who was a junior at the time.
She said the sisters, who wore typical American clothes, didn't talk much about their family. "I didn't know they were Muslims until she told me they were Egyptian and Muslim," Liz said.
The two little girls were too nice and too smart. They refused to hate non-Muslimes.
So the evil MoSSlem-father decided to kill them. This is real Muslime-behaviour.

There was a poll in a turkish Newspaper before a short time, about women beating in Islam.
The result was:
The smarter and more educated the girls/women were, the more often they were beaten by their parents or husbands.