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Gretings from Portugal
Is that list of Destroyed and desecrated Serbian Orthodox churches in Kosovo and Metohia referring just to the months of June-October 1999?
--- Quote from: Eurovox on January 08, 2008, 05:19:00 PM ---Thanks SerbianArmy, have no doubt that I am a friend of Serbian people and even more of your poor brothers in the serbian land of Kosovo. Here in Portugal we are thinking to ask the serbian embassador to allow us to make a support demo in front of the Serbian embassy in Lisbon. Hope we can gather enough people and authorization for the demo.
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Let us consider you our favorite Portuguese.
O0 O0 O0
serbian army:
--- Quote from: Eurovox on January 08, 2008, 05:25:57 PM ---Is that list of Destroyed and desecrated Serbian Orthodox churches in Kosovo and Metohia referring just to the months of June-October 1999?
--- End quote ---
Yes and its pictures, just click on a blue link and you will se pictures...
like this
--- Quote ---Let us consider you our favorite Portuguese.
--- End quote ---
Thank you Husar.
SerbianArmy, since 1999, when that pictures were taken many more churches were destroyed for sure.
There are a organization of french identitarians who use to travel to Kosovo to deliver some present to Serbian children living in Kosovo. You can take a look at their web page here.
serbian army:
Thank you...
Husar is born in France, he could tell us more O0
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