Author Topic: Is height important?  (Read 80164 times)

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Offline Jasmina

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2008, 11:44:14 PM »
  I'm 5'9 and my boyfriend is taller then me..I think this is normal...and yes I think height is important.

Why because you need to look good in heels?  Where in Torah does it talk about that?  

  I think this is personal desire. or is that a sin if I think that height is important for me? maybe I want our kids to be tall too, so that height would not be a problem if they decide to play some sports like their mom.... ^-^
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline jdl4ever

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #26 on: March 20, 2008, 11:46:06 PM »
Women (generally) hate little men. Thank G-d I'm 5'11". :)

How much do you weigh?  Women hate skinny men more, men with small shoulders and scrawny chests or women like breasts hanging down from too much junk food.  I have analzyed all this...

Once again its too bad us Jews have degraded ourselves so much like this as to worry about these rubbish things.  Some of the greatest Jews ever were not tall or muscular or handsome even. 

Well, women want to marry someone that they are personally attracted to as well.  Men want to also marry someone they are personally attracted to.  So a great Tzaddik who looks ugly sadly will have a hard time getting married to an attractive girl.  This is how things work.  Normal people are not blind. 
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
"I believe very much in a nation beating their swords into plowshears but when my enemy has a sword I don't want a plowshear"
-Rabbi Meir Kahane Zs'l HYD


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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2008, 11:51:51 PM »
Women (generally) hate little men. Thank G-d I'm 5'11". :)

How much do you weigh?  Women hate skinny men more, men with small shoulders and scrawny chests or women like breasts hanging down from too much junk food.  I have analzyed all this...

Once again its too bad us Jews have degraded ourselves so much like this as to worry about these rubbish things.  Some of the greatest Jews ever were not tall or muscular or handsome even. 

Well, women want to marry someone that they are personally attracted to as well.  Men want to also marry someone they are personally attracted to.  So a great Tzaddik who looks ugly sadly will have a hard time getting married to an attractive girl.  This is how things work.  Normal people are not blind. 

It is only since the late 19th century that people have had the luxury of seeking a partner based on looks or even personality.

When living was harder (pre 1850), women HAD to seek partners based on their ability to provide and men HAD to seek partners based on their ability to nurture. I'm not saying looks didn't come into it, but they weren't number one priority.

Offline Scriabin

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #28 on: March 21, 2008, 12:09:18 AM »
Women (generally) hate little men. Thank G-d I'm 5'11". :)

How much do you weigh?  Women hate skinny men more, men with small shoulders and scrawny chests...

Nonsense.  Women like well-groomed, confident men.

If you dress well, bathe yourself, take care of your personal hygiene, and have confidence...Women will love you.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #29 on: March 21, 2008, 12:46:59 AM »
"Ladies love Outlaws, like babies love straydogs"

Offline Ari

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #30 on: March 21, 2008, 01:45:23 AM »

Offline q_q_

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2008, 07:18:07 AM »
Women (generally) hate little men. Thank G-d I'm 5'11". :)

How much do you weigh?  Women hate skinny men more, men with small shoulders and scrawny chests or women like breasts hanging down from too much junk food.  I have analzyed all this...

Once again its too bad us Jews have degraded ourselves so much like this as to worry about these rubbish things.  Some of the greatest Jews ever were not tall or muscular or handsome even. 

Well, women want to marry someone that they are personally attracted to as well.  Men want to also marry someone they are personally attracted to.  So a great Tzaddik who looks ugly sadly will have a hard time getting married to an attractive girl.  This is how things work.  Normal people are not blind. 

Even blind people are not blind. They can be quite picky!!!!!!!

I knew a blind guy that wanted the girl to be a certain height and weight, and not black!

Offline Ari

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #32 on: March 26, 2008, 01:17:31 AM »
Women (generally) hate little men. Thank G-d I'm 5'11". :)

How much do you weigh?  Women hate skinny men more, men with small shoulders and scrawny chests or women like breasts hanging down from too much junk food.  I have analzyed all this...

Once again its too bad us Jews have degraded ourselves so much like this as to worry about these rubbish things.  Some of the greatest Jews ever were not tall or muscular or handsome even. 

Well, women want to marry someone that they are personally attracted to as well.  Men want to also marry someone they are personally attracted to.  So a great Tzaddik who looks ugly sadly will have a hard time getting married to an attractive girl.  This is how things work.  Normal people are not blind. 

Even blind people are not blind. They can be quite picky!!!!!!!

I knew a blind guy that wanted the girl to be a certain height and weight, and not black!

Was it our new Governor?

Offline briann

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #33 on: March 26, 2008, 12:37:01 PM »
Theres another side to this.  What about tall women??

Personally, I don't like tall women very much.  I've always been at least a foot taller than all my girlfriends.. including my current wife.

But living in So Cal... everyone is short.  So at 6' 4", I feel like a giant.


Offline Vito

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #34 on: March 26, 2008, 07:31:30 PM »
Women (generally) hate little men. Thank G-d I'm 5'11". :)

I beg to differ...
Most of my friends range from 5'11 and up, with the exception of two.. and those two get the girls. The rest of us are chop liver!

Offline Ari

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #35 on: March 26, 2008, 09:15:41 PM »
You also have to be suave. :D


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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #36 on: March 26, 2008, 10:20:25 PM »
You also have to be suave. :D

 funny works MUCH better O0
nothing better than a great sense of humor :)


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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #37 on: March 26, 2008, 10:23:13 PM »
You also have to be suave. :D

 funny works MUCH better O0
nothing better than a great sense of humor :)

But it's cute when a guy tries to be suave yet ends up being funny instead. I love it!

Lol yes some are pretty funny

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #38 on: March 26, 2008, 10:23:25 PM »
Height seems not to bother Carla Bruni!   ;D

Offline Yonatan777

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #39 on: March 29, 2008, 10:36:28 PM »
Women (generally) hate little men. Thank G-d I'm 5'11". :)

I beg to differ...
Most of my friends range from 5'11 and up, with the exception of two.. and those two get the girls. The rest of us are chop liver!

Jack Nicholson was 5,9.5 in his prime and his been with over 2000 women.   Not that i approve of that lifestyle.. Anyway, any dingbat who thinks being 5,11 makes him such a stud is a hollow brained person.  Personally, this whole thing about needing a 6ft man by their side is flesh worship; so shallow.  I thank G-d for being 5,9, because I would hate a woman to just love me for my height and use me as a just some brainless caveman to show to her friends, so she can look good in heels.  How shallow is that?  Another thing is, I have grown a long beard and now my sight is detestable to most American women, especially Jewish women.  Isn't it sad that my own Jewish sisters hate me for following Torah, yet some gentile women will think I am unique and interesting?  Many in my family wish to disown me for not looking like a gentile, they say I ought go buy an oxcart and move to a russian village.  Personally, I wish more Jewish men would follow Torah, grow their beards, wear Jewish clothing and stop trying to impress western women with G-dless ways of lie.  Most Jewish men dont grow beard today, just for fear of not looking sexy

Anyhow, a spiritual relationship and people who have good personalities is most important, that is what leads to a long relationship and good family.  People who say they need children who are over 6 ft so they can play sports; that is another boneheaded useless reason for a marriage.  Anyhow 60% divorce rate speaks for itself.   People are superficial..  They say tall people make it better in life, but as far as I can see, many short people seem to have made quite an impact on history.

Offline Scriabin

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #40 on: March 30, 2008, 04:03:47 AM »
Jack Nicholson

That guy's a TERRIBLE actor.  He acts crazy, so what? 

What's the big deal about acting like a loon?

Offline dibblah

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #41 on: March 30, 2008, 04:44:43 AM »
Well there have been some very reasonable comments from both sides of this debate but reason is one thing and getting a meaningful answer is another...

-I agree with many of the posts here that smaller guys in general can be more dangerous and protective of their partners. I would like to point to the UK Paras who are invariably mostly all under 6 foot.- Mean as hell, in vicious little bundles of hate and discontent,-Thank f**K though- makes me sleep more easily at night :)

-However, it seems to be that most women are attracted to tall guys... I'ts possibly a physiological thing, stemming back from the good old pre-iron age in Blighty and Europe.

Either way..pls all you short asses dont have a problem with long asses cause we good people too!- Just born when meat was cheap.... ;D


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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #42 on: March 30, 2008, 04:48:00 AM »
2 or 3 Para recruit from Scotland and the North of England where most of the guys are short, mean-as-hell buggers with attitudes. :::D

Guards Regiments only accept those 6' or taller.

Offline Vito

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #43 on: March 31, 2008, 05:29:50 PM »
Women (generally) hate little men. Thank G-d I'm 5'11". :)

I beg to differ...
Most of my friends range from 5'11 and up, with the exception of two.. and those two get the girls. The rest of us are chop liver!

Jack Nicholson was 5,9.5 in his prime and his been with over 2000 women.   Not that i approve of that lifestyle.. Anyway, any dingbat who thinks being 5,11 makes him such a stud is a hollow brained person.  Personally, this whole thing about needing a 6ft man by their side is flesh worship; so shallow.  I thank G-d for being 5,9, because I would hate a woman to just love me for my height and use me as a just some brainless caveman to show to her friends, so she can look good in heels.  How shallow is that?  Another thing is, I have grown a long beard and now my sight is detestable to most American women, especially Jewish women.  Isn't it sad that my own Jewish sisters hate me for following Torah, yet some gentile women will think I am unique and interesting?  Many in my family wish to disown me for not looking like a gentile, they say I ought go buy an oxcart and move to a russian village.  Personally, I wish more Jewish men would follow Torah, grow their beards, wear Jewish clothing and stop trying to impress western women with G-dless ways of lie.  Most Jewish men dont grow beard today, just for fear of not looking sexy

Anyhow, a spiritual relationship and people who have good personalities is most important, that is what leads to a long relationship and good family.  People who say they need children who are over 6 ft so they can play sports; that is another boneheaded useless reason for a marriage.  Anyhow 60% divorce rate speaks for itself.   People are superficial..  They say tall people make it better in life, but as far as I can see, many short people seem to have made quite an impact on history.

Jack Nicholson is a multimillionaire, money is the most powerful aphrodisiac.
Being short doesn't affect your dating life unless you like tall girls. And 5'9 isn't short, it's average.
You said you're growing a beard.. I'm not Jewish, but if I recall correctly it's not a commandment to grow a beard. You can be religious without a beard. Shave it and see if you get any more luck with the ladies  O0 

Offline q_q_

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #44 on: March 31, 2008, 07:22:11 PM »
Women (generally) hate little men. Thank G-d I'm 5'11". :)

I beg to differ...
Most of my friends range from 5'11 and up, with the exception of two.. and those two get the girls. The rest of us are chop liver!

Jack Nicholson was 5,9.5 in his prime and his been with over 2000 women.   Not that i approve of that lifestyle.. Anyway, any dingbat who thinks being 5,11 makes him such a stud is a hollow brained person.  Personally, this whole thing about needing a 6ft man by their side is flesh worship; so shallow.  I thank G-d for being 5,9, because I would hate a woman to just love me for my height and use me as a just some brainless caveman to show to her friends, so she can look good in heels.  How shallow is that?  Another thing is, I have grown a long beard and now my sight is detestable to most American women, especially Jewish women.  Isn't it sad that my own Jewish sisters hate me for following Torah, yet some gentile women will think I am unique and interesting?  Many in my family wish to disown me for not looking like a gentile, they say I ought go buy an oxcart and move to a russian village.  Personally, I wish more Jewish men would follow Torah, grow their beards, wear Jewish clothing and stop trying to impress western women with G-dless ways of lie.  Most Jewish men dont grow beard today, just for fear of not looking sexy

Anyhow, a spiritual relationship and people who have good personalities is most important, that is what leads to a long relationship and good family.  People who say they need children who are over 6 ft so they can play sports; that is another boneheaded useless reason for a marriage.  Anyhow 60% divorce rate speaks for itself.   People are superficial..  They say tall people make it better in life, but as far as I can see, many short people seem to have made quite an impact on history.

Jack Nicholson is a multimillionaire, money is the most powerful aphrodisiac.
Being short doesn't affect your dating life unless you like tall girls. And 5'9 isn't short, it's average.
You said you're growing a beard.. I'm not Jewish, but if I recall correctly it's not a commandment to grow a beard. You can be religious without a beard. Shave it and see if you get any more luck with the ladies  O0 

There is a commandment not to cut the corners of your beard.

There is debate as to where that refers to. But aside from that. To avoid a really odd looking beard, religious jews grow a full one.

seriously religious ones that is.  Less serious religious ones  don't bother with the beard..

But we don't use a razor..

Offline briann

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #45 on: April 02, 2008, 12:02:24 PM »
short beards are stylish!!!!!

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #46 on: April 07, 2008, 10:48:55 PM »
Clean shaven is the best.  ;)

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #47 on: May 06, 2008, 03:57:56 PM »
5ft11 here myself, though I guess I could technically say i'm 6ft0 since i'm close enough. As long as the girls not a midget, that's all fine and dandy, tall women are fine but if I'm shorter than them, that just doesn't look very manly unless I grow a moustache or something

Offline Americanhero1

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #48 on: May 06, 2008, 04:02:02 PM »
5ft11 here myself, though I guess I could technically say i'm 6ft0 since i'm close enough. As long as the girls not a midget, that's all fine and dandy, tall women are fine but if I'm shorter than them, that just doesn't look very manly unless I grow a moustache or something

I had a girl who wanted to date me  but she was 4ft 10 and i am 6ft 2 1/2 so it was  the hight difference was to much

Offline q_q_

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Re: Is height important?
« Reply #49 on: May 28, 2008, 12:16:55 AM »
5ft11 here myself, though I guess I could technically say i'm 6ft0 since i'm close enough. As long as the girls not a midget, that's all fine and dandy, tall women are fine but if I'm shorter than them, that just doesn't look very manly unless I grow a moustache or something

I had a girl who wanted to date me  but she was 4ft 10 and i am 6ft 2 1/2 so it was  the hight difference was to much

could you afford a ladder for her? you cheapskate.