kellymaureen wrote:
"As an American, what do I have to say?
What happened first of all cant even be called a "war", it was terrorism committed by NATO and led by clinton. A military alliance of 19 nations and 780 million people; with over half of the world's gross economic product, possessing two-thirds of the global military power, ganged up on a nation of 10 million, for 79 days and dropped over 23,000 bombs ON CIVILLIANS.
I read that Col. David Hackworth who is America's most decorated living soldier said that the "cinton Doctrine" was to "bomb the civilians and the civilian structures until the country's military can't stand to watch it anymore." Why clinton is still walking around a free man is beyond me, he should have been prosecuted for war crimes and executed.
clinton did not have the support of plenty of Americans, but of course he didnt need it and did what he wanted to do.
Worse than anything was all the innocent people who lost their lives in very horrible ways, and clintons crimes are still at work today, the "innocent" (what a joke) muslims who clinton claimed he was trying to protect are now destroying Christian sites and chasing non muslims out.
In the name of the US, clinton (who I did NOT vote for of course) killed thousands of innocent people including children, laid an innocent and soverign nation to waste and our enemies, the muslims, have been given an area from which to recruit and have safe harbor.
I am one American who is sorry and angry for what was done in our name.
Thats what i have to say Husar


You're a beautiful female Soldier,
in Spirit and Body (I know you can shoot from a gun)

and you can join,
was it "only" by Spirit,
our Serbian female Soldiers,
who do fight muSSlims,
like you do.

We LOVE you, kellymaureen.