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Offline ramen

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« on: January 09, 2008, 07:50:19 PM »
Dos anybody remember in one of G dubya BUSH's speech where he said somin like the crusades have begun but i dnt htink nobody really picked up on it. Rather the media didn't.

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« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2008, 10:37:15 PM »
He said the war on terror should be like a crusade, but later apologised.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 10:36:47 PM »
I'm sure it was the Anti-Defamation league who was outraged, yet the statement is accurate, if only Muslims were subjected to a history similar to the one we Jews have gone through

Offline Sue C

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« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2008, 04:53:54 PM »
(Refer to my Empire and Criminal minds and mentality list or fractioned programming by Russia)

The Empire works by divisions, adding groups, dividing into more groups and cutting off Jewry while marrying into it and picking up the names, belongings, and all while blaming the Jews from the time of Daniel at the end of that Reich or Empire. Of course, finally in the history of the Empires' exact wars, it keeps dividing, such as dividing Masonry into about over 5,000 groups. It is a cancer. Unbelievably, we have about over 5,000 seriously demented, sociopaths under this cartel who just put millions of Jewish children on death lists again. Anyone who sees anything beyond themselves is put on death lists. They divided over 10 million Israeli families in Russia, and parents, taking the children for the last 20 years again. And all they keep doign is increasing terrorists, not just Islamic. It is a cancer against any reason and it keeps growing and dividing which follows the laws of extinction, negelcting and moving further away from reality in all of these conrolled groups, the top not caring because of ideological power and hersy already from before 2,000 B.C. carried along. They add mossad, blame Israel each day for being illegal, at the same time telling them they aregetting a 'state' and running wars using Israel. The Davis family line was split up as Hoover and then Ellis, and then Baron De Rothschild marries into the Davis line by the 1940's when they round up the Davids and send them to Sobibor, repalcing much of Jewry with Baal, Maonry which grew into more divisions, some at the top hating Jewry by their Babylonian programming. By 2,000 with marrying purposely controlled, splitting up families, taking Jewish children, names, we now have persons although some with ancient days occupational names as well who are all Egyptian, Islamic, Greek lines, including in my own family. This is what mind control is also used for, exact wars, by the Roman Calendar while adding and adding to the groups used, racketeering, crime, i.e., now having over 10,000 different insurance related 'fraud' or indictments and setn to fedeal prison as well the others who are asked to commit the crimes while taking out Jewry each time. They continue popping up persons until the final Greek/Islamic Empire wars we see now, only 500% more crime and terrorism since we now have instant gratification of crime, millions of manufatctures, nano-technology only being used in crime, out of control, stock market to vote on wars and corruption. As those at the top of moving this Egyptian Empire around to occupation in Israel with Rockefeller purposely make sue no Israelis can marry another Israeli in fact, and cut off Israeli lines systematically while they pop up these Greek/Syrian, Babylonian persons with teh family name even after Rothschild and adding to it the change in religions from the changes in Israel in ancient days exactly as writtne in the books, while they claim the 'Jews' are not following the law and their state is 'illegal' on both sides creating the wars, telling them they have a state and while claiming they are illegal and at fault, the rest of Isareli lines being killed. Cameron who also came from (related to Queen of) Scotland by way of Wales (some records clipped as they set up the Egyptian, Masonic order in 1600's in Wales) at the time of the Jews from Wales and former Queen; Cameron then in the U.S. married to my grandmothers line to inteceptred and by 1890, married into by these groups; the Mormon Church beign today's keeper of graves (being dug up again of Israeli graves) moved, changes to birth and death certificates; Cameron married into my grandmothers line, then this other Cameron they use with Gottlieb, Hoover, and under Turner for CIA supposed mind control of which is another front to keep all of these ficticious ideological, split brained groups for exact wars. they turn everything around by claiming it is the "Jews" every day and indicting, shooting them, murdering them while setting up thse others wit the names. Thousands of Jewish grave robberies again  right now, part of the same ancient lies and wars. All throughout the centuries, they burn down Jewish homes, remove them, shot them, take all books so only the daily wars using 'Christianity' or Babylonian/Egyptian can be followed still blaming the Jews (Mother Mary, the 'Queen of Heaven' and the Roman Catholic Church is mentioend before yeshua or Jesus, the same as Isis and other Egypitan Mothers) So, they have Terry Newman, who is part of teh accusations against Jewry for not being 'unified' and 'tolerant' while these liars know very well, they only have intentions of stealing, robbing, murdering, taking Jewish goods, and while terroizing me with christian, Christian haters, Satanists, they slandered me in gropus each day as a 'hate' and took off with the Israel family book I had; while claiming they are Jews, and There are plans of using another set up group to get rid of the others and that includes Illuminatis once they are done moving these people into Israel and killing off the ones before. In addition, they manipulate family members, and have used electronice weaporny on my father for many years, having microwave and rackteering crime even at the time the mob burned down my grandmothers home, prior to that trying to take land by easements and other things, ongoing for many years. This is consistent with every Israeli and Jewish death in Russia, U.S., Israel, the daily attacks, wars, radation, and the whole thing all throughout history and now with microwave weapons and more terrorists. The crime, racketeering, cycle is consistent throughout, backwards wars, knocking off the rest with a new group and now under this top.

Cameron continued with Gottlieb, Hoover, Mengele, Hitler, to use psychic driving and they have continued and premediated murder by 2000 set up under CIA/DEA, ex-army weapons specialists, Dee Arpino who set up the rackteeering with BFI/Genovese Drug Running and with DEA out of Washington for it, for the lies each day for stalking, death attacks, attempts at being run off the road and the increase in over 150 times any amount of radiation, wave form weapons, pulse weapons, and premeditated terrorzing with no rights whatwover like friends they injured and retaliated on , gave fake 'mental' illness lies set it up just in case death didn't happen. This took place on over 10 million Israelis just since 1995. They have been doing it since 1920. They surrounded New York with Islamic persons they program to use in hate crimes, with Persian people. Each day, from 1920, they used microwave to skull (as photos show beams hitting me as helicopters come by) they have been doing this to me for many years. In 1995, they increased death attempts, and Dee Arpino also knew this and knew about others involvement. They have used hit attempts over and over again. Kidnappings, attempted kidnappings, and one thing after the other, satanic attacks because I hold Israeli beliefs and they illegally used Chirstian 'programming' by NSA/ CIA and then terrorizing as if I were Christian, back and forth, every singel day from 1995, using signals, increasing the radiation to present, and using those told to kill Christians, and then constant 'satanic' attacks, now over 40 milllion Jewish/Israeli persons killed from 1948 by these supposed 'satanists' (I'm speaking of greasy killers, not just someone like Illuminati) totally programmed with split brains as a front to racketeering. While they put my brain into more shock, and dee Arpino helped set up tse crimes, they used greasy drug running criminals walking around with Jewish stars on and continue putting my brain into entrainement, andused these poeople in stores of which they have shut down because of it, and they purposely walked up with Jewish candles, while having satanic stars on them as well. We have over 3 billion terrorists, those used in terrorism, fruitcakes, criminals, and the satanic killings of Jewish are documented. Whoever is pocketing at the vey top also has plans, (Rockefeller, do something else with money!) is ready to take out 'Illuminati'  We have over 3 billion uneducated, totally controller murderers, terrorists, fruitcakes, fronts, who have nothing in their brains, past nor present or future but totally controlled for terrorism and crime.

Over 100 years, people are erased of their memory, programmed in these 'wars' and 'covert wars' and ideological nonsense, and they believe it. Those in 'neuro-science' are now all set up with thousands of studies each day on the rest of the public, and they weeded out by deaths over time anyone who does not fit into this split brained area of targeted weaponry. We really have gone far off any real study for greed and patent control which originated by killign Israelis, Rabbis, those who actually study; the top in rackteeering squeezing out anyone from all controlled ideological and Babylonian groups who will not be used for specific 'tasks' and 'wars' and as 'spies'

Below are the facts on Gottlieb and Hitler. There is still a Gottlieb connected to White House. Of course, there are Camerons, and Friedmans as Don Friedman is also a victim along with millions of others. This is used in the cylce of changing family lines, power, wars, on all, and even more so now, except that they can keep most in states of 'here and now' absent of anything. Those in racketeering at the top themselves have been subjected to generations of total brainwashing and subjective ideologies of power and so on, even more religious or ritual as it was used as fronts in Egypt and ancient Babylon to present, only more covered up today with more heresies and lies.

Los Angeles Times
4th April, 1999
by Elaine Woo, Staff Writer
Gottlieb Ran LSD Mind Control Testing

Scientist, who died at 80, oversaw invention of devices
for assassination and gave 'acid' to human guinea pigs.

James Bond had Q, the scientific wizard who supplied 007 with dazzling gadgets to deploy against enemy agents. The Central Intelligence Agency had Sidney Gottlieb, a Bronx-born biochemist with a PhD from Caltech whose job as head of the agency's technical services division was to concoct the tools of espionage: disappearing inks, poison darts, toxic handkerchiefs.

Gottlieb once mailed a lethal handkerchief to an Iraqi colonel and personally ferried deadly bacteria to the Congo to kill Prime Minister Patrice Lamumba. It wasn't his potions that eventually did in the two targets, but Gottlieb, once described by a colleague as the ultimate "good soldier," soldiered on.

Poisons and darts were not his sole preoccupation during 22 years with the CIA. He labored for years on a project to unlock and control the mysterious powers of lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD. Could it be a potent spy weapon to weaken the minds of unwilling targets? In the 1950s and 1960s, answering that question was one of Gottlieb's missions in MKULTRA, the code name for the agency's secret experiments to probe the effects of mind-altering drugs. Chief among them was LSD, discovered by Dr. Albert Hofmann, a Swiss chemist, in 1943.

By the early 1950s, the CIA, fearful of LSD falling into Soviet hands, had cornered the market on the drug, which in minute doses could produce overwhelming sensations ranging from kaleidoscopic acuity to temporary insanity. The agency also started to fund research, covertly funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to academics in prestigious institutions around the country who tried the drug themselves and reported the results to Gottlieb.

Gottlieb and his associates in MKULTRA also took LSD "trips," although the concept of tripping would not enter the American lexicon for another decade. They laced coffee with LSD and served it to each other without warning, then observed each other's reactions. Later Gottlieb expanded the field tests to subjects outside the agency -- drug addicts, prostitutes, prisoners, mental patients -- people who were unlikely to complain and even less likely to be believed if they did. Among the dosed were hookers and their clients in a CIA-sponsored brothel in San Francisco, later the epicenter of the LSD explosion.

One human guinea pig was subjected to an astounding 77-day trip. Some subjects suffered chronic mental problems after being dosed. One person -- an Army germ warfare researcher -- sank into dark depression and paranoia, leaping to his death from the 10th floor of a New York hotel several days after being slipped an LSD Mickey Finn at a CIA retreat. The CIA covered up its role in his demise for two decades, and barely reprimanded Gottlieb. In the early 1960s, Gottlieb was promoted to the highest deputy post in the technical services operation. By 1967, he had risen to the top of the division, guided by his longtime CIA mentor, Director Richard Helms. At that time, LSD was not a secret anymore. While the CIA was still examining the drug's possibilities as a means of mind control, many young Americans were dropping the hallucinogen as a vehicle of mind expansion and recreation. America was tuning in, turning on and dropping out, thanks, in part, to the CIA's activism in the '50s in the name of national security.
It was not until 1972 that Gottlieb called a halt to the experiments with psychedelics, concluding in a memo that they were "too unpredictable in their effects on individual human beings . . . to be operationally useful."

He retired the same year, spending the next few decades in eclectic pursuits that defied the stereotype of the spy. He went to India with his wife to volunteer at a hospital for lepers. A stutterer since childhood, he got a master's degree in speech therapy. He raised goats on a Virginia farm. And he practiced folk dancing, a lifelong passion despite the handicap of a clubfoot.

A malignant, real-life Q, or an eccentric genius whose intentions were honorable and just? Gottlieb led the agency in 149 mind control experiments, of which about 25 were conducted on unwitting subjects. According to the survivor of one victim, the way Gottlieb duped American citizens was nothing but despicable.

Less black and white in his assessment is John Marks, author of the definitive book on the CIA's mind control programs, "The Search for the 'Manchurian Candidate.' " Marks sees Gottlieb as an unabashed patriot who nonetheless "crossed the same ethical lines we hanged German doctors in World War II for."

There is also the view of former CIA psychologist John Gittinger, who says his close friend was a gentle man whose actions were widely misunderstood. The agency's LSD experiments bloomed in the era of Josef Stalin and Sen. Joseph McCarthy, and "during that time of Cold War," Gittinger said recently from his home in Norman, Okla., "the attitude we had and the agency had was we were still fighting a war. And when you are fighting a war, you do things you might not ordinarily do." Gottlieb died on March 7 in Washington, Va. He was 80. His family did not divulge the cause of his death.

Boyden Gray in White House now, New bill for getting rid of the 'weak' is not Jewish
Gottlieb Ran LSD Mind Control Testing

Offline דוד בן זאב אריה

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« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2008, 11:54:25 PM »
He said the war on terror should be like a crusade, but later apologised.

That is because he is too stupid to know the past. He didn't even know there were Sunis and Shiias
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

Offline Ambiorix

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« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2008, 12:49:18 AM »
He said the war on terror should be like a crusade, but later apologised.
That is because he is too stupid to know the past. He didn't even know there were Sunis and Shiias

Great. We need a USA President with brains. But that would hurt the multinationals I'm afraid.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline דוד בן זאב אריה

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« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2008, 01:05:30 AM »
McCain has a brain and he sucks too
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2008, 01:39:57 AM »
Sue, what in the world are you going on about?

Offline IslamIsCancer

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« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2008, 04:08:10 PM »
The war on terror should start with Saudi Arabia, yes SAUDI ARABIA.
Alas Bush is still in bed with Saudi Arabian sheiks, well you can't blame the guy his wife is ugly as hell.
Free Javakh!!!
I defecate on Stalin's grave.

Offline Americanhero1

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« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2008, 05:15:07 PM »
We bomb bomb and bomb who ever is left alive we napalm them


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« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2008, 12:59:58 AM »
The war on terror should start with Saudi Arabia, yes SAUDI ARABIA.
You've hit the nail on its head. Saudi Arabia is the problem. Saudi Arabia is the one that sent those Muslims animals to destroy the twin towers and kill 3000 Americans. Saudi Arabia funds Islamic fundamentalist schools all across Europe, they fund Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza. They are the problem!

But guess what, we won't do anything about it because the Saudis know they have our government by the you know what. That's why we need to become energy dependent. We shouldn't waste another dollar on Muslim energy reserves and contribute to all this madness. Green is the way to go.
Formely known as "1986"

Offline DownwithIslam

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« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2008, 07:42:52 PM »
The war on terror should start with Saudi Arabia, yes SAUDI ARABIA.
You've hit the nail on its head. Saudi Arabia is the problem. Saudi Arabia is the one that sent those Muslims animals to destroy the twin towers and kill 3000 Americans. Saudi Arabia funds Islamic fundamentalist schools all across Europe, they fund Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza. They are the problem!

But guess what, we won't do anything about it because the Saudis know they have our government by the you know what. That's why we need to become energy dependent. We shouldn't waste another dollar on Muslim energy reserves and contribute to all this madness. Green is the way to go.

Full metal Jacket, are you thrilled that George Bushtamante has refused to release the innocent Jonathan Pollard from prison. I would think that you are very excited about this as you so viscously attacked the Jewish prisoner of war, Jonothan Pollard.
I am urinating on a Koran.

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« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2008, 08:15:02 PM »
Seriously you conspiracy theorist show yourselves to be ignorant and show that you obviously believe everything Alex Jones says. This whole NWO crap is so tiring and not to mention stupid, take a deep breath and calm down. Bush did know about the different kinds of sects.

Don't give me no BS the NWO changed it.

Offline Ambiorix

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« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2008, 04:09:17 AM »
The war on terror should start with Saudi Arabia, yes SAUDI ARABIA.
You've hit the nail on its head. Saudi Arabia is the problem. Saudi Arabia is the one that sent those Muslims animals to destroy the twin towers and kill 3000 Americans. Saudi Arabia funds Islamic fundamentalist schools all across Europe, they fund Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza. They are the problem!

But guess what, we won't do anything about it because the Saudis know they have our government by the you know what. That's why we need to become energy dependent. We shouldn't waste another dollar on Muslim energy reserves and contribute to all this madness. Green is the way to go.
Absolutely, that is what JTF stands for.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2008, 06:29:32 PM »
McCain has a brain and he sucks too

Have you seen the video of McCain talking about Israel?

McCain isn't the best but at least he isn't bought by the jihadist like Clinton or a jihadist like Obama.