Author Topic: Swedish Jews?  (Read 5290 times)

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Offline Yid

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Swedish Jews?
« on: January 21, 2008, 04:22:32 PM »
any swedish jews at this forum?

when im anyway at it i have to complain about the lack of support from the swedish jewish community for jews in need.

not long ago a russian family came to sweden, totaly broke, fleeing the russian antisemitic police he and his wife ended up in Cyprus, where the cyprus police raped his wife.

They came to sweden with nothing than a rape trauma and a treath of being sent back to russia. The jewish community did nothing for the aronberg-family, instead a christian priest helped him with shelter and legal advice.

Something must be done here, radicaly.

Offline Vito

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2008, 04:42:21 PM »
Svensker är ryggradslös..

Offline Yid

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2008, 04:58:59 PM »
Instämmer...någon som har några ryggradar att låna ut?

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2008, 05:06:12 PM »
Instämmer...någon som har några ryggradar att låna ut?

Hah, nej.. vi behöver vår ryggradar for vår problemer här i U.S hehe. Du borde flytta att Israel, vill du inte?

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2008, 05:25:58 PM »
Visst vill jag, bodde i Israel 2006, men jag kan inte lämna de svenska judarna i sticket. Någon med sunt förnuft måste ju stanna, organisera och se till att våra svenska judiska ungdomar inte förfaller in i dekadens och förhållanden med Islamister, som tyvärr är vanligt i stockholm och göteborg, och som resulterar i att de går med i antisionistiska rörelser som Palestinagrupperna.

När Hashem kallar mig, flyttar jag.

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2008, 05:56:41 PM »
Du är en g od människa med g od avsikt. Men hur många Svenskar är där? Är där en judiska samhälle? Jag tänkte att Svenskar Judarna är uttspridd runt Sverige..
« Last Edit: January 21, 2008, 05:59:32 PM by Vito »

Offline Yid

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2008, 06:03:17 PM »
9 miljoner svenska medborgare, kanske 20000 judar som är inskrivna, involverade eller registrerade som judar i någon församling eller organisation...kanske hundratusentals sekulära som antingen inte bryr sig eller vet att de är judar på mödranet pga assimilisationen.

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2008, 11:24:02 AM »
Ops jag menar hur många Svenska Judarna.. jag vet Svenska befolkningen : ) hundratusentals sekulära? Jag vet inte att där var så mycket. Så for den 20000   observant judar.. är där något program att uppmana Alijah?

Offline Masha

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2008, 10:24:06 AM »
Do you read the FOMI forum?

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2008, 11:19:20 AM »
Do you read the FOMI forum?

I just checked it out.. seems like a watered down Scandinavian version of JTF, I'll look into it more. Seems good so far..

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2008, 11:28:57 AM »
Do you read the FOMI forum?

I just checked it out.. seems like a watered down Scandinavian version of JTF, I'll look into it more. Seems good so far..

Yeah, it's watered down, of course, compared to JTF. Some of their members who espouse universalist and secularist ethics would be very horrified, I am sure, by some of the rhetoric that goes down at JTF. But cut them some slack. This is Sweden, after all. They are being very brave and non-conformist by the Swedish PC standards. People need some time to adjust their frames of reference. Maybe a year or two from now they will be ready for JTF.

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2008, 11:31:57 AM »
Do you read the FOMI forum?

I just checked it out.. seems like a watered down Scandinavian version of JTF, I'll look into it more. Seems good so far..

Yeah, it's watered down, of course, compared to JTF. Some of their members who espouse universalist and secularist ethics would be very horrified, I am sure, by some of the rhetoric that goes down at JTF. But cut them some slack. This is Sweden, after all. They are being very brave and non-conformist by the Swedish PC standards. People need some time to adjust their frames of reference. Maybe a year or two from now they will be ready for JTF.

Oh I'm not blaming them, it's a great thing that they set up that forum. I visited Sweden a three years ago, the place is insanely p.c

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2008, 11:34:40 AM »
Oh I'm not blaming them, it's a great thing that they set up that forum. I visited Sweden a three years ago, the place is insanely p.c

Yes, it's great that there is a beginning of some change. It's also great that the Sweden Democrats party, which supports Israel and is opposed to immigration is steadily gaining support.

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2008, 12:02:01 PM »
As a resident of Sweden, I feel I have to make some things clear.
Firstly, Sweden is a huge country (lots and lots of space) with a population of 9 million. There are about 380000 muslims in Sweden, and an even larger population of secular immigrants. There are 18000 jews in Sweden, most of them live in and around the Swedish capital of Stockholm, the rest in Gothenburg and Malmö.

Sweden is one of most, if not the most, secular country in the world. About 80-85% say the they have no faith whatsoever, others that they are somewhat spiritual bt do not belong to an organized faith. Immigrants from muslim countries have started to tilt these statistics, as they are muslim.

Swedish Jewry is, therefore somewhat understandibly, renowned for it's high rate of intermarriages. Not because they're reform or liberal, but simply because they are not religious at all and identify themselves rather with jewish culture and nationality then religion. There are, however, a number of masorti and orthodox synagogues with a small but devoted frum community.

Sweden is not being overrun with socialists and muslims, in my opinion. It is not primarlily the muslim religion that is an obstacle but rather the culture and the different views of government, freedom of speech and women.

There are some small but active nationalist parties in Sweden that make a big deal of fighting nonswedish culture, like jews (strange, since there have been jews in Sweedn for over 300 years) and muslims. On the other hand, there are some muslims who hate the jews too. So the jewish community is being squeezed in between two rival blocks that hate jews as much as each other.

Still, Sweden is probably (except for the lousy weather) the best and most free country in the world, and I'll stay a couple of years more before going to Israel.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 12:05:26 PM by Yisrael ben Avraham »
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Offline Vito

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2008, 12:07:44 PM »

Still, Sweden is probably (except for the lousy weather) the best and most free country in the world, and I'll stay a couple of years more before going to Israel.

A Swedish priest was arrested for speaking against homosexuality, the charges were dropped - but think about that! You can't say anything against anything  immoral - how is that being free??

Offline Yisrael ben Avraham

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2008, 12:19:27 PM »

Still, Sweden is probably (except for the lousy weather) the best and most free country in the world, and I'll stay a couple of years more before going to Israel.

A Swedish priest was arrested for speaking against homosexuality, the charges were dropped - but think about that! You can't say anything against anything  immoral - how is that being free??
The charges were "incitement against a group of people" (I think you can translate it like that). The charges were not dropped, but taken to the High court. The judge found that he was not inciting.

You can say anything and print anything, but you cannot go about denouncing whole groups of poeple. The Jews should be feel lucky for that. That is freedom of speech. Do you hink the Mohammed caricatures and the Mohammed Dog could've happened somewhere else?
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Offline Yid

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2008, 12:40:22 PM »
Ops jag menar hur många Svenska Judarna.. jag vet Svenska befolkningen : ) hundratusentals sekulära? Jag vet inte att där var så mycket. Så for den 20000   observant judar.. är där något program att uppmana Alijah?

Gällande program för uppmaning till Alijah är enda jag vet (zionistiska federationen i Sverige)

Offline Vito

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2008, 12:44:49 PM »

Still, Sweden is probably (except for the lousy weather) the best and most free country in the world, and I'll stay a couple of years more before going to Israel.

A Swedish priest was arrested for speaking against homosexuality, the charges were dropped - but think about that! You can't say anything against anything  immoral - how is that being free??
The charges were "incitement against a group of people" (I think you can translate it like that). The charges were not dropped, but taken to the High court. The judge found that he was not inciting.

You can say anything and print anything, but you cannot go about denouncing whole groups of poeple. The Jews should be feel lucky for that. That is freedom of speech. Do you hink the Mohammed caricatures and the Mohammed Dog could've happened somewhere else?

The groups are the problem.. not an individual from a group. Was Muhammed the only bad Muslim? Homosexuality is an immoral act, which is clearly stated in the Bible, and a priest was simply preaching that, and he was arrested and charged for stating his beliefs. If you can't see where Sweden is going in the next 20 years, you're blind.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 01:11:41 PM by Vito »

Offline Vito

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2008, 12:48:26 PM »
Ops jag menar hur många Svenska Judarna.. jag vet Svenska befolkningen : ) hundratusentals sekulära? Jag vet inte att där var så mycket. Så for den 20000   observant judar.. är där något program att uppmana Alijah?

Gällande program för uppmaning till Alijah är enda jag vet (zionistiska federationen i Sverige)

Ah vad kul! Förhoppningsvis det är effektiv! Så kommer du från Stockholm?

Offline Yisrael ben Avraham

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2008, 01:08:35 PM »

Still, Sweden is probably (except for the lousy weather) the best and most free country in the world, and I'll stay a couple of years more before going to Israel.

A Swedish priest was arrested for speaking against homosexuality, the charges were dropped - but think about that! You can't say anything against anything  immoral - how is that being free??
The charges were "incitement against a group of people" (I think you can translate it like that). The charges were not dropped, but taken to the High court. The judge found that he was not inciting.

You can say anything and print anything, but you cannot go about denouncing whole groups of poeple. The Jews should be feel lucky for that. That is freedom of speech. Do you hink the Mohammed caricatures and the Mohammed Dog could've happened somewhere else?

The groups are the problem.. not an individual from a group. Was Muhammed the only bad Muslim? Homosexuality is an immoral act, which is clearly stated in the Bible, and a priest was simply preaching that, and he was arrested and charged for stating his beliefs. If you can't see where Sweden is going in the next 20 years, your blind.
Yes, you're quite right. Luckily for me, I will be in Israel, not Sweden, in 20 years :)
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Offline Vito

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2008, 01:15:24 PM »

Yes, you're quite right. Luckily for me, I will be in Israel, not Sweden, in 20 years :)

I visited Sweden three years ago, it's a shame such a beautiful country and people will be destroyed by Muslim hordes..

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2008, 02:26:56 PM »

Yes, you're quite right. Luckily for me, I will be in Israel, not Sweden, in 20 years :)

I visited Sweden three years ago, it's a shame such a beautiful country and people will be destroyed by Muslim hordes..
It 's a reason to start war!!
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2008, 02:34:55 PM »
That is freedom of speech. Do you hink the Mohammed caricatures and the Mohammed Dog could've happened somewhere else?
Yes in the U.S.A.
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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2008, 02:57:24 PM »

Yes, you're quite right. Luckily for me, I will be in Israel, not Sweden, in 20 years :)

I visited Sweden three years ago, it's a shame such a beautiful country and people will be destroyed by Muslim hordes..
It 's a reason to start war!!


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Re: Swedish Jews?
« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2008, 04:18:56 PM »
Ops jag menar hur många Svenska Judarna.. jag vet Svenska befolkningen : ) hundratusentals sekulära? Jag vet inte att där var så mycket. Så for den 20000   observant judar.. är där något program att uppmana Alijah?

Gällande program för uppmaning till Alijah är enda jag vet (zionistiska federationen i Sverige)

Thanks for the link.