Author Topic: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.  (Read 6662 times)

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Offline Sarah

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Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« on: January 28, 2008, 05:31:38 PM »
Things that Muhammad Prophecised:

Camels will no longer be used as a means of transport;
* People will ride on saddles that aren't saddles (cars?)
  * The distance on earth will become short;
* Horses will not be used in wars;
* Muslims will defeat the Byzantines which will end with the conquest of Constantinople Istanbul);
* The Jews will gather again to live in Bilad Canaan;
* Very tall buildings will be built;
* The disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance, with much killing;
* Adultery will become widespread, and the drinking of wine will become common;
* The number of men will decrease and the number of women will increase until there are 50 women to be looked after by one man.
* Islam will become worn out like clothes are, until no one will  know what fasting, prayer, charity and rituals are;
* Allah will send a disease to fornicators that will have no cure (Aids?);
* People will begin to believe in the stars and reject AL QADAR (THE DIVINE DECREE OF DESTINY);
* Men will pass by people's graves and say: 'Would that I were in his place'; (large amount of sucidal deaths?)
* The Euphrates will uncover a mountain of gold for which people will fight over (the river of Alfurat that lies near Syria);
* Two large groups of people will fight one another, and there will be many casualties; they will both be following the same religion World War II?);
  * Approximately 30 DAJJALS will appear, each one claiming to be the  messenger of ALLAH;
* Earthquakes will increase;
* Time will pass quickly;
* Afflictions will appear;
* Killing will increase;
  * Wealth will increase;
* Women will be wearing clothes but not wearing clothes


* When any gain is shared out only among the rich, with no benefit to the poor;
* When a trust becomes a means of making profit;
* When paying ZAKKAT becomes a burden;
* When voices are raised in the mosque;
* When the leader of a people is the worst of them; When people treat a man with respect because what he may do;
* When much wine is drunk; red wind or the earth swallow them, or to be transformed into animals.'

WINE IS DRUNK.'' THE GREATER SIGNS OF THE HOUR The Quran will disappear in one night, even from the people's hearts, and no Ayyah will be left on earth. (Some groups of old people will be left who will say: 'We heard of fathers' saying 'LAILLAHA ILLA ALLAH' so we repeat it);

* The appearance of the MAHDI;
* The appearance of the DAJJAL (Anti Christ);
* The appearance of Ya'juj and Ma'juj(biblical Gog and Magog);
* Isa (Jesus) will come during the time of Dajjal;
* The rising of the sun from the west;
* The destruction of the Ka'ba and the recovery of its treasures;
* The smoke.

Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2008, 05:36:30 PM »
Is there any source in the Quran or Hadith to back this up?
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Offline Sarah

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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 05:38:27 PM »
Another one titled Mathematics in the Quran.
Very interesting findings of

Dr. Tariq Al Swaidan

might  grasp your attention:

Dr.Tarig Al Swaidan discovered some verses in the Quran

That mention one thing is equal to another,

i.e. men are equal to women.

Although this makes sense grammatically,

the astonishing fact is that the number of

times the word man appears in

 the Holy Qur'an

is 24 and number of times the word
woman appears is also 24,

therefore not only is this phrase correct in

the grammatical sense but also true mathematically,

i.e. 24 = 24.

Upon further analysis of various verses,
he discovered that this is consistent throughout the whole

Holy Qur'an

where it says one thing is like another.
See below for astonishing result of


the words mentioned number of times in Arabic


Holy Qur'an

Dunia (one name for life) 115.


Aakhirat (one name for the life after this world) 115


Malaika (Angels) 88 . Shayteen (Satan) 88


Life 145 ...... Death 145


Benefit 50 . Corrupt 50


People 50 .. Messengers 50


Eblees (king of devils) 11 . Seek refuge from Eblees 11

Museebah (calamity) 75 . Thanks ! 75

Spending (Sadaqah) 73 . Satisfaction 73

People who are mislead 17 .D Dead people 17

Muslimeen 41 .J Jihad 41

Gold 8 .E Easy life 8

Magic 60 .F Fitnah (dissuasion, misleading) ! 60

Zakat (Taxes Muslims pay to the poor) 32 ....

Barakah (Increasing or blessings of wealth) 32

Mind 49 .N Noor 49

Tongue 25 .S Sermon 25

Desite 8 .F Fear 8

Speaking publicly 18 .P Publicising 18

Hardship 114 .... Patience 114

Muhammed Salallaho alaihi wasallam 4, Sharee'ah (Muhammed Salallaho alaihi wasallam's teachings) 4

Man 24 . Woman 24

And amazingly enough have a look how many times


the following words appear:

Salat 5 , Month 12 , Day 365,


Sea 32 , Land 13

Sea + land = 32+13= 45

Sea = 32/45*100q.= 71.11111111%

Land = 13/45*100 = 28.88888889%

Sea + land  100.00%

Modern science has only recently proven that the water covers

71.111% of the

earth, while the land covers 28.889%.

Is this a coincidence? Question is that

Who taught Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) all this?

Offline Sarah

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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2008, 05:39:41 PM »
Is there any source in the Quran or Hadith to back this up?

The maths one, i remember even searching up about the women and man thing ages ago, and it is correct. Each of the prophecies, come from Hadiths, none from the Quran except the ones about the Dajjal. I will try and find them if I can.


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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2008, 05:42:56 PM »
Those 'prophesies' are not specific but ambiguous. They can apply to any number of possible (and likely) future situations (as the writers well knew). Huxters and tricksters have used this tactic for centuries. Bogus 'Physicics' use a similar tactic today. It's called cold casting.

Offline christians4jews

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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2008, 07:39:25 PM »
Those 'prophesies' are not specific but ambiguous. They can apply to any number of possible (and likely) future situations (as the writers well knew). Huxters and tricksters have used this tactic for centuries. Bogus 'Physicics' use a similar tactic today. It's called cold casting.

could not back up one mate, go on faith freedom and they debunk every islamic claim ever, infsact i might go on there now and find the article debunmking islamic maths and prophesies in islam...

bare with me...


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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2008, 08:08:19 PM »
Those 'prophesies' are not specific but ambiguous. They can apply to any number of possible (and likely) future situations (as the writers well knew). Huxters and tricksters have used this tactic for centuries. Bogus 'Physicics' use a similar tactic today. It's called cold casting.

could not back up one mate, go on faith freedom and they debunk every islamic claim ever, infsact i might go on there now and find the article debunmking islamic maths and prophesies in islam...

bare with me...

Cheers! O0

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2008, 02:05:03 AM »
Things that Muhammad Prophecised:

This is nonsense.  Provide links to Ko-ran or drop this charade.  Muhammad mostly didn't prophesy anything real, and the things he did, didn't come true.

Offline christians4jews

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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2008, 09:33:01 AM »
Things that Muhammad Prophecised:

This is nonsense.  Provide links to Ko-ran or drop this charade.  Muhammad mostly didn't prophesy anything real, and the things he did, didn't come true.

shes lying to get attention

I asked at faith freedom forum about these so called prophesises, they debunk them with this article...

ill get some more when i have time....

Offline Sarah

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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2008, 02:42:41 PM »
I wasn't lying to get attention. I was posting them to show you, if they were real.

Offline christians4jews

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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2008, 05:13:18 PM »
I wasn't lying to get attention. I was posting them to show you, if they were real.

Is there any source in the Quran or Hadith to back this up?

The maths one, i remember even searching up about the women and man thing ages ago, and it is correct. Each of the prophecies, come from Hadiths, none from the Quran except the ones about the Dajjal. I will try and find them if I can.


Ill be honest i do not know how im on the "wannabe banned list" and you whos spouting islamic anti sematism is hyped to be some lovely person.....

Life baffles me sometimes....

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2008, 06:23:33 PM »
I wasn't lying to get attention. I was posting them to show you, if they were real.

Thank you for posting them Sarah.

Offline Sarah

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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2008, 02:37:35 PM »
I wasn't lying to get attention. I was posting them to show you, if they were real.

Is there any source in the Quran or Hadith to back this up?

The maths one, i remember even searching up about the women and man thing ages ago, and it is correct. Each of the prophecies, come from Hadiths, none from the Quran except the ones about the Dajjal. I will try and find them if I can.


Ill be honest i do not know how im on the "wannabe banned list" and you whos spouting islamic anti sematism is hyped to be some lovely person.....

Life baffles me sometimes....

Good i'm glad it baffles you because you're too confident and need to get real.

Offline Sarah

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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2008, 02:40:10 PM »
I wasn't lying to get attention. I was posting them to show you, if they were real.

Thank you for posting them Sarah.
Thanks, it was a bit pointless but heck, emails like this go around the world as forwards and some people get really convinced by them.

Offline q_q_

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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2008, 03:14:21 PM »
They are all garbage..

Regarding the mathematical hoaxes.. It is like the scientific ones

The scientific ones have been more publicised by muslim propagandists, and thus have been dealt with more though.  Including the scientific mistakes mohammed copied from the greeks.

They produce 1001 things, so if 3 are proven wrong, they list 100 others.

For example, the claim you mentioned that the word day appears 365 times, is a hoax. It takes time to examine it though.
It actually appears over 400 times.

You cannot test these things properly unless you know arabic to a reasonable level. This is why western audiences believe it. And muslims that know it is a fraud do not publicise that it is, because they want peopel to be brought to islam - even for the wrong reasons is fine. They don`t want people turned away.

Regarding the so-called prophecies..
The one about israel is from the bible

Mark out the ones that have not been fulfilled.

Alot of them just predict more bad - war and killing and honouring of wealth.  The truth is that the world is alot better than it was in mohammed`s time..   (remember, mohammed raided caravans for wealth!!, and married a rich middle aged woman!). But in every age people think things have gotten worse than it used to be. And anyhow, it is a 50/50 and quite subjective. So this is not much of a prediction.  And you can say it will be really bad. But relative to what?  To 20 years ago, to mohammed`s time, e.t.c. You can fix it so it reads true.

I had a muslim friend who used to wonder about the prophecy that men will have tails. What it meant.. In retrospect, it was obviously taken from the idea that things will get worse. And christians view the devil as having a tail.. Another islammic prophecy that will remain unfulfilled.

They predict things getting worse, to scare people into becoming muslim.. Because times are always bad.  The muslim friend I had was convinced the end of days were coming within the next few years. 5 years for sure! Because things were bad. I placed a bet with him that it won`t even occur in 10 years.  But since I cut off contact, I won`t collect!  He actually became religious because he was having vivid nightmares of armegeddon.   He did since go less religious as time went on! I have no idea where he is now.

Offline Sarah

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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2008, 03:44:28 PM »
What is armegeddon?

A lot of the maths stuff is made up, the teachers used to tell us that if we looked at the lines on our palms, the left one has the number 81 in arabic and the right, 18, when added together they equal 99....which is meant to be the 99 names of Allah. ;D

Offline q_q_

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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2008, 04:42:42 PM »
The phrase may have a proper meaning from christianity.

But I just mean it as in end of days, final war, scorched earth, kind of thing.
That all hell will break lose on earth and only G-d can save you. So muslims turn to islam in fear.

They used to tell me all sorts of stories.. Going into detail.. I never listened much, it was quite amusing though. They thought Gog and Magog- 2 giants, would come from another realm.. And  they are fighting to come out. And there will be these little ant like things that will attack them, and jesus will come and fight Gog and Magog.  And he said some other very strange things I have not confirmed anywhere else on the internet.  When muslims see you do not laugh at them, and you take them seriously, they let you in on the next ridiculous thing they believe, and so on and so on.  Just ask them what will happen in te end of days. You`ll get some great stories.

Infact. Gog and Maggog are not 2 giants.  It is Gog OF Maggog. Gog is a person in the bible, who comes from the land of Maggog - leading the nation of Maggog.   Gog is a bad leader, and Maggog a bad nation.  It is a prophecy.  They are not necessarily called Gog and Maggog .  Some leader will take on the spiritual role of Gog, and a nation or society the role of Maggog.    Maybe mohammed found that too boring, so he made them 2 giants in another dimension.

btw, i just noticed you subconsciously fell for the mathematical hoaxes. I said they list 1000.. to create a smokescreen.
And you just said "alot of it" is made up!!!!

They make enough that nobody is going to examine all of them.. 

You have been warned! So you have no excuses to fall for that trick!

If they were honest they would remove the ones already proven wrong, and take a few seriously and publish them and only them.  And say here are the 5 or 6 best ones, and then debate.  Answering Islam have produced endless material dealing with their endless claims. But they still produce 10 for every one that is refuted.

There have been some audio debates where they are forced to list say 5 or 6, and the muslim loses.

dennis giron vs nadir ahmed  (bringing up scientific "proofs") <-- on nadir ahmed`s side. Anybody with a brain can see the winner!

sam shamoun vs osama abdallah (generally, bringing up things) <-- on the abrahamic faith site. Osama Abdallah is embarassed about that one.
sam shamoun is an anti-semite btw. I heard him on paltalk

osama abdallah is the muslim that runs answering-christianity. A great example of a smokescreen site. HE boasts of the number of refutations he produces. And he links to loads of them at the end of his articles!
« Last Edit: January 30, 2008, 04:51:58 PM by q_q_ »

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Emails I received regarding Muhammed and the Quran.
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2008, 06:39:37 PM »
I wasn't lying to get attention. I was posting them to show you, if they were real.

Thank you for posting them Sarah.
Thanks, it was a bit pointless but heck, emails like this go around the world as forwards and some people get really convinced by them.

Nothing is ever pointless, just because we can't see the meaning at the time, in the future no doubt will become clear. I have learnt to wait and see, and yes its amazing what is shown.