This is not an easy question for me, because I know what Husar really means.
But I sometimes hate and generally despise the wasp majority of Germans of today.
They oppose real freedom, because in Germany the socialists have a structural majority.
The personal-freedom is cut more and more.
They pressure the kids to immoral behaviour in daytime schools. They promote homosexuality in schools.
They take away up to 45 percent from your income directly and planning to arise it.
You have to pay a special tax, if you own a Computer, Radio or TV, which is given to the public-media-agencies, who promote leftwing propaganda.
If you try to do homeschooling, they take the children away from your family and put them in special children's home's for reeducation.
Social care is increasing more and more. Hartz IV was no real reform, because the Social Care Creatures got more mony than before.
The worst thing is in my oppinion, that they use the Holocaust against the Jews. They try to spead the lie, that the Muslimes are the new Jews of today.
Everytime there is trouble with Islam, they link todays Muslimes to the Holocaust in order to silence the protests.
I have written about this issues in the Save Europe sections with sources.
Yes I hate sometimes
