I translate first the linked page. I hope the translation is comprehensible. I tried to do it verbal

Salomons Homepage: G-d piglet
>> Dawkins for Kids: the most impudent children's book of all times<<
Humanistic press agency

Michael Schmidt Salomon/Helge Nyncke
How can I reach G-d? the small piglet asked.
A book for all, who don't want to be fooled
Bound, constantly colored illustrates
36 sides, 12 euro, ISBN: 3865690300
(Alibri publishing house, Aschaffenburg)
order the book book with
www.denkladen.de or with Amazon
The small piglet and the small hedgehog had always believed, that
they could not at all be better.
But then they discovered a poster, on which was written:
"who does not know G-d, is missing something!" Thus they made
themselve on the way, to find G-d...
A heath-fun for large and small.
For all, who don't let themselve be fooled.

First Aid set for annoyed parents (hpd on-line, August 2007)
"It is not only funny, charming and clever, the book illustrated affectionately by Helge Nyncke is (...) the most impudent children's book of all times! Because such a thing did not existed so far yet: A picture book, which brings the religion criticism openly into the children's rooms, which (religious) already expose Judaism, Christianity and Islam for basic pupils understandably as illusion systems! ...) If Dawkins broke the taboo to call religions openly illusion systems then Schmidt Salomon and Nyncke break the probably still larger taboo that one may withhold such disillusioning realizations from children nevertheless (...)
The publishing house promises a "heath-fun for large and small" on the flap text of the book. And actually children, but also many adults will not only enjoy the reading of the adventures of the small piglet, because with more exact view this "children's book" is also a "subversive adult Comic".
Schmidt Salomon sees as further range of application for the book still another, that is a "first aid set for annoyed parents": Please imagine your child comes one day back from school and reports oddities about the Jesus-child and the dear G-d, who watches us. What should parents without a confession do in this embaressing situation? My hint: Pull the piglet book from the shelf and read it together with the children!
From my own experience I know: That helps outstanding! (...) We had have really large fun with the production of this impudent booklet and I think, the most readers and readers [Here are meant woman-readers - I really not know how to translate it

] will have fun while reading likewise.
Source: hpd online.de
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" and the moral of the story '
Who does not know G-d, does not need him!The authorMichael Schmidt Salomon, Dr. phil., born 1967, is among other things active as executive committee speakers of the Giordano Bruno donation, free lance writer, philosopher and musician. In the Alibri publishing house already the books appeared by him: Realization from commitment (1999); Stollbergs inferno (philosophical novel, 2003), manifesto of the evolutionary humanism. (2005, 2006); enlightenment is annoyance... Karl Heinz Deschner: Life - work - effect (publisher together with Hermann Gieselbusch, 2006); The church in the head. From "oh Herrje!" to "to the devil!" (together with Carsten Frerk, 2007). Michael Schmidt Salomon lives with his "postfamiliary family" "(2 biological + 3 social children + 3 further adults) in the front Eifel. Further information:
www.schmidt salomon.de/
The illustratorHelge Nyncke, class 1956, is a studied diploma designer, Illustrator and author. He has written, illustrated and invented innumerable school -, specialized- and picture books, plays and trickfilme for children, in addition, critical essays, film scripts, cabaret-like and free texts for adults writes. Besides it found also still time to sketch art objects or adorn child- hospitals. The quadruple father and multiple idea creators live and work in Muehlheim on the Main.
"They don't fooled the piglet: It has laughed at all of them... "