Author Topic: Letter to me from a typical American Jewish kid  (Read 2846 times)

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Offline habiru

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Letter to me from a typical American Jewish kid
« on: December 06, 2006, 02:46:50 PM »
Excuse me, where did you get this "African-Americans are anti-jew" [censored]? just because Farakhan(sp) and Malcom X said some things about jews, does not mean they represent the entire African-American race or what they believe in. That is like saying just because Mel Gibson said Jews were to blame for everything and that he is anti-semitic, then every non-Jewish Caucasion person is anti-semitic as well. No, it only means that Mel Gibson is anti-semitic. Not everyone else who is of the same ethnic background as he. JUST MEL GIBSON.

I highly recommend that you see The Hebrew Hammer
and One night with the king so it can show you just who really is anti-semitic. It's not African-Americans, it's the non-Jewish caucasion people that are anti-semitic,they are showing who are trying to destroy the Jews. The only reason people like Farakhan and Malcom X spoke against Jews is that they were Muslim. Hence the same religion most middle easterners are under who really ARE anti-semitic.

And even then, you can't just judge an entire middle eastern race for the few middle eastern leaders who are anti-semitic. There are always going to be someone from some race that are anti-semitic,anti-asian,anti-black,anti-middle eastern,and anti-mexican etc. But you can't say that just because one Asian person comes out and says he does not like Jews that all Asians think the same way. That is close minded and immature. And VERY IGNORANT and only spreads more of what us Jews went through during 1939-45.

You obviously should go back in time and relive the Haulocast so it can remind you of who really is anti-semitic, and who really is against you.

Was it African-Americans who were throwing you in gas chambers and making you work like you were nothing? NO!. Was it African-Americans who slottered 8 million jews like animals? NO!. Was it African-Americans that wanted to wipe out the entire jewish race? NO! Was it African-Americans who made you wear that Jewish star on your arm, so everytime you walk down the street, they can remind theirselves to beat you like you were nothing on your way home from work? or to be sure to stop by your house later so they can throw your old 90 yr. old grandfather who can't walk,out of the window just because he can't stand when they tell him to.? NO! Was it African-Americans that starved you to death, and laughed in your face the whole time? and lied to you about the americans trying to save you? NO! Was it African-Americans who shot you on spot because you were a Jew? NO! was it African-Americans that hunted you and your entire family down and hated your very existence so much, that they would burst into peoples houses to make sure they were no jews hiding.? NO! was it African-Americans who had the entire Jewish race in fear of their very existence? NO! Was it African-Americans that branded you a jew just because they'd picked out your distinctive features of having Big noses and raven hair?NO! was it African-Americans that would everynight take a crowd of people from your neighborhood and line them up and shoot them like cattle? NO! Was it African-Americans that wanted to anialate
the Jewish race all because they felt you took all of the jobs and made more money then them? NO!

African-Americans haven't done [censored] to us Jews. Just because a couple of African-Americans(Farakahn/Malcom X) said a couple of things about jews does not mean every African-American is the same way. Your a real [censored] if you continue to think that. For instance, i had several teachers who were anti-semitic, and every last one of them were non-Jewish caucasion peoples. The few African-American teachers i had were all nice and weren't acting funny like the non-Jewish Caucasion ones. So don't even try to brand African-Americans as Anti-Semtics because that is total [censored] if you think that. Not to mention, one of my non-Jewish caucasion teachers told me that Christmas is the death of Christ,not the birth. I bet you there are far more African-Americans fighting to save Israel in the middle east then there are Anti-Semitic Caucasions/African American ones

Offline Hail Columbia

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Re: Letter to me from a typical American Jewish kid
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2006, 06:50:52 PM »
The schvartzas didn't throw the Jews into the gas chambers, but they sure as hell agreed with it.

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Did our fathers build of old;
Strengthen then, O Lord, their children
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That the heritage they gave us
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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Letter to me from a typical American Jewish kid
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2006, 07:40:59 PM »
Hail Columbia writes:  "The schvartzas didn't throw the Jews into the gas chambers, but they sure as hell agreed with it..."

With all due respect to you, fellow JTF member, I do not remember the Negro population in the U.S. being anything except extremely patriotic towards the American war effort.

Nor do I recall any truly measurable degree of Jew-hatred from American Negroes until long after the events of the Holocaust.
I believe that perhaps you are assuming today's highly vocal Negro Jew-hatred has been long standing, when in fact it is a relatively new phenomenon which took hold in the 1960's with the "Black Power" movement and Farrakhan's cult being embraced as "mainstream" by every mental case in the U.S.A. . 

Offline cjd

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Re: Letter to me from a typical American Jewish kid
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2006, 08:27:11 PM »
Hail Columbia writes:  "The schvartzas didn't throw the Jews into the gas chambers, but they sure as hell agreed with it..."

With all due respect to you, fellow JTF member, I do not remember the Negro population in the U.S. being anything except extremely patriotic towards the American war effort.

Nor do I recall any truly measurable degree of Jew-hatred from American Negroes until long after the events of the Holocaust.
I believe that perhaps you are assuming today's highly vocal Negro Jew-hatred has been long standing, when in fact it is a relatively new phenomenon which took hold in the 1960's with the "Black Power" movement and Farrakhan's cult being embraced as "mainstream" by every mental case in the U.S.A. . 
The schvartzas could not care less about the United States or the Jews during the time period of WW2. Don't believe the revisionist history that the leftest liberals have been foisting on the people the past few years about all the great contributions blacks made in WW2. As a person who is old enough to know better and who had a parent that fought the Germans in Patons army I have to say the black contribution to WW2 is marginal at best. My father claims he saw very few blacks in any combat positions during his time in Europe. As far as blacks being patriotic they should have well been after America was viciously attacked by the Nips. If they had any brains they should figure out that Hitler would not have much use if them if America lost the war so that should have motovated them quite nicely. Blacks were much the same as they are today in the late 40s and 50s lets not romantisice on how much better they were before Farrakhan or M.L.K because that just was not the case. Don't drink the revisionist Kool Aid!
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Offline fjack

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Re: Letter to me from a typical American Jewish kid
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2006, 05:40:17 PM »
This Jewish kid is; either lost, has been indoctrinated by liberal teachers and tv, a mental incompetent, or a little worm that wants to hide in the ground. This child is the problem. I would not be surprised if his 'teachers' showed his class the film' the liberators'. If you guys remember this was a 'documentary' that was aired at the 'apollo theatre' under the david dinkens reign of terror. In this 'film' it was put forth that it was darkies that free the death camps. The day after it was shown, scholars proved that the film was a pack of lies. It is the same story of the Tuskegge air men, much ado about nothing. Records are starting to surface that all the 'astonishing records' are bull. In the future I can see this 'jewish boy' introducing his black girlfried at a Sedar to his relatives. His parents, also stupid self haters, will welcome this nappy haired nitwit into their home and share with her the 'inclusion' that liberalism offers. It is so sad that society has sunk so low as to allow the truth not to be heard. I think that we are in a battle that has already been lost.

Offline Alex

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Re: Letter to me from a typical American Jewish kid
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2006, 10:58:31 PM »
You heard the kid! We have to see the Hebrew Hammer!

Offline petre

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Re: Letter to me from a typical American Jewish kid
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2006, 12:47:43 AM »
The kid has a point. What should Jews have against Spanish or Chinese? Also, only black "leaders" are bigoted. I know personally blacks who are very pro-Jewish. In truth, it is best if JTF opens up its site to some dark skinned people if it wants to take off.

Offline habiru

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Re: Letter to me from a typical American Jewish kid
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2006, 12:29:36 PM »
The kid has a point. What should Jews have against Spanish or Chinese? Also, only black "leaders" are bigoted. I know personally blacks who are very pro-Jewish. In truth, it is best if JTF opens up its site to some dark skinned people if it wants to take off.


Where do you get that JTF is anti Spanish or anti-Chinese?  Chaim has made it clear he has nothing against hard working americans of Hispanic origin who came to this country in the past LEGALLY (such as the Cubans in Miami etc.) And when did he ever say anything anti-Chinese?