Author Topic: We are proud of such patriotic muslims  (Read 962 times)

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Offline ASHISH

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We are proud of such patriotic muslims
« on: February 03, 2008, 03:25:08 AM »
This is slap in the face of all the leftist dhimmi people who are inviting more and more muslims in kufr land and say that  a muslim can be an american he can be patriotic to his country.Note these are the views of muslims living in the west

lala writes  "but really you shouldnt be patriotic of any country, afterall land is for all humans, and the fact that human wars, well most of them start of with land rivalry well."

lambo frm newyork writes "In Islam, there is no such as man-made borders. So no, muslims should not be "proud to American" or "proud to be Pakistani"."

another pig writes  ""I'm a Muslim born in America. However, I'm wondering if I should be patriotic of America. I see people like CAIR telling me to be patriotic and everything, but I'm sickened to see how the government treats Muslims and how many of the citizens think of Islam. Also, we're not supposed to follow the nonMuslim.

So, my question is whether or not I should be patriotic of the country that has thousands killed in the Middle East, and imprisons-tortures-and kills innocent Muslims. Not to mention constantly making Islam seem like the enemy of America.

As a Muslim in America, should I be patriotic of America?"

« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 03:29:53 AM by ASHISH »

Offline ASHISH

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Offline ASHISH

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Re: We are proud of such patriotic muslims
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2008, 03:28:44 AM »
Is there any shortage of talented chinese,indians,jews that west still prefers muslims over them >:(


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Re: We are proud of such patriotic muslims
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2008, 03:29:52 AM »
Leftist, dhimmi, muSSlim-apologist, multicultural bone-heads couldn't see the truth if it bit them on the @ss!