Author Topic: Poor eye sight and remedies (ALSO SHOULD WE TAKE BETTER CARE OF EYESIGHT)  (Read 3528 times)

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I have -4 prescription in one eye and -6 in the other eye. For all intensive purposes I can't see much without my glasses. Obviously it is a physical ailment that you are dependent on your glasses as I am.
You are also more likely to have a detached retina from near sidedness because of the increase pressure in the eye as it is not a natural condition.
I do think it is partly genetic but there certainly is an environmental componenet of poor nutrition plus Jews spending long times indoors and not getting sunlight and reading without taking a break. They have done studies of certain cultures that became industrialized and the children spent more time indoors and that the next generation a large number became near sighted while that wasn't the case in the generation before in which a small percentage was near sided. I'm not against reading obviously. Just reading to an extreme without proper nutrition and some sunlight and outdoor activity your eyes lose the ability to focus at a distance. This is more so, again, with poor nutrition that makes it hard for the eye to readjust. Many eye doctors (although not all) don't give any tips to help prevent nearsidedness as unfortunately they get money from people needing glasses. It costs me $300 for a pair of glasses to have the lens not look as thick as it is being -6 one eye.

Anyway, they came out with a study that now says that if you are going to wear contact lenses long term there is just as much risk as getting LASIK as your eyes can get an infection from contacts although it is 1 in a 100 if you wear it over 20 years and they have to take your eye out because of the infection. There are risks in LASIK too although the technology gets better every day. I tried contacts about 8 month ago but never got used to them and have worn glasses since it was 9 and as as I said, now, my eye sight is very bad and glasses give you tunnel vision. Are their other people on this board who have bad eyesight and do you agree that in general we should take better care of our eyes. Has anyone here done LASIK?