Soon that will be the ONLY currency that children in public schools will be able to use to buy their stale fish stick lunches. When the children approach the cafeteria cash register with their "old money" featuring the distinguished faces of past and honorable Presidents, the lunch lady at the register will make a grim and threatening face and proceed to blow a whistle, summing the security guards to take those children off to a dark and dank room in the bowels of the school's basement, where they will be severely interrogated, whipped and asked why their parents DARE to still give them the "old" currency that doesn't have the face of the our "New World Leader" Obama!!-- Then the children will be slowly and painfully re-programmed to only use the coin that features the face of "Obama"--- Think it can't happen in our public school system?!?--- Think again!-- It CAN happen and it WILL HAPPEN if we don't all work together vehemently to keep this most "questionable" of presidential candidates out of the White House...