The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Is there a point?

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She does'nt live in london she lives in the u .s of a

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No, she told me she lives in England.


--- Quote from: sarah.... on December 07, 2006, 05:27:24 PM ---I do live in england and those people are extremely ignorant.....why do they represent muslims like that....seriously i do not understand how a person could be so stupid? i don't even understand STUPIDITY?

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You should, they are your brethren standing there in downtown London shouting "BOMB BOMB UK"....  I'm sure there were many Muslims walking idly by in total silence.  Silence is agreement in our culture.  Again...  I'd have driving right through the lot of those Allah worshipping vampires of death.  They are lower than harrah in my books.  I am shocked that the police didn't round them up and send them back to the sands of Yemen.  Bastards.


--- Quote from: sarah.... on December 07, 2006, 05:41:24 PM ---Your point allows me to easily say they are not my brethren.....i don't consider them as muslims, just very idiotic low life beings...

I won't keep silent youre right....instead i will pray for G-d to guide them and try to stop them abusing a country which has supported them and allowed them to live a better life then their predecessors(cant spell)....

If you were to drive through would have been doing something worse..they are shouting abuse through words whereas you would be physically harming them...

I just think there is no need to get involved in evil.....yes maybe thats wrong but sometimes thats how it day they will be the cause of the wipe out of the entire muslim nation....they should be stopped some way...yes.

I don't know why but i have a nasty feeling that another attack might take place in the west......this is what the extremists do they win by managing to create fear in peoples hearts, but i don't see how that will BLOODY win their cause...THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE A CORRECT CAUSE...JUST AN EVIL WAY OF DESTROYING THE WORLD....why are a lot of muslims so ignorant and dumb!!!???!!??

i'm pissed lol :)

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You are right that is ISLAM!  I would never be as low as they are.  As a matter of fact they are YOUR co-religionists.  If one advocates bombings, people usually die in bombings therefore they advocate murder of British, French, German, Dutch etc. civilians.  Allow me to enlighten you to Jewish morality which teaches that we dare not turn the other cheek before a cruel aggressor, that if one comes to murder, he must be killed first.  Jewish logic teaches us: "Those who are kind to the cruel, in the end will be cruel to the kind." - Qohelet Raba, 7:16 (Babylonian Talmud) 

These vampires are both advocating murder and are cruel.  By your logic you are being kind to the cruel, by my logic they should be eliminated!


--- Quote from: sarah.... on December 08, 2006, 04:43:10 PM ---I did not say that is ISLAM....i said that is what the ignorant muslims are like...

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In my opinion after reading the Quraan, those Muslims are more closely following the teachings and deeds of Mohammed.  Not the "peaceful" ones... 


--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on November 26, 2006, 06:36:08 PM ---For everyone's information, this Sarah is a white Anglo-Saxon whose family converted to Islam.

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wow thats disgusting =/


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