I don't agree with u cetnik that it's Serbia vs the World to be honest. People in USA have no idea where is Serbia not to mention Kosovo. There was a public analysis in USA on some local TV station to check how well informed are they about many different issues and among others, one question was something like this :
"Do you think USA should use military force against Sweden if the previous embargo don't give results?!"
Results were 40% for yes, 40% for no and the rest haven't give answer

It was long time a go so I could be wrong but it was something like that, hehe.
Anyway, people are uninformed and there is a good chance if they get some information, they will get the one that is actually false. Our nation is being demonised for to long and unfortunately citizens from the rest of the world

are not so interested in politics like it is the case among Serbia citizens. Give it a shot and ask some student from Serbia about any political problem in the world and "bingo" you'll get the answer in a blink. Hearing the truth nowdays is a miracle especially in countries that comits such crimes like this possible independence. We'll get through this problem of Kosovo sooner or later, we got the aces in our hands and wheather the dealer see them cheating or not, nothing can beat the aces

''Ja ne odlucujem da li cu ici u boj po tome kolika je sila koja mi prijeti, vec po tome
kolika je svetinja koju branim!!!"
Someone please translate this sentence after, I don't wanna make mistake cause it's kind of important to be precise

I found few foreign but nice sentences on petition site:

# 81,896: Feb 9, 2008, Anonymous , Spain
Ya esta bién de las injusticias, un pais debe de decidir por si mismo y que no decidan los
organismos internacionales, Kosovo debe de ser Serbio un saludo a todos.
# 81804:Feb 9, 2008, Stan Marconi, New York
Serbia and Kosovo "together as one" in EU and problem solved. Not another muslim state in
the world. Crime, people smuggling and drugs...thats going to be a major export of
independent kosovo economy. Help Serbia as a forefront of Europe and Christianity in
that part of the world!!!
# 81817:Feb 9, 2008, Ila Wiklund, Texas
Kosovo Albanians should not be allowed to take Serbian lands nor should they be given the
right to have two countries! They have a country next door to Serbia - it is called ALBANIA.
Kosovo Albanians who do not like living in Serbia - should go home!
# 81,951: Feb 9, 2008, George Blackman , New York
Muslim appeasement at the cost of a Christian holy lands has to stop! Lets not repeat the
mistakes of Afghanistan where the muslims we support, return as our greatest enemies.
Thaci and company should be tried for terrorism and war crimes. Not to long ago they were
on our very own state departments list of terrorist organizations and considered a threat
to this country. Today we greet them as diplomats. Unbelievable. Where is the justice.
Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia. Lets not violate the UN charter and the foundation
of international law in the name of muslim appeasement. It also would set a very dangerous
precedent for the entire world, including our very own nation.
There are many, check the site from time to time