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Ask Scriabin

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Can you tell us who is the guy in your Avatar and why he means so much to you?

Thanks. I like this show.


--- Quote from: Scriabin on February 13, 2008, 01:59:43 PM ---
--- Quote from: Sarah on February 13, 2008, 12:42:37 PM ---Yes, I need advice please.

I have to hand in 2 courseworks by tomorrow, each around 1000 words and I don't know what to do. At the same time I have to had in an ICT project in on Friday and I have at least another 10 hours of it left to go. Any idea how I should methodically complete everything, or most of the stuff. I can't think, my head is clogged up.

I know that, that is pathetic but I really don't know what to do. I always miss deadlines.

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Rubystars is right.  We all need to be able to tell ourselves, "No more internet today.  I have work to do."

Sounds like you're a procrastinator.  So am I.  The best thing you can do at this point is to try and calm down.  Stop thinking so much.  Instead, focus on your breathing.  Take long, slow deep breaths and breathe into your belly.  Your belly should expand and contract as you breathe.  One thing to remember is never hold your breath.

There's only so much that can be done at the last minute.  Don't waste your time with frantic over-thinking.  Correct your thinking and breathing and you'll have good results.

--- End quote ---

OK. Thank you, anyway it isn't the end of the world if i don't finish.

--- Quote ---Get off the computer and write.
--- End quote ---
I have to type it and need the internet for research, I have to resist getting distracted, after this i vow not to come back on. :)
I multi-task.


--- Quote from: lubab on February 13, 2008, 02:10:03 PM ---Can you tell us who is the guy in your Avatar and why he means so much to you?

Thanks. I like this show.

--- End quote ---

That is Alexander Scriabin.  

I am a musical fanatic and a musical snob.  I hate junk music.  I love the Beatles, but let's face it, they aren't worthy of shining Beethoven's shoes.  

Scriabin is dear to me because his music is so unique and because he was such a fascinating character.  An oscar-winning movie could be made about his life.  The soundtrack is already finished.  I venture to say that Scriabin was the most original and the most imaginative musician who ever lived.  

His compositions are consistently of the finest quality.  His calligraphy was perfect.  He wore the finest clothes wherever he went, etc.  

Now, was he a saint?  No.
He was an adulterer, a blasphemer and a bad father.  Still, my musical passions are such that I cannot help how I feel when I listen to his music.

I guess that I call myself 'Scriabin' because I want to promote his music.  I think that he was a great composer that deserves to be heard.

Thanks for your question, Lubab.

Dr. Dan:
are you jewish? What's yoru nationality?


--- Quote from: Dr. Dan on February 13, 2008, 02:28:12 PM ---are you jewish? What's yoru nationality?

--- End quote ---

No.  I consider myself B'nai Noah. 



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