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Ask Scriabin

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--- Quote from: DownwithIslam on February 15, 2008, 12:28:36 AM ---Scriabin, I was wondering what you think of Howard Stern? I think that although he is perverted, he sticks up for Israel continously. He even said that "Jesse Jackson should be pummeled for meeting Arafat." He said that Israel is a wonderful country. If you listened to his 9/11 show, he said what the muzzies do to Israel is the most disgusting thing. Now again, I know he is vile but I don't believe he is as bad as other self hating jews. Also, he is against the Iraq war as we are and he always talks about supporting the troops. What do you think?

--- End quote ---

My feelings about Stern are not simple.  I think that, in his heart he know's we're right. 

I also think that he's listened to Chaim on many occasions (like many influencial people).

What I don't like about him are the sex references.  I'd be a fan if he weren't a porn peddler.  The fart jokes are no big deal. 

I love Jacky the Jokeman.

Thanks for your question, DWI.

Thanks for the response.

come on guys, don't be nasty to dear Scriabin! For goodness sake! And don't hijack his thread!

This attack on Scriabin and hijacking is unaccptable and childish!


--- Quote from: Boeregeneraal on February 15, 2008, 08:43:41 AM ---come on guys, don't be nasty to dear Scriabin! For goodness sake! And don't hijack his thread!

This attack on Scriabin and hijacking is unaccptable and childish!

--- End quote ---

Thank you, Boere.


--- Quote from: Boeregeneraal on February 15, 2008, 08:43:41 AM ---come on guys, don't be nasty to dear Scriabin! For goodness sake! And don't hijack his thread!

This attack on Scriabin and hijacking is unaccptable and childish!

--- End quote ---

Its not only childish - its foolish. Scribian is a man who has been blessed with great knowledge and strength. His wisdom needs to be explored and used in an assertive way.


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