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How do you control your anger?  This is something that I could work on.


Tina Greco - Melbourne:
Dear Lubab

Tell me why when men get a cold, they think they are dying?


I read about some of the unsavory things required of female (Jewish) Mossad agents.

Is a Jewess breaking a mitzvah if she sleeps with a man to get information vital to save Jewish lives or to compromise an enemy of the Jewish State?


--- Quote from: Scriabin on February 13, 2008, 11:33:17 PM ---Lubab,

How do you control your anger?  This is something that I could work on.


--- End quote ---

Great question. I also have this problem sometimes. The Kabbalists were EXTREMELY against any trace of the negative kind of anger.

Anger is basically saying: I know better than G-d.
It's basically saying the way I think things should go is better than the way G-d thinks things should go.

So one of the things that helps is to look for Divine Providence in everything that happens. Look for the lessons to be learned from each situation.  When you get angry, realize that this must mean you just don't yet understand the lesson G-d is trying to teach me here. Seize that opportunity and try to raise yourself to a higher more healthy perspective of the situation and go from there.

Sometimes, however, anger is justified, but it needs to be a righteous anger. Anger directed towards making this world a better place. And that means CONTROLLED anger. "Anger" really isn't even a good word for this kind of thing.

It's more like a strong drive to make things better and overcome obstacles to do so.

Sometimes, when you get good at this controlled anger business, you can show anger on the outside to serve your purpose, and on the inside not be angry at all. This is the way a parent or teacher is supposed to discipline. Really they are not angry, they are just wearing that mask to serve their purpose.

And that really is the cure to anger. Always stay focused on your purpoase in this world, in this day, in this situation and you'll always find a way to use your emotions in the right proportion to meet that goal.

Thanks for the great question. Kol Hakavod (all the honor) for being the first question.


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