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That's true enough....

Women can smell desperation like dogs can smell fear and bees can smell honey.

- You're the boss in any relationship you want to engage in...and never forget.. from my (limited) experince, if you are kind and generous, not too heavy and "pace" the dating you'll be fine.- Be yourself if you want a long term relationship... If your not in it for that, tell her everything she wants to hear.

-Remember this, in that kind of quick relationship situation it's not just you who wants the same thing. :laugh:

Tina Greco - Melbourne:

--- Quote from: Vito on March 10, 2008, 11:08:37 PM ---Dr Evil grin??  :::D

I don't try to impress them, and girls here do not approach guys, that's a 1 in a million. IF looks really help, they're not helping me. But from what I see all the time, looks DO NOT matter.

I've been told by numerous people that know me that I don't show the girl that I want her... and when I try to do that, I give the impression that I'm desperate. Then when I'm too relaxed with them, it's only friendly. 

(banging my head against the wall!!)

--- End quote ---

Well having  lump on your head from banging it, will not help you in the looks department.

Look sunshine you have no problem on here talking to women. Very woman here will agree you are a  sweetie.

You need to relax, Stop the trying so hard. I bet you are so shy or invading their personal space.

Now body language, don't stand full on to the girl you are an impressive man, turn alittle to the side its more friendly. Relax your shoulders have you hands down.

Golden rule personal space. Everyone has a personal space, normally its a 3 foot circle around them. You stand more that 3 foot away you are going to look disinterested. within the 3 foot if you stand about a 1 and 1/2 away it gives the impression that you want to be close, but not over powering. Any closer you become a stalker. This allows the girl to chose to move closer to you or away from you.

Its just logic stand closer to people we like, move away from people we don't like.

If she shows she doesn't want your attention then back off.

There is no such thing as I will make them want me. ::) ::)

If you are friendly, polite I don't see the problem. You are in NEW YORK, Millions of People.

Theres a saying make a woman laugh and you are half way there. Just think about then when chatting to girls.

Tina Greco - Melbourne:

--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on March 10, 2008, 11:24:30 PM ---If you want to find love, don't look for it.

Sounds silly, but it's true.

--- End quote ---

Yes thats right  O0

Tina Greco - Melbourne:

--- Quote from: dibblah on March 10, 2008, 11:33:22 PM ---
Women can smell desperation like dogs can smell fear and bees can smell honey.

--- End quote ---

lol so true  :::D :::D And no amount of aftershave can cover it.

Just to note the more desperate the man, the more he uses  :D


--- Quote from: Skippy on March 10, 2008, 11:34:45 PM ---
--- Quote from: Vito on March 10, 2008, 11:08:37 PM ---Dr Evil grin??  :::D

I don't try to impress them, and girls here do not approach guys, that's a 1 in a million. IF looks really help, they're not helping me. But from what I see all the time, looks DO NOT matter.

I've been told by numerous people that know me that I don't show the girl that I want her... and when I try to do that, I give the impression that I'm desperate. Then when I'm too relaxed with them, it's only friendly. 

(banging my head against the wall!!)

--- End quote ---

Well having  lump on your head from banging it, will not help you in the looks department.

Look sunshine you have no problem on here talking to women. Very woman here will agree you are a  sweetie.

You need to relax, Stop the trying so hard. I bet you are so shy or invading their personal space.

Now body language, don't stand full on to the girl you are an impressive man, turn alittle to the side its more friendly. Relax your shoulders have you hands down.

Golden rule personal space. Everyone has a personal space, normally its a 3 foot circle around them. You stand more that 3 foot away you are going to look disinterested. within the 3 foot if you stand about a 1 and 1/2 away it gives the impression that you want to be close, but not over powering. Any closer you become a stalker. This allows the girl to chose to move closer to you or away from you.

Its just logic stand closer to people we like, move away from people we don't like.

If she shows she doesn't want your attention then back off.

There is no such thing as I will make them want me. ::) ::)

If you are friendly, polite I don't see the problem. You are in NEW YORK, Millions of People.

Theres a saying make a woman laugh and you are half way there. Just think about then when chatting to girls.

--- End quote ---

Well I can talk to women on here easily, we're just friendly. Approaching a girl my age in person, with a more than friendly intention is very difficult to do.

When I do build the guts to approach a girl, smile and say "hi".. it's a simple hi back, name exchange.. and then it's an interview. I ask all the questions, she doesn't ask me anything. I try to show I'm relaxed but that's never the case. I would love to blame it on the girls, but nice guys do have girlfriends, and it can't be EVERY girl that I meet is an idiot..


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