Dear Skippy,
If you could change something about men and relationships what would it be?
Removal of the pussifaction of the white western males. That being Metro Sexual's or S.N.A.G's.
Sensitive New Age Guys.

and then you have the caveman......
Men have lost the ability to be men.
Real men are strong yet not abusive to women, they respect and honor the female. Currently that is not the case.
We are getting over run with the male caveman that believes they are G-ds gift, and women that are scum, or only use for women is on their backs.
Which means alot of these women are becoming weakened to the advances of Islam.
People ask why would a woman have a muslim male. Well because Muslim men shower women with gifts, are romantic, treat them like goddesses, yes we know its only a show, but women that have been long time abused are over come with emotion and fall heavy for the act.
And then you have the SNAGs that don't have the guts to reclaim women from these men, instead of standing up and saying "Hey go back home, leave our wimmins alone!", they sit back and play with there Ipods

Then in the mix you have women that say enough is enough, and will not have either of these types of men, are then labelled as feminists. Which is totally a cop out of the males who have no clue what women are meant to be, or even have the idea, that women have rights and not put on this earth, just to fetcha and carry for a gutless male.
Real women WANT real men.