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The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« on: February 14, 2008, 11:02:51 PM »
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War

by Baron Bodissey

In my essay about the retreat of the Western world order, I mentioned the possibility of civil strife in the West caused by runaway immigration. This is no longer just a theoretical possibility. It is pretty clear to anybody following the developments in Europe that the situation in France is starting to become rather serious. President Jacques Chirac threw out part of a youth labor law that triggered massive protests and strikes, bowing to intense pressure from students and unions. The unemployment rate for youths under 26 is a staggering 22 percent nationwide, but soars to nearly 50 percent in some of those troubled areas with many Muslim immigrants. French Jews are leaving the country in ever-growing numbers, fleeing a wave of anti-Semitism. Nidra Poller, American ex-pat writer and translator in Paris, has written some appalling stories about aggressive anti-Semitism, such as the murder and brutal torture of French Jew Ilan Halimi early in 2006.

Muslim blogs are calling for violence against the Jews, the whites and the well-to-do. They say, “We must burn France, as Hamas will burn Israel.” The growth of the Islamic population is explosive. According to some, one out of three babies born in France is now a Muslim. Around 70% of French prisoners are Muslims. Hundreds of Muslim ghettos are already de facto following sharia, not French law. Some have pointed out that the French military are not always squeamish, but there are estimates that 15% of the armed forces are already made up of Muslims, and rising. How effective can the army then be in upholding the French republic? At the same time, opinion polls show that the French are now officially the most anti-capitalist nation on earth. France has chosen Socialism and Islam. It will get both, and sink into a quagmire of its own making. Some believe France will quietly become a Muslim country, others believe in civil war in the near future:

The French Disease

Within 20 years, one person out of four in France will be Muslim, and almost certainly poor and angry. So the French disease progresses. It is chronic becoming terminal. On the way toward collapse, there will be no civil war, just moments of harsh violence. The population will change. People with a high level of productivity will choose exile. People with a low level of productivity will immigrate. Jews and Christians will leave. Muslims will arrive.

The unreported race riot in France

Fredric Encel, Professor of international relations at the prestigious École Nationale d’Administration in Paris and a man not known for crying wolf, recently stated that France is becoming a new Lebanon. The implication, far-fetched though it may seem, was that civil upheaval might be no more than a few years off, sparked by growing ethnic and religious polarization.

I’m not sure which of these scenarios is scarier. People keep talking about the nukes that the Iranians may get, but what about the hundreds of nuclear warheads the French have? Will they be used to intimidate the rest of the West? How do we handle an Islamic France, still the heartland of the European continent, with Muslim control of hundreds of nukes? And how do we handle a Bosnia or Lebanon with a population much larger than either of these countries, and with hundreds of nuclear warheads at stake?

If Muslim immigration continues, the impending fall of France could mark the starting point of the Balkanization of much of Europe, perhaps later even North America. I fear this is a world war. Maybe future historians will dub it the Multicultural World War. Just as WW1 was caused by Imperialism, WW2 by Fascism and the Cold War by Communism, this one will be caused by Multiculturalism. The term “the Multicultural World War” has been coined by Fjordman. I find this to be more accurate than “The Islamic World War” because what will cause this world war is Western cultural weakness, through Multiculturalism and Muslim immigration, rather than Islamic strength. As poster DP111 says, this world war may very well be in the form of a global civil war, where you get a succession of civil wars instead of countries invading other countries. Multiculturalism and uncontrolled mass-immigration destroy the internal cohesion of the decadent West, which will slowly fall apart as it has lost the will to defend itself and the belief in its own culture. The wars in the Balkans in the 1990s will in hindsight be seen as a prelude to the Multicultural World War. Rather than a Westernization of the Balkans, we get a Balkanization of the West.

I guess there is some poetic justice in the fact that the country that initiated and has led the creation of Eurabia now gets consumed by its own Frankenstein monster, but we should not gloat over this. The downfall of France is very bad news for the rest of the West. Again, what happens to their nukes and military resources? As stated in the book “Eurabia” by Bat Ye’or, the merger of Europe and the Arab-Islamic world has been encouraged by the French political elite in particular at least since the early 1970s, with a vision of creating a united Europe and Mediterranean basin under French leadership, in what has basically been a French dream since the age of Napoleon, the great hero of current French PM de Villepin. Several prominent French leaders stated quite openly in 2005 that the proposed EU Constitution was basically an enlarged France. Justice Minister Dominique Perben said: “We have finally obtained this ‘Europe à la française’ that we have awaited for so long. This constitutional treaty is an enlarged France. It is a Europe written in French.” Education Minister François Fillon stated: “This Constitution allows the French ambition to assert itself in the big Europe that General de Gaulle hoped and prayed for.” The French dream of an enlarged France. What they may get is a France carved into tiny pieces.

My personal belief is not that we are witnessing the final triumph of Eurabia, but rather the last spasms of the Eurabian Union. There will be at least as big changes in Western Europe over the coming generation as there were in Eastern Europe following the fall of the Berlin Wall. There will be the downfall and disintegration of an anti-democratic, bureaucratic superstate, the European Union instead of the Soviet Union, and there will be the downfall of “soft Socialism” in the shape of the Multicultural welfare state in the West just as you had the downfall of the “hard Socialism” in the East. The difference is that the downfall of Communism in the East happened through a relatively bloodless “Velvet Revolution,” whereas the downfall of Multiculturalism in the West may turn out to be anything but bloodless. And it will come, sooner than many people think. Multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and the idea of forced cultural equality, will collapse just as Communism, the idea of economic Marxism and forced economic equality fell.

The difference is that when Communism was discredited in Eastern Europe, it was still Poles who lived in Polish cities, Bulgarians who lived in Bulgarian cities etc. When the veil of Multiculturalism disappears, it will be Pakistanis who live in London, Turks who live in Berlin, Algerians who live in Paris and Moroccans who live in Amsterdam. And then the show begins.

Europe may not be finished yet, but she will go through a painful period of transition even if we do get a rebirth here. It should be noted that a revolution doesn’t usually come when the oppression is at its worst, but when the grip of the authorities and their totalitarian ideology, in this case Multiculturalism and Political Correctness, seems to be slipping. This was the case with the Soviet Union in the 1980s, and it will be the case with the European Union now. I see increasing signs that the idea of Multiculturalism is on the retreat. Even Germany’s and Europe’s largest newspaper ran a series about the collapse of Multiculturalism recently.

I am not alone in predicting such a turbulent scenario. Prominent critic of Islam in Denmark, Lars Hedegaard, is quoted in Bruce Bawer’s book “While Europe Slept, How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within” in support of this dark view:

“If there’s any hope,” Hedegaard suggested dryly, borrowing a line he knew I’d recognize from 1984, “it lies in the proles.” Yet we both knew that the “proles” – if they did take over the reins from the elite – might well lead Europe back down the road to fascism. He did admit that he was glad to be living in Denmark and not elsewhere in Western Europe: “If there’s any place where there’s hope, it’s got to be this country.” But Hedegaard didn’t hold out much hope even for Denmark. “Unless they build up a cadre of intellectuals in Europe who can think,” he said, America “can kiss Europe good-bye.” The Continent’s future, he predicted, “is going to be vastly different than we imagine.. It’s going to be war. Like Lebanon,” with some enclaves dominated by Christians and others by Muslims. There will be “permanent strife,” and no one will have the “power to mollify or mediate… It will be more gruesome than we can imagine.” When the horror comes, he warned, the journalists who helped to bring it about will “wag their heads and flee – and leave it to those who can’t flee to fight it out.”

The population movements we are witnessing now are the largest and fastest in human history. In Europe, they can only be compared to the period often referred to as the Migration Period, following the disintegration of the Roman Empire. However, during the 4th and 5th centuries, the total human population of the world was in the order of 200 million. Today, it is 30 times larger than that, and still growing fast. We also have communications that can transport people anywhere on earth within hours, and media that show ordinary people how much better life is in other countries. On top of that, the Romans didn’t have human rights lawyers advocating that millions of barbarians be let into their lands. Is it a coincidence that the last time we had migrations like this was when large parts of the European continent suffered a complete civilizational breakdown? Is that what we are witnessing now? The second fall of Rome?

Both Thailand and the Philippines, countries where the Muslim population is not much larger than it is in some Western European countries, are facing war. Countries such as France, Holland and Sweden could soon reach a point where the Muslim population will create something akin to civil war, as it already has in the above-mentioned nations. The Islamic world is now at war with most of the major powers on the planet at the same time, from the USA to India and from Russia to Western Europe. It is a real possibility that we will get a full-blown world war because of these events. If so, I don’t think this will happen 50 years from now, but within the coming generation.

There are several possible scenarios:

1. Eurabia

The EU continues its transformation into a continent-wide organization with clear totalitarian leanings, and a very pro-Islamic stance. Europe’s fate is sealed when Turkey is allowed into the Union, and becomes its largest member. Historian Bat Ye’or, who first coined the term “Eurabia”, thinks that Europe’s ties with the Arab-Islamic world are now so firmly entrenched and established that Eurabia is an irreversible fact. Europe will cease to be a Western, democratic continent, and will become an appendix to the Arab world. Eurabia will become a global center for Jihad activities, as the dhimmi taxpayers and infidel Western technology give a boost to the Ummah. Muslims will be heavily concentrated in the major cities, and the dhimmi native population will retreat into the countryside. The old nation states will thus slowly die, as their major cities, which constitute the brain and “head” of its culture, are cut off from the rest of the body. Europe’s decline into Eurabia will be speeded up by the fact that millions of educated natives with the means to it will move to the USA or other nations. There will be no major war in Western Europe, as its civilization is already dead and very few will bother fighting for it.

The only violence will be sporadic Islamic terror attacks to induce fear, and occasional Muslim mob assaults in European streets to remind the dhimmis who is boss. It is conceivable that the center of European civilization will move from Western Europe to Eastern Europe, but even Eastern Europe will be put under severe pressure from Muslims, both in the Middle East and in the West. The basic rule is that the areas Muslims have taken into possession remain in Islamic hands, while the native population and culture is slowly eradicated. If this holds true for us today, then parts of Western Europe are already lost, and will indeed become Eurabia as Bat Ye’or predicts. There are not too many instances I know of where areas once under the sway of Islam have been reclaimed by infidels. The most obvious is of course Spain and the Iberian Peninsula, where the Reconquista took quite a few centuries. I know the Sikhs have kicked Muslims out of Punjab, India. Parts of present-day Israel could be counted, although Arabs and Muslims are trying very hard to wipe Israel off the map. And maybe some of China’s Western provinces could be included. Islam has not been eradicated there, but it is visibly retreating as Chinese authorities are suppressing any signs of rebellion.

What these examples have in common is that both the Christians in Spain, the Sikhs in India and the Jews in Israel were fighting Islam with powerful religious convictions of their own. The Chinese are not usually very religious, but they have an equally strong, even ruthless nationalism and belief in their own civilization. If history is any guide, today’s decadent, bored, post-religious and post-nationalist Europe will be no match for Islam, unless it rediscovers a belief in its own culture and a will to defend it. This will have to happen soon, or the Islamic demographic conquest of much of the continent will be an irreversible fact, anyway. The result of this will then either be Eurabia or a Pakistanization of Europe, the way we have already seen for generations in the Balkans.

2. War

Personally, I think this alternative is at least as likely as the above “Eurabia” scenario. It also contains several sub-scenarios, partly depending upon when the eventual war starts, and partly on whether there is still some Western pride and resistance left in Europe underneath the self-loathing and Multiculturalism:

The Pakistanization of Europe

Muslims aren’t numerous enough to control the entire continent. In the event of war, there will be mutual ethnic cleansing and Muslims will seize parts of Western Europe. For instance, a belt stretching from parts of Germany via Belgium and Holland to France, but maybe even regions within certain nation states. All of Europe will not be lost, but some parts will, and many others will be deeply damaged by the fighting. Many of our cultural treasures will burn. How things will go from there is difficult to predict. Perhaps this new “Pakistan” in the heart of Europe will be the source of constant instability and the staging ground for Jihad incursions into infidel areas, just as Pakistan is to India now. Perhaps we will see a slow reconquest of this area, possibly taking generations or even centuries. Muslim de facto control of hundreds of French nuclear warheads will make the situation a lot more dangerous.

Of course, it could be more than one Muslim region. Kosovo and in part Bosnia are functioning as Islamic bridgeheads in Europe at this moment. There could be several mini-Pakistans created all over the place. In fact present day Kosovo walks, talks and looks like a mini-Pakistan. The “zones” in France sound suspiciously like Muslim “mohallas” in India although the situation is not as bad as in France.

Reconquista - The Second Expulsion of the Moors

Muslims strike too early, before they are ready to seize control over major chunks of Europe. They overestimate their own power, and underestimate the strength that is still left in Europe. It will start, as these things always do, before anyone is ready. Everyone, the Islamists, the proto-dhimmis, the neo-nationalists, the sleepwalking middle class, thinks they have more time than they do. It may start more or less by accident, like WWI, through the act of a fringe player unaware of the forces involved or the stakes of the game. Once a full-blown civil war starts in one country, it can, and probably will, spread to other countries. Given the European Union’s borderless nature, it is unlikely that war will be limited to one nation only. This will create a domino effect, and Muslims will be expelled from Europe yet again, after major bloodshed and millions of dead across the continent. This will result in the collapse of the EU. The Arab world will support the Muslims and will prolong the war, but they won’t win it.

Cultures collide: Muslim immigrants will be expelled from Europe unless they reverse the growing perception of them as a social threat

The Muslims refused to assimilate. They were expelled. This was the story in Europe 400 years ago. We are watching the sequel today. In the clash of cultures between secular Europeans and extremist Muslims, there can ultimately be no compatibility or compromise, only loss by one side or the other of the absolute values it holds dear. European capitulation on European soil, where they remain the dominant majority, is unlikely.

Global Civil War

Europe has been the primary staging ground for one cold and two hot world wars. It could become a major battlefield in an Islamic or Multicultural world war, too. A world war is already simmering, with Muslims clashes against Russia, Europe, Israel, China, India, the USA and Southeast Asia. Once the fighting starts in Europe, it could spread outside the continent and ignite a world war. This is the scenario of “global civil war”.

3. Western Rebirth in Europe

We should discuss the possibility of whether the Islamic threat will force the West to rethink its values and regain its strength. Can this be done, and how would this take place? Is it possible to avoid both major war and Eurabia or is this wishful thinking by now? The growth of Eurabia is closely tied to the growth of the EU. Perhaps we could derail Eurabia by dismantling the EU? This would require that Europe regain her old, cultural and religious dynamic and repel Islam. Just as Islam isn’t the cause of Europe’s current weakness, but rather a secondary infection, it could have the unforeseen and ironic effect of saving Europe from herself. By quite literally putting a dagger at Europe’s throat, the Islamic world will force Europeans to renew themselves or die. Europe will go through a turbulent period of painful, but necessary revival, and will arrive chastened on the other side.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2008, 11:08:24 PM »

Cultures collide: Muslim immigrants will be expelled from Europe unless they reverse the growing perception of them as a social threat

Lawrence Solomon, Financial Post 

Published: Friday, February 17, 2006

The Muslims refused to assimilate. They were expelled. This was the story in Europe 400 years ago. We are watching the sequel today.

Europeans are rarely welcoming to outsiders, even when the outsiders are blond and blue-eyed and come from the country next door. When the outsiders are un-European, swarthy and Muslim, they are tolerated at best. When some Muslims also insist that Europeans stop acting like Europeans, on pain of death, European tolerance comes to an end.

In the clash of cultures between secular Europeans and extremist Muslims, there can ultimately be no compatibility or compromise, only loss by one side or the other of the absolute values it holds dear. European capitulation on European soil, where they remain the dominant majority, is unlikely: Europeans revel in their liberty to mock religion, to poke fun at sacred cows, to be outrageous, even to offend.

European leaders have reacted to the Muslim upset over the cartoons two ways. Publically and to buy time, they seek to calm the protesters by deploring the abuse of freedom of speech. More significantly, they seek to preserve their societies by legislating Western norms, by tightening or ending immigration from Muslim countries, by enabling the expulsion of radical imans and other Muslim activists, and by raising the spectre of mass deportations.

In France, hard-line Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, who in October characterized France's urban rioters as "rabble," will require non-European immigrants to sign a new "Contract of Welcome and Integration" that spells out their obligations. Among other reforms, the French government will be free to expel immigrants after 10 years. Insular Muslim communities -- commonplace today -- are outlawed. For immigrants to stay, they will have to demonstrate respect for French norms, such as equality between men and women. "If a wife is kept hostage at home without learning French, the whole family will be asked to leave [the country]," said Mr. Sarkozy, who proposes to rank countries to determine the desirability of their immigrants.

The Danes have brought in immigration laws that are stricter still, all but ending their liberal refugee program and discouraging even temporary workers. In the wake of the cartoon riots, many in Denmark, including those in government, want to see an outright ban on Muslim immigration and to have radical leaders stripped of citizenship and deported. To preserve home-grown values, Danish Minister for Cultural Affairs Brian Mikkelsen recently called for the creation of a "canon of Danish art, music, literature and film." Last summer, he stated that, "In Denmark we have seen the appearance of a parallel society in which minorities practice their own medieval values and undemocratic views," adding that, "This is the new front in our cultural war."

In Germany, which pioneered the guest-worker program in Europe, a sea change has occurred. "Multicultural societies have only ... functioned peacefully in authoritarian states. To that extent it was a mistake for us to bring guest workers from foreign cultures into the country at the beginning of the 1960s," said former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt. Germany's new Chancellor, Angela Merkel, shares his view: "The notion of multiculturalism has fallen apart," she said prior to her election. "Anyone coming here must respect our constitution and tolerate our Western and Christian roots."

The Netherlands, which has cut immigration in half since 2001, is deporting 26,000 rejected asylum seekers and keeping new arrivals in detention camps. Under proposed legislation, women will be banned from wearing the burka anywhere in public, not just in schools and public buildings as French legislation has it. "I believe we have been far too tolerant for too long, especially being too tolerant of intolerance, and we only got intolerance back," said Member of Dutch Parliament Geert Wilders, who has been forced to live in safe houses because of Islamist death threats. According to a recent Pew Global Attitudes poll, 51% of the Dutch view Muslims unfavourably.

Belgium may be less tolerant still. "Islam is now the number one enemy not only of Europe, but of the entire free world," states Filip Dewinter, leader of Vlaams Belang (The Flemish Interest), now Belgium's most popular political party. Mr. Dewinter has gained popularity by arguing that, "it is an illusion to think that a moderate Islam exists in Europe." He states: "There are already 25 million to 30 million Muslims on Europe's soil, and this becomes a threat. It's a real Trojan horse."

Many Europeans fear their Muslim populations. In Switzerland, 25% consider Muslims a threat to their country. In Italy, half the population believes a "clash of civilizations" between Islam and the West is underway and that Islam is "a religion more fanatical than any other."

The fear debilitates but it also stiffens resolve. The President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, backs the Danish government's refusal to apologize for the cartoons, saying, "It's better to publish too much than not to have freedom." France's Sarkozy prefers "an excess of cartooning to an excess of censorship." Italy's Northern League Party, a member of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's coalition government, printed T-shirts sporting the cartoons in advance of elections in April. The U.K. this week passed legislation broadening the right of free speech, no matter how offensive, barring a specific intent to provoke hatred.

Europe's Muslims now know that they are expected to integrate or to depart. Four centuries ago, after decades of threats of expulsion, forced conversions and other failed attempts to assimilate Muslims, complaints about them -- their use of Arabic, their clothes, their rejection of Western culture -- were similar. "They marry among themselves and do not mix with Old Christians," complained one report of Spain's Moriscos (Muslims who had undergone forced conversions to Christianity). Riots by Muslims at offences perpetrated upon them added to tensions. In the end, still not assimilated, most were expelled.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2008, 11:22:56 PM »
Monday, November 21, 2005

The Second Fall of Rome

I read from time to time that the European Union is compared to the Roman Empire. Most of these comparisons are not very apt, but here is one that I find intriguing. Julius Caesar was assassinated because he wanted to crown himself king, and openly threatened and challenged the established order in the Roman Republic. Not a popular move among the powerful elite in the Senate, who reminded Caesar that Rome had become a Republic precisely because they had rebelled against the "tyrant" kings of old.

His successor Octavian, better known today as Caesar Augustus, had seen what happened to Julius Caesar. Although no less ambitious, he was smarter than Caesar. He understood that openly overthrowing the old order would trigger a lot of resistance from the established power elites. He is considered the first and one of the most important Roman Emperors (27 BC to AD 14), but he downplayed his own position by preferring the traditionally oligarchic title of princeps, usually translated as "first citizen". He also preserved the outward form of the Roman Republic. He thus paid lip service to the old elite of the Republic, and veiled the changes to make them seem less threatening and upsetting to the public. He was king, but did not call himself king.

Some might see a parallel to present-day EU. Up to 80 per cent of national laws come from Brussels, and many of them are made in secret, as in dictatorships such as North Korea and Cuba. What is then the point of holding national elections, and is Western Europe still truly democratic? Just as in Octavian's Rome, the real power has been moved elsewhere, but the old order is retained as a democratic fig leaf in order not to upset the public too much.

Of course, this is where the similarities end. Octavian's rule marked the beginning of the most powerful and dynamic period in Roman history. That is hardly the case with the EU today. The Jihad-riots in France look more like the fall of the Roman Empire several centuries later, when the barbarians immigrated in huge numbers and caused the now weakened civilization to collapse in large parts of Western Europe. The population movements we are witnessing now are the largest and fastest in human history. In Europe, they can only be compared to the period often referred to as the Great Migrations, following the disintegration of the Roman Empire. However, during the 4th and 5th centuries, the total human population of the world was in the order of 200 million. Today, it is 30 times larger than that, and still growing fast. We also have communications that can transport people anywhere on earth within hours, and media that show ordinary people how much better life is in other countries. On top of that, the Romans didn't have human rights lawyers advocating that millions of barbarians be let into their lands. Is it a coincidence that the last time we had migrations like this was when large parts of the European continent suffered a complete civilizational breakdown? Is that what we are witnessing now? The second fall of Rome?

The situation becomes even worse when we enter another factor: Islam. The Islamic world is at war with pretty much everybody, everywhere. Both Thailand and the Philippines, countries where the Muslim population is not much larger than it is in some Western European countries, are facing war. Countries such as France, Holland and Sweden could soon reach a point where the Muslim population will create something akin to civil war, as it already has in the above mentioned nations. Even though this conflict may start out as civil wars in a handful of countries, it could spiral out of control and spread to much of the continent, dragging in foreign fighters from the Arab world. The Islamic world is now at war with most of the major powers on the planet at the same time, from the USA to India and from Russia to Western Europe. It is a real possibility that we will get a full-blown world war because of these events. If so, I don’t think this will happen 50 years from now, but within the coming generation.

As Mark Steyn points out, the Jihad in the streets of France looks increasingly like the early skirmishes of an impending Eurabian civil war, brought on by massive Muslim immigration and multicultural stupidity. And it is by no means limited to France. Law and order is slowly breaking down in major and even minor cities across the European continent, and the streets are ruled by aggressive gangs of Muslim youngsters. At the same time, Europeans pay some of the highest tax rates in the world. We should remind our authorities that the most important task of the state - some would even claim it should be the only task of the state - is to uphold the rule of law. Since it is becoming pretty obvious that this is no longer the case in Eurabia, we have to question whether these taxes are legitimate anymore, or whether they are simply disguised Jizya paid in the form of welfare to Muslims and our new Eurocrat aristocracy. Although not exactly the Boston Tea Party, perhaps the time now has come for a pan-European tax rebellion: We will no longer pay taxes until our authorities restore law and order and close the borders for Muslim immigration.

Historian Bat Ye'or, who first coined the term "Eurabia", thinks that Europe's ties with the Arab-Islamic world are now so firmly entrenched and established that Eurabia is an irreversible fact. Europe will cease to be a Western, democratic continent, and will become an appendix to the Arab world, a civilization of dhimmitude employed to spread Jihad and further the cause of Islam on a global basis, while the original, non-Muslim population are held hostage in their own countries out of fear of Muslim violence.

I must admit there are certain parts of Europe that do seem to be beyond hope, or very close to it. ALL of the largest Dutch cities are projected to have a Muslim majority within a generation, as will several English, French, Belgian, Scandinavian and Spanish cities. I foresee several possible scenarios:

1. Eurabia.

The EU continues its transformation into a continent-wide organization with clear totalitarian leanings, and a very pro-Islamic stance. Europe's fate is sealed when Turkey is allowed into the Union, and becomes its largest member. Freedom of speech will be shut down, and any criticism of Islam banned. Eurabia will become a global center for Jihad activities, as the dhimmi taxpayers and infidel Western technology give a boost to the Ummah. For this reason, the Americans, the Israelis, the Indians, the Russians and maybe even the Chinese will have to crush Eurabia by brute force, as it will represent a grave security threat to them.

Muslims will be heavily concentrated in the major cities, and the dhimmi native population will retreat into the countryside. I believe something similar took place in the Balkans during Ottoman Turkish rule. The old nation states will thus slowly die, as their major cities, which constitute the brain and "head" of its culture, are cut off from the rest of the body. Europe's decline into Eurabia will be speeded up by the fact that millions of educated natives with the means to it will move to the USA or other nations. This trickle of Eurabian refugees will eventually be slowed down by the authorities in the now totalitarian Europe, as it will erode the tax base. Native Europeans will simply be banned from leaving. There will be no war in Western Europe, as its civilization is already dead and very few will bother fighting for it. Islam isn't destroying Europe, Europe has destroyed itself. Just as a patient with AIDS may formally die from flu or even a common cold, the real cause is the long, slow decay of his immune system. It resembles euthanasia on an entire civilization: Europe is tired of living. Islam just puts it out of its misery.

The only violence will be sporadic Islamic terror attacks to induce fear, and occasional Muslim mob assaults in European streets to remind the dhimmis who is boss. It is conceivable that the center of European civilization will move from Western Europe to Eastern Europe, but even Eastern Europe will be put under severe pressure from Muslims, both in the Middle East and in the West. Islam is nonsense and a failure at producing a stable and civilized society, but it is a highly successful warrior creed, specialized at plundering others. The basic rule is that the areas Muslims have taken into possession remain in Islamic hands, while the native population and culture is slowly eradicated. If this holds true for us today, then parts of Western Europe are already lost, and will indeed become Eurabia as Bat Ye'or predicts. There are not too many instances I know of where areas once under the sway of Islam have been reclaimed by infidels. The most obvious is of course Spain and the Iberian Peninsula, where the Reconquista took quite a few centuries. I know the Sikhs have kicked Muslims out of Punjab, India. Parts of present-day Israel could be counted, although Arabs and Muslims are trying very hard to wipe Israel off the map. And maybe some of China's Western provinces could be included. Islam has not been eradicated there, but it is visibly retreating as Chinese authorities are suppressing any signs of rebellion and sending in large numbers of Han Chinese immigrants into the area.

What these examples have in common is that both the Christians in Spain, the Sikhs in India and the Jews in Israel were fighting Islam with powerful religious convictions of their own. The Chinese are not usually very religious, but they have an equally strong, even ruthless nationalism and belief in their own civilization. If history is any guide, today's decadent, bored, post-religious and post-nationalist Europe will be no match for Islam, unless it rediscovers a belief in its own culture and a will to defend it. This will have to happen soon, or the Islamic demographic conquest of much of the continent will be an irreversible fact, anyway. The result of this will then either be Eurabia or a Pakistanization of Europe, the way we have already seen for generations in the Balkans. This is not paranoia, just a basic understanding of what Islam is and a careful reading of history.

2. War.

Personally, I think this alternative is at least as likely as the above "Eurabia" scenario. It also contains several sub-scenarios, partly depending upon when the eventual war starts, and partly on whether there is still some Western pride and resistance left in Europe underneath the self-loathing and Multiculturalism:

The Pakistanization of Europe.

Muslims aren't numerous enough to control the entire continent. In the event of war, there will be mutual ethnic cleansing and Muslims will seize parts of Western Europe. For instance, a belt stretching from parts of Germany via Belgium and Holland to France, but maybe even regions within certain nation states. All of Europe will not be lost, but some parts will, and many others will be deeply damaged by the fighting. Many of our cultural treasures will burn. How things will go from there is difficult to predict. Perhaps this new "Pakistan" in the heart of Europe will be the source of constant instability and the staging ground for Jihad incursions into infidel areas, just as Pakistan is to India now. Perhaps we will see a slow reconquest of this area, possibly taking generations or even centuries.

Of course, it could be more than one Muslim region. Kosovo and in part Bosnia are functioning as Islamic bridgeheads in Europe at this moment. From British India there were 2 Pakistans created West Pakistan (present Pakistan) and East Pakistan (present Bangladesh). There was also an attempt to create a South Pakistan (present Andhra Pradesh state - then called Hyderabad state) but it was put down militarily. There could be several mini-Pakistans created all over the place. In fact present day Kosovo walks, talks and looks like a mini-Pakistan. The "zones" in France sound suspiciously like Muslim "mohallas" in India although the situation is not as bad as in France. Half a million Kashmiri Hindus live in refugee camps in New Delhi near the centers of the government and everybody ignores them. The votes of 150 million Muslims are more important than half a million Kashmiri Hindu refugees who have no political power. You might see similar situations in Europe - for example the French living in refugee camps in Paris near the city centre and the French leader go around spouting Arabic/Urdu poetry - and the regular people in France ignore them because it is too unpleasant to face reality.

Reconquista - The Second Expulsion of the Moors

Muslims strike too early, before they are ready to seize control over major chunks of Europe. It is possible to view the Jihad riots in France in this light. They overestimate their own power, and underestimate the strength that, despite everything, is still left in Europe. It will start, as these things always do, before anyone is ready. Everyone, the Islamists, the proto-dhimmis, the neo-nationalists, the sleepwalking middle class, thinks they have more time than they do. It may start more or less by accident, like WWI, through the act of a fringe player unaware of the forces involved or the stakes of the game. As WWI began with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, this war (which will be just as important and culturally destructive) may begin with the murder of a symbolic but politically unimportant figure. Or a reverse scenario is possible. A nationalist or rightist murders a prominent Islamic figure, sparking a wave of Islamic terror across Europe. Another possibility is a mega-attack, a chemical weapon or simply a massive suicide bomb or wave of bombs that succeed beyond the bombers plans and kills thousands and/or destroys symbolically important targets, a cathedral, a museum, the Channel. The fearful public then demands harsh government action. Some governments act; others are paralyzed and are incapable of taking action causing citizens to defend themselves. The Islamists are not centralized. They cannot always control the actions of their diverse cells or lone fanatics. Sooner or later someone will go too far.

Once a full-blown civil war starts in one country, it can, and probably will, spread to other countries. We are now witnessing an example of this, as smaller "sympathy riots" have been staged by Muslims in Belgium, Holland, Germany and Denmark following the unrest in France. Given the European Union's borderless nature, it is unlikely that war will be limited to one nation only. This will create a domino effect, and Muslims will be expelled from Europe yet again, after major bloodshed and millions of dead across the continent. It will start out as a Yugoslavia scenario with several cities becoming large Sarajevos. Muslims will find themselves, as in Serbia, victims of nationalism and revived Fascism. Perhaps some areas will be completely cleansed of Europeans and run along Taliban-like codes but these will not survive long amid a Continent gripped by the fury of war and national/religious passions. They will lack the economic base to wage an effective war. Their lines of supply from Islamic countries will be tenuous at best. This will result in the collapse of the EU and perhaps the UN as well. The Arab world will support the Muslims and will prolong the war, but they won't win it. Turkey may wage war against several European nations and/or Russia, but they will lose, too.

This situation could trigger the rise of neo-Fascism and neo-nationalism, and maybe the downfall of European democracy. The strengths that allow Islamofascism to succeed in its struggle with brittle, liberal democracies will prove of little use against a resurgent European nationalism. This is, of course, bad news for those of us who grew up in and care for liberal democracy and enjoy the freedom and prosperity it provides. European neo-nationalism will most likely be hostile to US interests and downright anti-Semitic. None of this will be pretty. The violence will be up-close and quite personal. Europe’s neo-nationalist future will be one filled with paranoia and fanaticism and blind, desperate struggle. Much of value will be lost.

Global Civil War

Europe has been the primary staging ground for one cold and two hot world wars. It could become a major battlefield in an Islamic world war, too. Or perhaps we could call it the Multicultural world war, just as WW2 was a Fascist war and the Cold War was a Communist war. A world war is already simmering, with Muslims clashes against Russia, Europe, Israel, China, India, the USA and Southeast Asia. Once the fighting starts in Europe, it could spread outside the continent and ignite a world war. This is the scenario of "global civil war". It would become the worst and most destructive war in human history, involving nuclear weapons on both sides. It could completely destroy the Middle East and North Africa, deeply damage Europe, the Indian continent, and parts of Southeast Asia, and inflict serious casualties on the USA, Australia and Africa. Its secondary and economic ripples will be felt on all corners of the planet, including the ones least involved in the actual fighting, such as Latin America and East Asia.

What we are seeing in the West are the opening salvoes of the continuation of the Jihad against Christendom that was brought to a close at Vienna in 1683. The new onset has come about as a direct consequence of allowing Muslim immigration to the West. Muslims are mandated to the Jihad and it is foolish of us to expect that they will refrain from doing so. It is our foolishness that gave them the opportunity to do so from within. Muslims and their religion are not yet ready to accept pluralism, democracy and free thinking. Democracy is in fact incompatible with Islam, as many Muslim imams have openly stated. That is their interpretation of the Koran. It should therefore come as no surprise to us, that Muslims in the West are waging Jihad against us. In their eyes, if we didn't realise that this would happen, the fault lies with us and not them. And they're right.

I do not think our societies, geared as they are to free and open thought, can continue with this continuous assault on freedom. If this assault is not brought to a halt soon, then free society will start to perish, and with that the economy. It may not be evident immediately, but perish it will in the fullness of time. If the current trend of increasing conflict continues, then we are irrevocably headed in the direction of a major armed conflict with the Islamic world. This is also going to lead to a civil war within Europe of unimaginable proportions. Europe's civil wars (WW 1 and 2) have not exactly been powder-puff affairs. Each day brings news of events that seem to bring us to that inevitable reckoning. We do not wish to fight for religion but we are being engaged in a religious conflict, quite against our will. Our politicians find it difficult to imagine that we are in a religious conflict. So passé - that sort of thing went out of fashion in the Middle Ages. It is all so pointless and avoidable. Time is short, and we need to act now to avert a human tragedy.

As poster DP111 says, we will easily win a full scale war with the Islam. What worries me is that in the event of a nuclear event in the West, we will rapidly go for the THIRD CONJECTURE option. Over the last two years I have stated on LittleGreenFootballs and Jihad/Dhimmi Watch that our inevitable large scale nuclear response, will also shatter the foundations of our own civilisation. Our Judeo-Christian civilisation has a built-in guilt complex, and we will not be able to sustain the shock of our victory bought at such expense. That is why the war option is not really a good one unless, unless we can re-define what this war is about. However, if we do NOT carry the war to the enemy with a correctly defined moral and political purpose, we will not be able to have public backing for the war. The Jihad in the meantime will continue, for in the eyes of the Jihadis and the Muslim world, they have a clear moral and religious purpose, and divinely sanctioned to boot.

3. A Second Renaissance - Western Rebirth in Europe

Although I must admit that I find this scenario to be the least likely at this point, we should discuss the possibility of whether the Islamic threat will force the West to rethink its values and regain its strength. Can this be done, and how would this take place? Is it possible to avoid both major war and Eurabia or is this wishful thinking by now? The growth of Eurabia is closely tied to the growth of the EU. Perhaps we could derail Eurabia by dismantling the EU? Is there something we can do to avoid the breakdown of European democracy, either to an increasingly totalitarian Eurabia or to a resurgence of neo-Fascism?

The Jihadis have a clear moral purpose, and thus we, too, have to define an even more powerful moral argument as to why our cause is more just, more moral and better - not just to our public, whose unwavering support we need, but to many Muslims around the world. Hugh Fitzgerald from Jihad Watch recommends the containment option: Islam cannot be reconciled with Western ways, which means that we need physical separation as much as possible. Separation recognises, that at this moment in time, Islam and democracy are irreconcilable. Thus a separation leaves hope for the future for everybody. A war, which is where we are headed, will stop their progress, as well as cause a split within humanity that will be hard to patch up. The basic impulse of Islam is to expand into Infidel territory. Unable to do so, it will collapse quite quickly in historic terms, and thus release the 1.2 billion souls in its enslavement and bring about true freedom for them. What more can one ask for. To regain our moral purpose, we can thus cast our struggle against Islam as the emancipation of a billion slaves from a Fascist ideology. Which is indeed what it is.

“Eurabia” Defined, by Andrew G. Bostom

This political agenda has been reinforced by (and now mirrors) the deliberate cultural transformation of Europe. Euro-Arab Dialogue Symposia conducted 20 to 25 years ago, i.e., in Venice (1977) and Hamburg (1983), included recommendations, below, that have been successfully implemented, accompanied by a deliberate, privileged influx of Arab and other Muslim immigrants, in enormous numbers:

• Coordination of the efforts made by the Arab countries to spread the Arabic language and culture in Europe and to find the appropriate form of cooperation among the Arab institutions that operate in this field. • Creation of joint Euro-Arab Cultural Centers in European capitals which will undertake the diffusion of the Arabic language and culture. • Encouragement of European institutions either at University level or other levels that are concerned with the teaching of the Arabic language and the diffusion of Arabic and Islamic culture. • Support of joint projects for cooperation between European and Arab institutions in the field of linguistic research and the teaching of the Arabic language to Europeans. • Necessity of supplying European institutions and universities with Arab teachers specialized in teaching Arabic to Europeans. • Necessity, when teaching Arabic, of emphasizing Arab-Islamic culture and contemporary Arab issues. • Necessity of cooperation between European and Arab specialists in order to present an objective picture of Arab-Islamic civilization and contemporary Arab issues to students and to the educated public in Europe which could attract Europeans to Arabic studies.

In the wake of the continuing French intifada, Bat Ye’or’s analyses have profound implications for Western Europe - which may be incapable of altering its Eurabian trajectory; her research may be even more important for the United States if it wishes to avoid Europe’s fate:

Th[e] Eurabian ethos operates at all levels of European society. Its countless functionaries, like the Christian [devshirme]-janissary slave soldiers of past Islamic regimes, advance a jihadist world strategy. Eurabia cannot change direction; it can only use deception to mask its emergence, its bias and its inevitable trajectory. Eurabia’s destiny was sealed when it decided, willingly, to become a covert partner with the Arab global jihad against America and Israel. Americans must discuss the tragic development of Eurabia, and its profound implications for the United States, particularly in terms of its resultant foreign policy realities. Americans should consider the despair and confusion of many Europeans, prisoners of a Eurabian totalitarianism that foments a culture of deadly lies about Western civilization. Americans should know that this self-destructive calamity did not just happen, rather it was the result of deliberate policies, executed and monitored by ostensibly responsible people. Finally, Americans should understand that Eurabia’s contemporary anti-Zionism and anti-Americanism are the spiritual heirs of 1930s Nazism and anti-Semitism, triumphally resurgent.

posted by Fjordman @ 11:26 AM

Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2008, 11:23:24 PM »
Monday, April 17, 2006

The Retreat of the Western World Order

by Baron Bodissey

The noted blogger Fjordman is filing this report via Gates of Vienna.

Samuel P. Huntington’s “The Clash of Civilizations” thesis has generated a lot of debate, and some justified criticism. He has been accused of simplification, but also for underestimating the case of Islam. Huntington does talk about “the bloody borders” of the Islamic world. However, he has also stated that there is nothing implicit in Islamic teachings that has created the current turmoil among Muslims, but rather the huge number of young men, the primary instigators of violence in any culture. This is obviously not the case. If Huntington had read books such as “The Legacy of Jihad” by Andrew Bostom or “Onward Muslim Soldiers” by Robert Spencer, he would have understood that Jihad and aggressive violence have been intimately related to Islam on three continents for 1300 years. Yes, an abundance of young men as “cannon fodder” for war or demographic Jihad certainly helps, but this situation was created by the contents of Islamic core texts.

Huntington fails to grasp to what extent Islam is a special case, uniquely aggressive among all established cultures and religions on earth today. Hugh Fitzgerald, Vice President of Robert Spencer’s website Jihad Watch, has explored some of the limitations of the “clash of civilizations” paradigm. As Fitzgerald points out, it gives the impression that America or “the West” or Western Christian or Western post-Christian civilization are the enemy, while in reality the global Islamic Jihad is as much directed at Hindus and Buddhists, and the Eastern Orthodox Christians in the Balkans, and the non-Muslim black Africans, as it is against the much more powerful, and therefore more dangerous, United States of America:

Fitzgerald: Clash of civilizations? Yes and no

The phrase “clash of civilizations,” made famous by Samuel Huntington, is misleading. In Huntington’s formulation, there are the Sinic, the Orthodox, the Hindu, the Islamic, the Western, and so on. And these are all potentially clashing. But this is nonsense. There is only one clash that counts: that of Islam with all of non-Islam. If, in the future, China and America were to go to war, it would not be because the former is “Sinic” and the latter “Christian” or “Western” or some such, but because of perceived Great-Power rivalries — for China and America are now part of the same civilization, the shared, modern, universal civilization, with disagreements at the edges, but nothing like the clash between Islam and all Infidels. In fact, a war between China and America would be about power, and thus no different from, for example, the rivalry, ending in war, between Germany and England in the pre-1914 period. It is interesting to note, meanwhile, that Arab and Muslim analysts around the world tend to prefer the phrase “clash of civilizations” — because it avoids the truthful description of the conflict as one motivated by a belief-system, the belief-system of Islam.

However, Samuel P. Huntington should be credited with some of the honor of placing the significance of culture on the radar of global politics. He is also right in pointing out that the beginning of the 21st century is characterized by a West that has superior, yet declining global power. Rival cultures such as the Chinese and the Islamic ones are asserting themselves. The tectonic plates of global power are shifting in ways they haven’t done for centuries. Maybe future historians will label this age “the retreat of the Western world order.” I say “retreat of” because it is not yet certain that this is the end of the Western world order, although that is a possibility. These massive changes and the real or perceived weakness of the Western civilization that has been dominant globally for centuries could very well create a new world war. Multiculturalism and the inability or unwillingness of Western nations to uphold their borders from massive immigration is viewed by Muslims as an invitation for attack and a signal that their ancient Western rival is weak and ripe for conquest. This is no doubt the background for the ongoing aggressive posture by the Iranian president, among others. We should take this dead seriously, because it is meant that way.

Muslims really do believe that the time has now come for overthrowing the West and putting Islam into the global, dominant position it should have according to their scriptures. They will spare no efforts, including nuclear war, in achieving this goal. The Iranian president has quite openly stated that “Islam will soon rule the world,” which implies that they will have to destroy or subdue the West. Al-Qaeda strategists have earlier outlined a schedule for awakening the Islamic world and crushing the West, with a timeline stretching over the coming fifteen to twenty years. They still stick to this plan, which means that tensions are bound to escalate even further in the near future. Westerners need to understand that a world war of sorts with the Islamic world is already inevitable by now, no matter what we do. The only question is whether this will be a cold or a hot world war. We will rapidly approach the latter, if countries such as Iran are allowed to gain nuclear weapons and continued Muslim immigration pushes Western European nations to the brink of civil war. Iranian nukes need to be prevented at absolutely all costs, if we are to have any chance of avoiding further escalation of the most dangerous kind.

There are many possible scenarios for the first half of the 21st century. Let us have a look at some of them:

1. Another Atlantic/Western century

The intra-Western, Atlantic ties between Europe and North America will still be the most important and defining global axis. This would require that Europe regains her old, cultural and religious dynamic and repels Islam. Just as Islam isn’t the cause of Europe’s current weakness, but rather a secondary infection, it could have the unforeseen and ironic effect of saving Europe from herself. By quite literally putting a dagger at Europe’s throat, the Islamic world will force Europeans to renew themselves or die. Europe will go through a turbulent period of painful, but necessary revival, and will arrive chastened on the other side. Although not impossible, this is probably not the most likely scenario at this point, given the economic and cultural weakness of Europe in particular. The West as a whole also makes up a declining proportion of the world’s population, and globalization makes it more difficult for the West to retain its technological superiority.

2. Another American century

The USA, more than Europe and Asia, will remain the world’s unchallenged superpower. The 21st century will be a continuation of the American Age that started in the 20th century. Europe may foster the strength to repel Islam, but not enough to renew herself, and will fade off the world stage. Alternatively, Islamic-controlled Eurabia emerges triumphant, or the entire continent becomes a nightmare of civil wars where neither side gains a decisive victory. In both cases, Europe will be a source of constant instability. The rise of the Asian economies will be derailed by internal political and cultural problems, or could trigger nationalistic rivalries and devastating intra-Asian wars similar to WW1 in Europe.

3. The Asian/Chinese century

The world will return to the Asia-centric system we had before the rise of Europe and the West. Multiculturalism and uncontrolled mass-immigration destroy the internal cohesion of the decadent West, which will slowly fall apart as it has lost the will to defend itself and the belief in its own culture. The wars in the Balkans in the 1990s will in hindsight be seen as a prelude to the Multicultural World War. Just as Imperialism caused WW1, Fascism WW2 and Communism the Cold War, Multiculturalism and Muslim immigration will drag the West into a war with the Islamic world. Instead of a Westernization of the Balkans, we get a Balkanization of the West. Will this be a world dominated by China, or by Asia as a whole, including India? Perhaps India and Southeast Asia will be bogged down by instability caused by Muslims. The Chinese will watch from the sidelines, quietly playing both sides against the middle as the West and the Islamic world destroy each other. In the end, China will reign supreme as the last man standing.

4. The Pacific century

The USA may remain the world’s leading power, but Europe fades off the global scene and leaves her spot open for Asia. Global affairs will be shaped by the twin pillars of the USA and Asia, mainly China, who will cooperate to contain Islamic extremism, a kind of Global Infidel Alliance. Europe will be the world’s largest open-air museum. The Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben and Parliament in England as well as many other landmarks will have been lost during the Eurabian civil wars to expel Islam from Europe. They now exist only as plastic souvenirs that Europeans sell to American and Asian tourists to scrape out a living. These “authentic European souvenirs” will all be made in China, of course.

5. The Anglosphere - Indian century

I believe this is what has been predicted by writer Mark Steyn, among others. The USA and the UK, the major powers of the previous 3 centuries, will be at the centre of this one, too. But they will share the spot with India and some other countries such as Japan, “honorary members” of the Anglosphere. US President Bush has already adopted a policy designed to draw India closer to the United States in a strategic alliance. Perhaps this will be in the shape of a Democratic Union or Democratic Infidel Alliance, which may include parts of Free Europe depending upon the Islamic situation there. This alliance will be suspicious of authoritarian China, and will have hostile relations with the Islamic world.

6. The Global Civil War - Neo-Barbarism and Chaos

The darkest scenario of all. Islam manages to derail the West, both Europe and later North America. This disrupts global trade, and the ripples create unrest even in other parts of the world not directly involved in the fighting, including East Asia and Latin America. India will be drawn directly into the conflict with Islam, as will Russia and Israel. The chaos forces created by Islam and by global mass migration by hundreds of millions of people will erode state power virtually everywhere. Perhaps this trend will be reinforced by the appearance of a new, lethal virus, which will quickly spread to all regions of the world thanks to technological globalization. All of this will create a Global Civil War, the first of its kind in human history. It will disrupt civilization, be that Eastern or Western, for generations to come.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2008, 11:23:54 PM »
Saturday, November 19, 2005

"When an Arab torches a school, it's rebellion. When a white guy does it, it's fascism."

What sort of Frenchmen are they?

Finkielkraut: "In France, they would like very much to reduce these riots to their social dimension, to see them as a revolt of youths from the suburbs against their situation, against the discrimination they suffer from, against the unemployment. The problem is that most of these youths are blacks or Arabs, with a Muslim identity. Look, in France there are also other immigrants whose situation is difficult - Chinese, Vietnamese, Portuguese - and they're not taking part in the riots. Therefore, it is clear that this is a revolt with an ethno-religious character. These people were treated like rebels, like revolutionaries. This is the worst thing that could happen to my country. Why? Because the only way to overcome it is to make them feel ashamed. Shame is the starting point of ethics. But instead of making them feel ashamed, we gave them legitimacy. They're `interesting.' They're `the wretched of the earth.' "Imagine for a moment that they were whites, like in Rostock in Germany. Right away, everyone would have said: `Fascism won't be tolerated.' When an Arab torches a school, it's rebellion. When a white guy does it, it's fascism. I'm `color blind.' Evil is evil, no matter what color it is. And this evil, for the Jew that I am, is completely intolerable.

"Moreover, there's a contradiction here. Because if these suburbs were truly in a state of total neglect, there wouldn't be any gymnasiums to torch, there wouldn't be schools and buses. If there are gymnasiums and schools and buses, it's because someone made an effort. Maybe not enough of one, but an effort." I think that the lofty idea of `the war on racism' is gradually turning into a hideously false ideology. And this anti-racism will be for the 21st century what communism was for the 20th century. A source of violence. Today, Jews are attacked in the name of anti-racist discourse: the separation fence, `Zionism is racism.' This is really a bigger problem: We're living in a post-national society in which for everyone the state is just utilitarian, a big insurance company. This is an extremely serious development.

Barricaded in Paris

French Jews are leaving the country in ever-growing numbers, fleeing a wave of anti-Semitism. They are moving to Israel, the United States, and increasingly, Montreal -- where the mostly English-speaking Jewish community is preparing for its greatest demographic change in decades. Mr. Barthel walks me through the school, which was built three years ago to what he calls "new specifications for a new reality." "All of our windows are made with glass both bomb- and bullet-proof; there are security cameras in all the common rooms," he says. "You will also notice there is no sign outside of the school that could single it out as a Jewish place." He says the Jews of France have increasingly felt as if they have had to take safety into their own hands. "For us now, this means one of two things: bunker in with bomb-proof glass, or leave." That Quebec contains the largest French-speaking city outside of France is a fact, and that the city of Montreal has one of the oldest Jewish communities in North America is an idea spreading by word of mouth. Since 2001, French Jewish immigration to Montreal has increased by more than 700%, an influx of European-born Jews from a single country in numbers not seen since the middle of the past century.

"But our future here is hard to envision, even if [we are] just looking at demographics." There are 500,000 to 600,000 Jews living in France, and the population is dwindling. "There are six million Muslims," he says, "and their population is growing." Mr. Malka says even though most Muslims in France are moderate, "for Jews this is still not a comfortable situation, even from the standpoint of politics. For politicians, it's plain where the votes are." "Sometimes it's best," says Mr. Barthel, "to just look clearly and say, 'OK, it's been nice in the past, but now it's time to move on.' "In the span of history," he adds, "this is a not an altogether unfamiliar situation for us."
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2008, 11:24:20 PM »
Poller: Halimi murder update

by Nidra Poller, American ex-pat writer and translator in Paris

Jihad Watch

March 6, 2006

Youssouf Fofana has been extradited from the Ivory Coast. His return to France was the opening subject on prime time news. We saw him led to the plane in Abidjan under heavy escort, taken from the plane in Paris under even heavier escort, brought from the airport to Paris in a convey with motorcycle cops and screaming sirens, and delivered to the main courthouse on a cold blustery night. He appeared before the judge, heard charges, more-or-less explained himself and was tightly locked up in a French prison.

I don’t agree with Hannah Arendt’s concept of the banality of evil. It’s more like the deflation of evil under pressure of the law. Taking the life of a human being is immense, it’s limitless, it’s the size of divinity and the depth of iniquity. When Fofana was the Barbarian’s Brain, pushing people around, packing a rod, inflicting torture, dehumanizing Ilan Halimi, slitting the throat of all that was left of him after three and a half weeks of torture, he was a big operator. Now he’s a punk. He’s helpless, useless, worthless. But we want justice. We want him to account for his evil deeds and be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Ilan Halimi was lured lured into the death trap on the 20th of January. He died shortly after he was discovered on the 13th of February in a condition that we wish we could not imagine. The extent and the brutality of the tortures inflicted on him have not been described and will never be fully revealed. One haunting detail torments the mind: not content to blindfold their victim, the Gang of Barbarians covered his eyes with tape, in fact his whole face was wrapped in tape…from the very beginning…from the first days when, in the words of the arch coward Fofana, the kidnapping was undertaken for the purpose of financial gains.

Though there were some attempts by mainstream media to let the story fade out, it kept coming back to assume its rightful place. We are getting an exceptional quantity of investigative reporting. And English-speaking media are slowly awaking to the importance of this case for all it reveals and all that remains hidden in French society.

Twenty-one people have already been arrested, nineteen are behind bars, several big goons are still on the run. Police think that an even wider circle of people knew about the hostage and the torture, and kept silent. Some may be charged with “non-assistance to an endangered person.”

Youssouf Fofana will be charged with other extortion attempts, going back to 2002, targeting prominent personalities and general practitioners, many of them Jewish. Which raises metaphysical questions about antisemitism. Though one or two of the barbarians accuse fellow gang members of antisemitism, none of them admit to it for themselves, least of all Fofana. He lost miserably on his first line of defense, opposing extradition on that grounds that he was Ivoirian because his parents were born in the Ivory Coast. The court ruled that he is French, and got him out of there as fast as the Airbus could carry him. Now Fofana is camping on a new bargain: he admits he masterminded the abduction but denies he killed the hostage; he admits he specifically chose a Jew, but denies that he was motivated by antisemitism. His choice of a Jew was pragmatic. As he repeatedly explained to the victim’s family and even to his rabbi, if the family doesn’t have money, they can get it at the synagogue.

Some analysts put two and two together, and come up with a clear case of antisemitism. Others subtract two from two and the antisemitism disappears. The guys in the ‘hood, as we will see below, put two and two and two and another two together, and when it adds up to deep seated widespread dangerous antisemitism, they rub out the figures and get aggressively defensive.

You get the impression that for many people antisemitism is not an attitude, a mindset, an emotion, an explosive combination of ideas and passions, it’s a concrete object, a thing at least twice as big as an SUV, and when someone has it you can see it with your own two eyes, and if you don’t see it parked there in front of his nose, he doesn’t have it.

The newspaper of record, Le Monde, had tried to shy away from the murder case but finally decided to swim with the current. Suddenly we get a flood of information, including names of some of the gang members and details about their roles in the hostage operation. To wit: Giri N’Gazi, 19, jailer. Christophe Martin Vallet, 22, works in a school canteen, chauffeured one of the baiting chicks and gave Fofana advanced IT training. Samir Aït Abdelmalek, 27, liaison between jailers and kidnappers, got the keys to the apartment where Ilan was held before being transferred to the boiler room. Gilles Serrurier (“serrurier” is French for locksmith), building custodian, gave the keys to Samir. Jerome Ribeiro, 30, quit the gang at the end of January because things were getting too violent. Jean-Christophe G., 17, one of the most violent torturers. Yahia Touré Kaba, 19, acted as guard for 2 ½ weeks. Another jailer, pizza delivery boy Nabil Moustafa, 18, brought in Cédric Birot Saint-Yves, 28, to help. Fabrice Polygone, 19, vocational school student, jailer for the whole 3 ½ weeks (played hooky?).

This thug admits to a slash, another to a cigarette burn, a third to shaving Ilan’s head, but nothing that measures up to the wounds found on his wretched, wrecked body. Le Monde apparently obtained this information from lawyers involved in the case. Their identities are not officially announced, their faces re not shown. Innocent until proven guilty, until their trial two or three years from now. According to French law they cannot be sentenced en masse for what they did all together. Each individual criminal act must be attributed to its rightful author.

But they’ve already been doused with a splash of victimhood: their families are stigmatized, terrorized, forced to move away or living behind closed shutters, harassed and targeted with “disguised threats.” Norbert Goutmann, who has been defending Fofana since 1999 gave up. Too much pressure…from Jews, one must assume, who don’t understand how a Jewish lawyer can defend a vicious Jew killer.

Maître Goutmann tried to explain, on a Jewish radio station and on national television, that he was only doing his job, that Madame Fofana was terrorized, that it remained to be seen if the accusations made against his client are founded. As it turns out several members of the Barbarians’ gang have Jewish lawyers. Doesn’t that prove they are not antisemitic?

Ever since the November riots, “positive discrimination” has been in the air. So it is no surprise to find Moustapha Kessous reporting from the ‘hood for Le Monde: “Bagneux: “You don’t dare say the word ‘Jew.’” What with the pressure exerted on the lawyers, the families of the Barbarian gang, and their nice neighbors, you understand that the Jews are making it tough for everyone.

Djibril Issaka lives a few doors away from Youssouf Fofana, and works for a cultural association a few steps from where Ilan Halimi was tortured. Djibril and the brothas, who have to put up with stupid stereotypes about Blacks, are insulted by insinuations of wholesale antisemitism in the projects. He actually joined the March in memory of Ilan, but stepped out after 6 minutes when he heard people saying Ilan Halimi was killed because he was Jewish. Too much.

Abou Decore, 24, monitor in a social club, complains that you can’t even pronounce the word “Jew” without being accused of antisemitism. It’s okay to say Muslims are terrorists but you can’t say Jews have money.

A 19 year-old neighbor chimes in: “Jews are always playing victim…. This affair is going to create antisemitism.”

Daoud Ouatara, 23, says the French have a moral debt because they sold out the Jews during the war, but it’s nothing to do with us, we’re sons of immigrants, we’re racaille.

And another brotha adds that the Jews stick together. The least little thing and they’ve got the CRIF, the Licra, they don’t let you get away with anything.

When Bernard Abouaf of Radio Shalom checked out the ‘hood he didn’t get a warm welcome like Moustapha Kessous. One teenager unashamedly admitted that he didn’t know they were torturing a guy, but if he did, he wouldn’t have squealed on the gang, “because they live around here.”

Four Jewish men were attacked in separate incidents in the Sarcelles banlieue this weekend. Nicolas Sarkozy received the victims and their families in his gilded offices. But one local official declared that four individuals were attacked by delinquents; we have not established that this was a case of inter-communitarian violence. Unless you see the double SUV it’s best to be cautious, n’est-ce pas?

Posted by Jerry Gordon @ 12:35 am |
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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2008, 11:24:45 PM »

“We must burn France, as Hamas will burn Israel.”

Judith, VFR’s French translator, writes that a Christian Police Organization (the CFTC) announced before the Parisian riots (on March 28) that the word had gone out in the suburban ghettoes to burn France as Hamas burns Israel:

Les casseurs des ghettos, qui sont les mêmes émeutiers de novembre 2005, s’organisent entre eux aux travers des blogs internet pour appeler à l’insurrection lors de la manifestation anti-CEP (contrat première embauche) prévue mardi après-midi au départ de la Place d’Italie à Paris,” alerte Action Police CFTC. (Guysen.Israël.News)

Ces même blogs appellent à casser du “Juif, du Blanc et du Bourge.” On peut encore y lire: “Il faut brûler la France, comme le Hamas brûlera Israël.” Il est évident que les violences à caractère ethnico-religieuses vont franchir une étape tout à l’heure. L’ordre public sera très dur à maintenir étant donné les très graves disfonctionnement constatés dans les précédents dispositifs de la préfecture de police et les divergences de concept en matière de maintien de l’ordre entre les différents protagonistes. Nous recommandons aux plus vulnérables de ne pas se rendre à cette manifestation et aux manifestants de rester en groupe compact.

She provides a quick rendition:

The vandals from the ghettoes, the same ones as last November, are organizing via the blogs of the internet to stage an insurrection during the anti-CPE demonstrations set for Tuesday afternoon, starting at the Place d’Italie,” warns the Policie Action of the CFTC. (Guysen.Israel.News)

These same blogs are calling for violence to the Jews, the whites and the well-to-do. They say, “We must burn France, as Hamas will burn Israel.” It is obvious that violence of an ethnic-religious nature is about to erupt. Public order will be very hard to maintain considering the serious inability of the police to function properly as we witnessed previously, and the differences of opinion about how best to maintain order... We advise those who are most vulnerable not to go to the rally and those who do march to stay together in a compact group.

Judith adds: “As you said: The anti-national mega-state, where national means white, Jewish, and civilized.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 03, 2006 10:32 AM |

Sunday, June 19, 2005

70 percent of French prisoners are Muslims

French prisons are teeming with Muslims, a phenomenon chaplains and sociologists blame on marginalization and towering poverty and unemployment rates among the Muslim minority. “It really harms the image of Islam and Muslims in France that prisons are teeming with Muslims,” Mamdo Sango, a Muslim chaplain, told Iranian-French researcher Farhad Khosrokhavar said in his recently published book Islam in Prisons that Muslims make up some 70 percent of a total of 60,775 prisoners in France. As ethnicity-based censuses are banned in France, he said complexion, names and religious traditions like prohibition of pork indicate that Muslims constitute an overwhelming majority in prisons. French analysts further warned that prisons might be a breeding ground for extremists. Prison authorities have even become phobic about rising fanaticism in prisons to the extent that they sometimes deny Muslim prisoners the right to have prayer rugs.

posted by Fjordman @ 11:38 PM

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Second night of rioting in Paris

Silent march follows Paris riots

Hundreds of people have taken part in a silent march through a suburb of Paris in memory of two teenage boys whose deaths sparked two nights of violence. Angry crowds clashed with police on Thursday and Friday nights, throwing stones and setting cars alight in the suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois. The crowds blamed police for the deaths of the two boys, electrocuted when they climbed into an electrical station. Reports said the boys had been trying to evade police - who deny this. The authorities in Paris say no officers were chasing them at the time of their deaths. Police detained 14 people after Friday night's clashes, which officials said saw 15 police officers and one journalist injured, and a shot fired at a police van. Thursday's violence broke out after youths attacked firefighters who had been called in to help the two victims, who were aged 15 and 17, and a third youth who received serious burns.

Second night of rioting in Paris

Hundreds of French youths fought with police and set cars ablaze in a suburb of Paris early Saturday in a second night of rioting which media said was triggered when two teenagers died fleeing police. Firefighters intervened around 40 times on Friday night in the northeastern suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois where many of the 28,000 residents are immigrants, mainly from Africa, police and fire officers said. Unidentified youths fired a shot at police but no one was hurt, police said. A police trade union called for help from the army to support police officers. "There's a civil war underway in Clichy-Sous-Bois at the moment," Michel Thooris, an official of police trade union Action Police CFTC, said. "We can no longer withstand this situation on our own. My colleagues neither have the equipment nor the practical or theoretical training for street fighting," he said.

September Diary

In Le Figaro daily dated Feb 1, 2002, Lucienne Bui Trong, a criminologist working for the French government's Renseignements Generaux (General Intelligence — a mix of FBI and secret service), complains that the survey system she had created for accurately denumbering the Muslim no-go zones was dismantled by the government. She wrote: 'From 106 hot points in 1991, we went to 818 sensitive areas in 1999. That's for the whole country. These data were not politically correct.' Since she comes from a Vietnamese background, Ms. Bui Trong cannot be suspected of racism, of course, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to start this survey in the first place. The term she uses, 'sensitive area,' is the PC euphemism for these places where anything representing a Western institution (post office truck, firemen, even mail order delivery firms, and of course cops) is routinely ambushed with Molotov cocktails, and where war weapons imported from the Muslim part of Yugoslavia are routinely found. The number 818 is from 2002. I'd go out on a limb and venture that it hasn't decreased in two years. Note the French govt's response to these unpleasant statistics — they stopped collecting the statistics!

The unreported race riot in France

Fredric Encel, Professor of international relations at the prestigious Ecole Nationale d'Administration in Paris and a man not known for crying wolf, recently stated that France is becoming a new Lebanon. The implication, far-fetched though it may seem, was that civil upheaval might be no more than a few years off, sparked by growing ethnic and religious polarization. In recent weeks, a series of events has underlined this ominous trend. On March 8, tens of thousands of high school students marched through central Paris to protest education reforms announced by the government. Repeatedly, peaceful demonstrators were attacked by bands of black and Arab youths--about 1,000 in all, according to police estimates. The eyewitness accounts of victims, teachers, and most interestingly the attackers themselves gathered by the left-wing daily Le Monde confirm the motivation: racism. Some of the attackers openly expressed their hatred of "little French people." One 18-year-old named Heikel, a dual citizen of France and Tunisia, was proud of his actions. He explained that he had joined in just to "beat people up," especially "little Frenchmen who look like victims." He added with a satisfied smile that he had "a pleasant memory" of repeatedly kicking a student, already defenseless on the ground. Another attacker explained the violence by saying that "little whites" don't know how to fight and "are afraid because they are cowards." Rachid, an Arab attacker, added that even an Arab can be considered a "little white" if he "has a French mindset." The general sentiment was a desire to "take revenge on whites."

Stoning in France

The alleged murderer of a 23-year-old Tunisian woman, whose stoned body was discovered on October 20, has been placed in police custody. The suspect, 18, arrested Sunday at his home, is an old acquaintance of the victim. He will be presented before the examining magistrate today.

Is France on the way to becoming an Islamic state?

France is facing the problem that dare not speak its name. Though French law prohibits the census from any reference to ethnic background or religion, many demographers estimate that as much as 20-30 per cent of the population under 25 is now Muslim. The streets, the traditional haunt of younger people, now belong to Muslim youths. In France, the phrase "les jeunes" is a politically correct way of referring to young Muslims. Given current birth rates, it is not impossible that in 25 years France will have a Muslim majority. The consequences are dynamic: is it possible that secular France might become an Islamic state?

Holocaust lessons meet Muslim rebuff in France

"Filthy Jew!" schoolchildren howl at a classmate. "Jews only want money and power," they tell their teachers. "Death to the Jews" graffiti appear on school walls outside Paris and other French cities. These are not scenes from the wartime Nazi occupation or a fictional France where the far-right has taken control. Outright anti-Semitism like this is a fact of life these days in the poor suburbs where much of France's Muslim minority lives. The outspoken book "The Lost Territories of the Republic" opened France's eyes to classrooms where some Muslim pupils openly denounced Jews, praised Hitler and refused to listen to any non-Muslim teacher talking about the history of Islam.

Will Muslim Immigration Trigger Wars in Europe?

Yes, I’m pretty sure this immigration will trigger wars in Europe. This continent has simply lost control over its own borders, and the native population is being replaced at an astonishing rate in many of its major cities. Europe has a rather violent history, and migrations of this magnitude have usually triggered wars between the original population and the newcomers. The situation becomes even worse when we enter another factor: Islam. The Islamic world is at war with pretty much everybody, everywhere. Both Thailand and the Philippines, countries where the Muslim population is not much larger than it is in some Western European countries, are facing war.

posted by Fjordman @ 7:04 PM

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2008, 11:25:11 PM »
French Army to Appoint Muslim Chaplains

Meskine welcomed the decision as tantamount to an official recognition of Islam in the French army.

By Hadi Yahmid, IOL Correspondent

PARIS, January 22 ( – The French Defense Ministry has assigned a Muslim army colonel to study the possibility of setting up a department for Muslim chaplains to meet the spiritual needs of Muslims serving in the republic’s army.

Appointing Ayyat Hussein for the job, French Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie asked the colonel to hold talks with representatives of the French Council for the Muslim Religion (CFCM) and the French council for imams and report back by the end of June.

Alliot-Marie also held a one-on-one with Dalil Boubakeur, CFCM chairman, on Wednesday, January 19, to discuss the same issue, has learnt.

Unlike their Christian and Jewish fellow soldiers, Muslims serving in the French army do not have chaplains catering for their religious needs.

There are 218 Catholic, 55 Protestant and 30 Jewish army clergymen currently serving in the French army.

France is home to around six million Muslims, the biggest Muslim community in Europe.

Official Recognition

Daw Meskine, Secretary General of the council for imams, welcomed the decision as tantamount to an official recognition of Islam in the French army.

“This would likely encourage more French Muslims to serve in the army,” he told IOL.

“The increasing number of Muslims joining the army over the past years has pushed the issue of chaplains to the surface.”

Elaborating on the assignments of the Muslim chaplains, Meskine said they would acquaint the Muslim soldiers with their holy feasts, provide them with halal meat and copies of the Noble Qur’an and lead prayers.

The French council for imams, the biggest umbrella body for Muslim imams in France, was established in April 1992 with the ultimate goal of closing Muslim ranks. It groups some 475 of France’s 1200 imams.

Orientation Sessions

Meanwhile, the French national center for police rehabilitation and studies organized on Friday, January 21, a 90-minute orientation session about Islam and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

The session, part of an intended series of presentations, was attended by 1300 policemen, according to Liberation.

The program aims at familiarizing policemen with the faith to be better able to deal with members of the Muslim minority, said the French daily.

The center’s administration gave the attendees copies of a 250-page file about major issues concerning Islam.

A perusal of the annals of 2004 in France makes it indeed the “year of Islam” with all its pluses and minuses for the sizable Muslim community.
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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2008, 11:25:25 PM »
The Collapse of France: Grab What You Can Get

From the desk of Paul Belien on Wed, 2006-03-29 21:31

France has 60 million inhabitants. Yesterday between one million (police figure) and three million (trade union figure) of them took to the streets in protest marches against the government’s youth employment bill (CPE). The bill, which was approved by a large parliamentary majority, allows small companies to fire workers under 26 without cause during the first two years on the job while paying them only 8% of their salary in damages. The bill applies only to young people in their first job. Nevertheless, the French trade unions joined the student protests out of principle. In France a job is virtually owned by the employee and cannot be taken from him unless the employer pays heavy damages.

Yesterday’s demonstrations were the biggest in 30 years. The current wave of student protests is often compared to the May 1968 student rebellion. The difference between then and now, however, is that then the economy was growing, while today it is contracting. Then the students were baby-boomers, who had had it better than any previous generation in Europe’s history, and who were demanding to be liberated from society’s moral constraints. Today the students are an amoral generation unwilling to make sacrifices to help the economy to grow again.

In yesterday’s article on this website Fjordman reported on the violence of immigrant thugs against native Swedes. He pointed out that this violence results from a breakdown of the welfare state system. With the money lacking to “grease” the increasing tensions between immigrants and native Europeans, the immigrants have started to grab what they consider they are entitled to.

The same thing is happening in France. Groups of immigrant youths – so-called casseurs – mugged demonstrators on the edges of the marches and stole their cash, mobile phones and other valuables. Their mentality does not differ much from that of the student protestors, who went on a rampage themselves last week. An American reader described the mentality of the French students in an email as that of serfs:

“The new serfs have sold their freedom and futures for a guaranteed bowl of porridge from the State. This is how far these young intellectuals can see – to the end of their spoons and no farther. They will take their paychecks by force, even if their economy dies.”

Today’s French (as well as Swedes and other West Europeans for that matter) feel entitled to secure 35 hour working week jobs until their retirement at age 55. In fact those retiring at 55 today were the rioting students of 1968. They set their children the bad example of egotism and of grabbing whatever you can, even to the detriment of the next generation. This brings us to another difference between then and now. Then, the older generation looked scornfully upon the rioting students. Following the May 1968 revolt, Charles De Gaulle won the French elections with the Right’s largest election victory ever. Today, it is doubtful whether this will happen again.

The French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin told his party, the UMP, that there is “no question of withdrawing” the CPE bill. However, Nicolas Sarkozy, the Interior Minister and UMP party president, at once undermined Villepin’s statement by suggesting that the recently approved bill should be put on hold.

Villepin and Sarkozy are political rivals. Both men hope to become the candidate of the Right in next year’s presidential elections. Villepin is a man of the establishment, Sarkozy is an outsider. Last year President Jacques Chirac appointed Villepin as Prime Minister in order to thwart Sarkozy’s presidential ambitions. Now, however, Sarkozy is behaving just like Villepin did last November: During the November riots, when immigrant youths went on the rampage for several weeks in the French suburbs, Sarkozy proposed a hardline “law and order” approach, while Villepin took the position of trying to “appease” the thugs. This time the two antagonists have switched roles.

Then as now, however, French president Jack Chirac was nowhere to be seen. Today there was an announcement that he will speak about the CPE “in the next few days.” If France has not imploded by then…
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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2008, 11:25:40 PM »
The French Europe

If France approves the EU constitution, French Yes campaigners will have provided British Eurosceptics with plenty of ammunition for the UK's poll next year.

Britain's Vote No campaign has kindly rounded up some choice quotes from French ministers:

* "[The EU Constitution] embodies the French vision of Europe. A 'yes' vote will reinforce the French model in Europe, a 'no' vote will weaken it." - Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin (AP, 29 and 30 March)

* "We have finally obtained this 'Europe à la française' that we have awaited for so long. This constitutional treaty is an enlarged France. It is a Europe written in French." - Justice Minister Dominique Perben (Times and AFP, 4 April)

* "A 'no' vote is an open door to an Anglo-Saxon Europe. A 'yes' vote is the advent of a Europe à la française! The constitutional treaty is inspired by our model." - Minister for Transport and Tourism Giles de Robien (Le Figaro, 6 April)

* "To vote 'yes' is to show one's attachment to the French model and one's refusal of the Anglo-Saxon or Polish model." - Budget Minister and government spokesperson Jean-François Copé (Le Monde, 30 March)

* "The European Constitution consecrates the French vision of Europe. This Constitution marks the coming of the "political Europe" that France has always wanted." - Europe Minister Claudie Haigner=E9 (Le Figaro, 6 April)

* "This treaty carries the French hallmark. [it has] all the elements to allow us to defend, in the years to come, our vision of society, our vision of Europe." - Interior Minister Dominique de Villepin (Nouvel Observateur, 22 March)

* "This Constitution allows the French ambition to assert itself in the big Europe that General de Gaulle hoped and prayed for." - Education Minister François Fillon (Le Figaro, 7 April)

* "Saying 'no' to the treaty today would be saying 'no' to French Europe, and therefore, in a way, saying 'yes' to a Europe that we don't like - to an ultraliberal Europe." - Education Minister Fran=E7ois Fillon (AP, 25 March)

* "This treaty is everything except a liberal treaty." - Employment Minister Jean-Louis Borloo (Le Figaro, 31 March)

*(The EU Constitution is)"the crowning of what one could call the French vision for Europe, against the Anglo-Saxon vision." - UMP party website

Fortress Europe

Much of the quotes above stem from France's government's fear that voters will oppose the constitution. Unlike in Britain, where much opposition to the constitution comes from the centre and right, in France the most vociferous opponents of the treaty are left-leaning. The Parti Communiste, and associated extremist leftist groups are campaigning for a no, as are many unions. A large number of centre-left Socialist Party members have defied party policy and are campaigning against the treaty.

Opinion polls show that the No camp has a narrow lead.

While the desire to give the government a sound kicking motivates many no campaigners, the illusion that the EU constitution will herald the end of France's social model and the beginning of a Europe-wide Anglo-Saxon market economy has provided the main focus for the treaty's opponents. The government has been desperate to play down these claims, even to the extent of dumping its own reform policies in order to allay anti-liberal fears.

There is definitely a feeling in France that the EU's role should be to shelter Europe's citizens from the big bad world outside - and even within the 25 member states.

Foreign minister Michel Barnier admitted that in France, there is "a feeling that Europe is not providing enough protection against the risks of globalisation."

This concern prompted President Chirac to obstruct the progress of the EU's services directive, designed to open European services to competition. The directive, known in France as the "Bolkenstein Directive" after the commissioner behind it, provoked an hysterical reaction in France, despite the fact that French representatives - including Barnier himself - had been among the commissioners who approved it unanimously.

Barnier also attacked Britain's EU rebate - a recurrent theme in Paris' statements on the EU these days - while refusing to accept criticism of the crooked, illiberal and grotesque Common Agricultural Policy, of which France is the major beneficiary.

Ugly Academics

In Britain, the Association of University Teachers is considering a ban on working with Israeli academics who refuse to denounce their nation.

Melanie Phillips gives this totalitarian outrage the treatment it deserves.

Incidentally, EURSOC is no expert on this issue but aren't British university teachers state employees? And surely there is something in British law to prevent state employees from behaving in such a discriminatory manner? Correct us if we're wrong - usual address above.
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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2008, 09:14:59 AM »
France is officially a Muslim country if you don't see it go get your glasses. I thought Sarkozy could save Europe but he showed us his real face when he backed Kosovo. When he first got elected I was happy as ever because he is half Jewish but I guess you JTF folks aren't really proud of him are you?
Free Javakh!!!
I defecate on Stalin's grave.

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2008, 10:25:45 AM »
France is officially a Muslim country if you don't see it go get your glasses. I thought Sarkozy could save Europe but he showed us his real face when he backed Kosovo. When he first got elected I was happy as ever because he is half Jewish but I guess you JTF folks aren't really proud of him are you?
Officially France is a country where the state and religion are separated. "Laïcité".
Anti-racism is becoming self-hating anti-white racism.
Muslims have too much births, and original French people have a negative birthrate.

As in several other Eu countries, muslims will be the majority in 2030.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2008, 06:13:27 AM »
France is officially a Muslim country if you don't see it go get your glasses. I thought Sarkozy could save Europe but he showed us his real face when he backed Kosovo. When he first got elected I was happy as ever because he is half Jewish but I guess you JTF folks aren't really proud of him are you?
Officially France is a country where the state and religion are separated. "Laïcité".
Anti-racism is becoming self-hating anti-white racism.
Muslims have too much births, and original French people have a negative birthrate.

As in several other Eu countries, muslims will be the majority in 2030.

France is becoming a muSSlim melting pot just like the rest of Europe.

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2008, 04:36:30 AM »
France is officially a Muslim country if you don't see it go get your glasses. I thought Sarkozy could save Europe but he showed us his real face when he backed Kosovo. When he first got elected I was happy as ever because he is half Jewish but I guess you JTF folks aren't really proud of him are you?
Officially France is a country where the state and religion are separated. "Laïcité".
Anti-racism is becoming self-hating anti-white racism.
Muslims have too much births, and original French people have a negative birthrate.

As a Jew i dont care about europe! >:(

My family was killed by europeans, so to hell with europe!

France is becoming a muSSlim melting pot just like the rest of Europe.

Safe Israel! NOT EUROPE >:(
« Last Edit: February 25, 2008, 04:45:32 AM by Wojtila »
Hate list:
5.Jew haters
6.mexicans in America
7.Black People in America
8.Some Asien people in america

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2008, 06:09:47 AM »
France is officially a Muslim country if you don't see it go get your glasses. I thought Sarkozy could save Europe but he showed us his real face when he backed Kosovo. When he first got elected I was happy as ever because he is half Jewish but I guess you JTF folks aren't really proud of him are you?
Officially France is a country where the state and religion are separated. "Laïcité".
Anti-racism is becoming self-hating anti-white racism.
Muslims have too much births, and original French people have a negative birthrate.
As a Jew i dont care about europe! >:(

My family was killed by europeans, so to hell with europe!

France is becoming a muSSlim melting pot just like the rest of Europe.

Safe Israel! NOT EUROPE >:(
What is Israel going to do when France and England nuclear arsenals are controled by muslims?
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline Wojtila

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2008, 11:46:34 AM »
France is officially a Muslim country if you don't see it go get your glasses. I thought Sarkozy could save Europe but he showed us his real face when he backed Kosovo. When he first got elected I was happy as ever because he is half Jewish but I guess you JTF folks aren't really proud of him are you?
Officially France is a country where the state and religion are separated. "Laïcité".
Anti-racism is becoming self-hating anti-white racism.
Muslims have too much births, and original French people have a negative birthrate.
As a Jew i dont care about europe! >:(

My family was killed by europeans, so to hell with europe!

France is becoming a muSSlim melting pot just like the rest of Europe.

Safe Israel! NOT EUROPE >:(
What is Israel going to do when France and England nuclear arsenals are controled by muslims?

My answer, Nuke europe when muzzies control it!

But lets hope G-d kill them first O0 ;)

« Last Edit: February 25, 2008, 11:48:47 AM by Wojtila »
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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2008, 08:40:01 AM »
France is officially a Muslim country if you don't see it go get your glasses. I thought Sarkozy could save Europe but he showed us his real face when he backed Kosovo. When he first got elected I was happy as ever because he is half Jewish but I guess you JTF folks aren't really proud of him are you?
Officially France is a country where the state and religion are separated. "Laïcité".
Anti-racism is becoming self-hating anti-white racism.
Muslims have too much births, and original French people have a negative birthrate.
As a Jew i dont care about europe! >:(

My family was killed by europeans, so to hell with europe!

France is becoming a muSSlim melting pot just like the rest of Europe.

Safe Israel! NOT EUROPE >:(
What is Israel going to do when France and England nuclear arsenals are controled by muslims?

My answer, Nuke europe when muzzies control it!

But lets hope G-d kill them first O0 ;)

Have you ever been in Europe?
Anyone who advocates nuking Europe is a muslim.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline Wojtila

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2008, 11:03:36 AM »
France is officially a Muslim country if you don't see it go get your glasses. I thought Sarkozy could save Europe but he showed us his real face when he backed Kosovo. When he first got elected I was happy as ever because he is half Jewish but I guess you JTF folks aren't really proud of him are you?
Officially France is a country where the state and religion are separated. "Laïcité".
Anti-racism is becoming self-hating anti-white racism.
Muslims have too much births, and original French people have a negative birthrate.
As a Jew i dont care about europe! >:(

My family was killed by europeans, so to hell with europe!

France is becoming a muSSlim melting pot just like the rest of Europe.

Safe Israel! NOT EUROPE >:(
What is Israel going to do when France and England nuclear arsenals are controled by muslims?

My answer, Nuke europe when muzzies control it!

But lets hope G-d kill them first O0 ;)

Have you ever been in Europe?
Anyone who advocates nuking Europe is a muslim.

Hehe right! >:(

Europeans are anti jew, so i dont care about them! >:(

So yes nuke Europe!

Let all jews raise against the evil! O0

And yes i have been in europe, right now i live in Denmark, and like all other scums, they supported the nazies in world war 2! >:( :'( :'(
« Last Edit: March 07, 2008, 01:53:08 PM by Wojtila »
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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2008, 03:18:05 PM »
France is officially a Muslim country if you don't see it go get your glasses. I thought Sarkozy could save Europe but he showed us his real face when he backed Kosovo. When he first got elected I was happy as ever because he is half Jewish but I guess you JTF folks aren't really proud of him are you?
Officially France is a country where the state and religion are separated. "Laïcité".
Anti-racism is becoming self-hating anti-white racism.
Muslims have too much births, and original French people have a negative birthrate.
As a Jew i dont care about europe! >:(

My family was killed by europeans, so to hell with europe!

France is becoming a muSSlim melting pot just like the rest of Europe.

Safe Israel! NOT EUROPE >:(
What is Israel going to do when France and England nuclear arsenals are controled by muslims?

My answer, Nuke europe when muzzies control it!

But lets hope G-d kill them first O0 ;)

Have you ever been in Europe?
Anyone who advocates nuking Europe is a muslim.

Hehe right! >:(

Europeans are anti jew, so i dont care about them! >:(

So yes nuke Europe!

Let all jews raise against the evil! O0

And yes i have been in europe, right now i live in Denmark, and like all other scums, they supported the nazies in world war 2! >:( :'( :'(
Denmark supported the nazis? How?
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline Wojtila

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2008, 02:40:18 PM »
France is officially a Muslim country if you don't see it go get your glasses. I thought Sarkozy could save Europe but he showed us his real face when he backed Kosovo. When he first got elected I was happy as ever because he is half Jewish but I guess you JTF folks aren't really proud of him are you?
Officially France is a country whersupported the naziee the state and religion are separated. "Laïcité".
Anti-racism is becoming self-hating anti-white racism.
Muslims have too much births, and original French people have a negative birthrate.
As a Jew i dont care about europe! >:(

My family was killed by europeans, so to hell with europe!

France is becoming a muSSlim melting pot just like the rest of Europe.

Safe Israel! NOT EUROPE >:(
What is Israel going to do when France and England nuclear arsenals are controled by muslims?

My answer, Nuke europe when muzzies control it!

But lets hope G-d kill them first O0 ;)

Have you ever been in Europe?
Anyone who advocates nuking Europe is a muslim.

Hehe right! >:(

Europeans are anti jew, so i dont care about them! >:(

So yes nuke Europe!

Let all jews raise against the evil! O0

And yes i have been in europe, right now i live in Denmark, and like all other scums, they supported the nazies in world war 2! >:( :'( :'(
Denmark supported the nazis? How?

They deported all the Jews to the germans!! >:( :'(

The Danish government have apologize for it, but it still sad :'(

Europeans are anti Jews!

History speak for itself :'( :(

Its sad but true, when smart Jews become to powerfull in Europe, Europeans got angry and killed the Jews >:(

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Offline Ambiorix

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2008, 03:21:15 PM »
France is officially a Muslim country if you don't see it go get your glasses. I thought Sarkozy could save Europe but he showed us his real face when he backed Kosovo. When he first got elected I was happy as ever because he is half Jewish but I guess you JTF folks aren't really proud of him are you?
Officially France is a country whersupported the naziee the state and religion are separated. "Laïcité".
Anti-racism is becoming self-hating anti-white racism.
Muslims have too much births, and original French people have a negative birthrate.
As a Jew i dont care about europe! >:(

My family was killed by europeans, so to hell with europe!

France is becoming a muSSlim melting pot just like the rest of Europe.

Safe Israel! NOT EUROPE >:(
What is Israel going to do when France and England nuclear arsenals are controled by muslims?

My answer, Nuke europe when muzzies control it!

But lets hope G-d kill them first O0 ;)

Have you ever been in Europe?
Anyone who advocates nuking Europe is a muslim.

Hehe right! >:(

Europeans are anti jew, so i dont care about them! >:(

So yes nuke Europe!

Let all jews raise against the evil! O0

And yes i have been in europe, right now i live in Denmark, and like all other scums, they supported the nazies in world war 2! >:( :'( :'(
Denmark supported the nazis? How?

1 They deported all the Jews to the germans!! >:( :'(

You are misinformed about Denmark's role in the WWII.

See this quote from wikipedia ( i agree, leftist source)

The rescue of the Danish Jews occurred during Nazi Germany's occupation of Denmark during World War II. When Hitler ordered that Danish Jews be arrested and deported on October 1-2 1943, many Danes took part in a collective effort to evacuate the roughly 8,000 Jews of Denmark by sea to nearby Sweden. The rescue allowed the vast majority of Denmark's Jewish population to avoid capture by the Nazis and is considered to be one of the largest actions of collective resistance to repression in the countries occupied by Nazi Germany. As a result of the rescue and Danish intercession on behalf of the 5% of Danish Jews who were deported to Theresienstadt transit camp in Bohemia, over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.
repeat :

over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]

repeat :

over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]

repeat :

over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]

repeat :

over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]

repeat :

over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]

repeat :

over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]

repeat :

over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]
repeat :

over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]
repeat :

over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]
repeat :

over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]
repeat :

over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]


over 99% of Denmark's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.[/quote]

Find me prove that these Jews were handed to the Nazis!!

2 Its sad but true, when smart Jews become to powerfull in Europe, Europeans got angry and killed the Jews >:(

This is true. It is God's will that Jews return to Israel.
Jews are always hated. I am sorry for that, but it is God's will.

Return to Israel
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline JTFFan

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2008, 03:50:00 AM »
France is officially a Muslim country if you don't see it go get your glasses. I thought Sarkozy could save Europe but he showed us his real face when he backed Kosovo. When he first got elected I was happy as ever because he is half Jewish but I guess you JTF folks aren't really proud of him are you?
Officially France is a country where the state and religion are separated. "Laïcité".
Anti-racism is becoming self-hating anti-white racism.
Muslims have too much births, and original French people have a negative birthrate.
As a Jew i dont care about europe! >:(

My family was killed by europeans, so to hell with europe!

France is becoming a muSSlim melting pot just like the rest of Europe.

Safe Israel! NOT EUROPE >:(
What is Israel going to do when France and England nuclear arsenals are controled by muslims?

My answer, Nuke europe when muzzies control it!

But lets hope G-d kill them first O0 ;)

Have you ever been in Europe?
Anyone who advocates nuking Europe is a muslim.

Hehe right! >:(

Europeans are anti jew, so i dont care about them! >:(

So yes nuke Europe!

Let all jews raise against the evil! O0

And yes i have been in europe, right now i live in Denmark, and like all other scums, they supported the nazies in world war 2! >:( :'( :'(

If you nuke Europe, we won't have righteous members like Ambiorix or Golden Pheasant alive! >:(

Offline Wojtila

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2008, 03:08:52 PM »
France is officially a Muslim country if you don't see it go get your glasses. I thought Sarkozy could save Europe but he showed us his real face when he backed Kosovo. When he first got elected I was happy as ever because he is half Jewish but I guess you JTF folks aren't really proud of him are you?
Officially France is a country where the state and religion are separated. "Laïcité".
Anti-racism is becoming self-hating anti-white racism.
Muslims have too much births, and original French people have a negative birthrate.
As a Jew i dont care about europe! >:(

My family was killed by europeans, so to hell with europe!

France is becoming a muSSlim melting pot just like the rest of Europe.

Safe Israel! NOT EUROPE >:(
What is Israel going to do when France and England nuclear arsenals are controled by muslims?

My answer, Nuke europe when muzzies control it!

But lets hope G-d kill them first O0 ;)

Have you ever been in Europe?
Anyone who advocates nuking Europe is a muslim.

Hehe right! >:(

Europeans are anti jew, so i dont care about them! >:(

So yes nuke Europe!

Let all jews raise against the evil! O0

And yes i have been in europe, right now i live in Denmark, and like all other scums, they supported the nazies in world war 2! >:( :'( :'(

If you nuke Europe, we won't have righteous members like Ambiorix or Golden Pheasant alive! >:(

I dont want to search on this, because i think its sad :'( i cant believe that smart Jews where killed without a reason, make me sad and sick :( >:( :'( >:(

But still, Denmark(danish government)supported the nazis under world war 2, thats a fact! :( >:( :'(

Jews where send out to concentration camp in east europe and the danish government was with the nazis!

« Last Edit: March 12, 2008, 03:11:45 PM by Wojtila »
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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2008, 03:18:33 PM »
Today is no different! :( :'(

I see Jews being attacked across Europe, why i ask :'( ??? >:(

I now that i have to return to Israel, but I'm scared, because of the Muslim terrorist in Israel :( :'(

Its a scary world :-[ :-\

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Offline Ambiorix

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2008, 09:12:44 PM »
Today is no different! :( :'(

I see Jews being attacked across Europe, why i ask :'( ??? >:(

I now that i have to return to Israel, but I'm scared, because of the Muslim terrorist in Israel :( :'(

Its a scary world :-[ :-\

Well I understand perfectly that you are scared. I also fear muslims and africans will try to genocidise us. But we should never give up , there is hope.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.