The Danish Intifada Baron Bodissey
An article appeared last night in Jyllands-Posten about the riots that have been going on for the last four or five days in Denmark. Cars and schools have been set ablaze, and barricades — actual barricades — have appeared in the streets. Is this 1968 all over again?
The article refers to the autonomer of Ungdomshuset, but I assumed that Muslims must be involved too, since Gellerup (a predominantly Muslim suburb of Århus) is mentioned.
The violence is also being billed as a response to the republication of the Motoons over the last few days, but the first cars were burning before the death-plot against Kurt Westergaard was publicly revealed and the plotters were arrested.
So I asked our Danish correspondent Kepiblanc about the J-P article, and for his reactions to the situation in his country. Along with the map and photos shown at right, he sent the following impressions:
It’s just about all those small-scale riots all over the country, setting ablaze cars, trash-containers and whatnot. And when the fire brigade arrives they have to wait for the police to arrive in order to avoid being stoned. No injured humans, so far…
OK, it’s a mini-intifada, but in no way out of control.
And it has nothing whatsoever to do with ‘de autonome’. The punks are 100% Muslims, initially whining about ‘police brutality and harassment’, ‘racial profiling’ (strip-searching all dark-skinned ‘youths’) etc.
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But when PET foiled the murder of Kurt Westergaard and almost all newspapers re-printed the ‘turban bomb’ cartoon, they changed their motives to ‘insults to our dear prophet, Mohammad (pbuh)’.
The general opinion in our country is getting more and more anti-Islam by the hour…
Now we’re waiting for Friday prayers to finish. If the imams are smart they’ll calm things down and postpone the fun for a few weeks, because the weather forecast promises frostbite tonight. And Arabs slow down considerably in cold weather…