I agree, a country is not its government. But spreading libels against the Israeli Govt. if you are not sure......It only helps those evil anti-Semites who claim the founding leaders of the State were evil, and so Israel must be dismantled.
As long as we have the bomb, we will
never be dismantled. Anyone who wants to "dismantle" us will have his country feel the wrath of Jewish science in the form of a mushroom cloud.
I will continue to speak the truth about the fascist disctatorship in Israel whether it pleases my enemies or not.
We the people dictate to the government what our orders are and not vice versa.
I am sick of this soap opera drama of what takes place continuously. The government of Israel is a very cruel joke that needs to be shot by a firing squad.
If I had typed that in Israel, I would have been pursued by Shabak. Kahannists and ordinary people are stalked by Shabak in Israel just for having a Pro Israel bumper sticker on the back of their cars.