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--- Quote from: Abdul-Azim on February 20, 2008, 12:19:23 AM ---
--- Quote from: MarZutra on February 19, 2008, 06:21:18 PM ---The "New Testament".  Or "The Book of Mormon"...LOL ;)

--- End quote ---

see, you don't understand.  Only 27 of those 66 books in the Christian Bible are New Testament.  The other 39 are Tanach .

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There are only 24 books in the Tanach.

I know exactly what the Torah = Genesis-Deuteronomy and the Tenach = Torah + Prophets (Joshua-Malachi) + Writings (Psalms- Chronicles).  Everything after this is considered "The New Testament" which include: Tanach + Matthew-Revelations.  I should know, I was raised Christian.... ;)

abdul-azim is banned.

It cannot be said that we didn't give any muslim a chance to have a meaningful debate... but it doesn't seem possible... especially with fake muslims.

Newman, you are 100% wrong about Avraham Avinu, he was most certainly not a noahide, he wasthe First Ger, the first convert and all Geriim since then are known as Ben(son) or Bat(daughter) of Avraham, the Torah was revealed to Avraham and he also converted Sarah, they and Yitzkhaz and Yaakov and all their descendents were Hebrews, Jews, not Noahides.

I think it is unnecessary to ban Abdul at this point.

In answer to your questions, we love the Jewish people, and we naturally hate the enemies of the Jews, be they Arab Nationalists, Muslims or Nazis. We know what the Muslims are. We lived with them and under them and its not something we ever want to repeat. For 1300 years the Muslims, and the Christians had their heel on our throats, and thank you but no more. We have our own country and for reasons of Islamic law and Arab racism this is a problem to the Islamic and Arab worlds and we believe in doing what is necessary to prevent the holocaust that  the vast majority of Muslims and Arabs dream of.

mamo mo j***m muslimansko!! ban this arabien excrement!! islam is poison!!


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