lets play with him first
ok, why do we want you dead? Simple. Kill you before you kill me 
I have no interest in killing anyone.
You're a twisted, phsycotic, muSSlim-nazi pig and a follower of the murdering, raping, genocidal pedophile mohammerhead. You and your kind want to kill, forcibly convert or enslave every Jew and non-muSSlim on this planet.
The sooner you are exterminated the better!
No, I don't care if you are a jew or not. Hate to break it to ya. You are the psychotic one who wants to kill all of MY people.
The Islam-religion you believe in commands you to kill us, unless we convert to satan-allah.
We will do wathever it takes, to stop people like you from destroying us.
Your commander of hate - mohammed - is a psychotic adolf hitler -type of leader,
and his evil nazi-ideology must be stopped.
This is a fight between good and bad.
Don't expect mercy, from God, when you die.
You will be sentenced to the eternal fire of hell.