I prefer an atheist who is prepared to adhere to the principals of individual freedom and liberty than a muSSlim who wants to forcibly convert, enslave, rape and kill everybody else.
Me too, I prefer them in muslime Arabic countries becouse it will make them weak and ultimetly detroy them; Why do you think the NWO/Iluminati crowd don't want PC and multicultism in non western countries? 
Sorry, you're wrong.
You don't support atheists "here", because it could benifit us "there".
Any weapon is fair and proper when used against Muslimes... A-bombs, Bio agents, even Comunism. I personaly advocate BAR and neutron bombs.
In principle I can't disagree with you on this.
But when flattening SAudi-R-apia we must take care no mushroom clouds endager Israel.
I don't know if it is possible to use A&H&N-Bombs without endangering Israel.
Neutron bombs are relativly clean they cook the brians which can be a problem in case of A-rabs

plus as bonus they will not destroy oil fields and infrastructure...

Boing Boing exclusive: profile of neutron bomb inventor
Posted by Mark Frauenfelder, August 16, 2005 2:24 PM | permalink
I'm thrilled to present a Boing Boing exclusive: a profile of Sam Cohen, the man who invented the Neutron Bomb. Charles Platt wrote this 10,000 word article, titled "The Profits of Fear" and it is available in a few different formats: a smartly-designed PDF (laid out by Charles), a Palm OS document, HTML,and plain text.
The neutron bomb is an incredibly strange weapon. From the profile:
Cohen came up with a design for a warhead about one-tenth as powerful as the atomic bombs dropped on Japan. If it was detonated at 3,000 feet above ground level, its blast effects would be negligible while its neutron radiation would be powerful enough to cause death within a circle about one mile in diameter. This was the battlefield weapon that came to be known as the neutron bomb.
Such a weapon obviously would be more civilized than large-scale hydrogen bombs, and would also be more humane than conventional bombs, because it would create an all-or-nothing, live-or-die scenario in which no one would be wounded. A stream of neutrons cannot maim people. It will not burn their flesh, spill their blood, or break their bones. Those who receive a non-lethal dose will recover after a period of intense nausea and diarrhea, and Cohen estimated that their risk of subsequent cancer would be no greater than the risk we experience as a result of exposure to second-hand cigarette smoke. As for the rest, death would come relatively quickly, primarily from shock to the central nervous system. As he put it in his typically candid style, "I doubt whether the agony an irradiated soldier goes through in the process of dying is any worse than that produced by having your body charred to a crisp by napalm, your guts being ripped apart by shrapnel, your lungs blown in by concussion weapons, and all those other sweet things that happen when conventional weapons (which are preferred and anointed by our official policy) are used."
After assessing every aspect and implication of his concept, he reached his modest conclusion: "The neutron bomb has to be the most moral weapon ever invented."