Author Topic: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?  (Read 5111 times)

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Offline SavetheWest

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #25 on: February 24, 2008, 04:52:57 AM »
Thousands of white people flock to the Pacific NW to get away from regional hell holes but it is EXTREMELY LIBERAL. All the Berkley hippies from the 60's settled throughout Oregon and many people born in places like Portland and Corvalis have never lived in a place where there was more than one theft a decade.

When they don't know what minorities are really like (as a group, not necessarily all individuals) then they don't have a problem letting them move into the neighborhood. They believe the tv lies that we're "all the same" because they are not exposed on a daily basis to racial reality as those of us in more "diverse" areas have been.

They probably still think of the Katrina evacuees as poor victims rather than criminal scum. Ask most people in TX and they'll agree with me that Katrina made a lot of Texans racist if they weren't before.

Whites have been systematically stripped of all racial pride and have been forced to integrate with nonwhites literally at the point of a gun. This of course results in cases like that of Jana Shearer.

They don't understand what they have and Arabs/Africans/Mexicans/Muslims are flooding into the NW. The grey haired hippies are going out of thier way to get Somalis and Iraqis settled throughout Oregon. They're welcoming these people in and this place is not far behind the rest of the country.  Portland is very livable but the people will drive you up the wall with thier ignorance and it rains ALL THE TIME!

The hippies don't believe that whites have any right to free association, to protect their property, to have children grow up in a safe society, or for white women to avoid rape.

I know moving to Portland would be like putting a band-aid over a gunshot wound, but at least it might help me survive for a bit.

My own kind up there might be stupid but at least they're a lot less dangerous than the enemy here in Texas.
Re:  "...Move to the Ozarks..............and I'm not kidding."

What is the situation with prevailing wind patterns?

Everything you've described sounded like a great place to survive the coming difficulties.

Even so, I am convinced that a nuclear exchange will be launched against America by one or a combination of our long-time mortal enemies.

G-d forbid this from happening!  But, given the current geo-political realities, not the least of which is an America presiding over an insane imperialistic foreign policy, in which it bullies, threatens, and betrays both ally and friend alike, I do expect that sooner or later Washington's arrogance and disregard for all other nations will result in "the inevitable".  Heaven knows that today there are no shortage of "flashpoints" over which such a decision could be taken by our enemies when they perceive such to be unavoidable, and with little if any risk to themselves.

Given the unpleasant scenario above, how would the Ozarks fare in regards to winds depositing radioactive fallout?

One last question:  I know that Jews have always lived in Arkansas in very small numbers.  How would the people of the Ozarks receive newcomers who were Torah Jews?

The evangelical christian majority would be honoured to help Jews and be blessed for it. A 2% minority of whack-jobs would crap on about black helicopters and 'Jooo bankers'. Just the standard stuff.

Oregon was the safest place as far as prevailing winds and nuclear fallout go, but as you've read above, the silly old liberal hippies are filling it with turd world future looters & killers.

Anywhere in northern California or thereabouts will be flooded with unprovizioned refugees who'll turn predator so forget it.

Peak oil/economic collapse and subsequent riots, killing, looting are 10 times more likely than a nuke so I'd stick with the Ozarks. The mountains in the west are too cold for long term subsistance farming, the deserts can't support life, the South East will be full of turd worlders & subject to hurricanes, South West & West full of mexican peasants looting & killing..................... It's the Ozarks  with 97% white population, fierce independance, patriotism and proficiency with guns no matter how you look at it.

The Ozarks sound nice and I've heard some good things about parts of Tennesse.  Northern Wisconsin, Minnesota and the Michigan penninsula have some safe places and good people there but even those areas have recently been invaded by illegal Mexicans.  There are some small Wisconsin towns that had 1 black and 0 Mexicans and within the last two years are now 25% Mexican.  I've talked to people from rural Wisconsin who say everyone they know has now been a victim of a hit and run, when they used to have one every few years.  Also, I've noticed that liberals like to ruin a place and then move on to the next one to ruin it too.  They did that in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis and parts of Colorado. These cities had great work forces, extremely low crime, low taxes and were easy to live in. They still are way better then other parts of the country but are going broke and losing the things that made them great. Western Montana, Idaho and Wyoming are getting swarmed with hippie types as is Nevada too.  They impose gun control, rights for illegals and try to diversify areas. Actually, Eastern Oregon and Washington are still very conservative.  One of the best places though is Alaska.  There are some hippie places like Homer, but Southeast Alaska will not be hit by disaster and people like thier independence.  Southeast AK is really rainy but it stays the same temp as Seattle and doesn't snow that often.  You do need to like to hunt bears and elk and go fishing.  Also, if you're a guy, bring a girlfriend or wife with you.  Guys outnumber women 3:1

Offline Rubystars

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #26 on: February 24, 2008, 05:19:09 AM »
Thank you Mills.

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2008, 08:22:06 AM »

 but even those areas have recently been invaded by illegal Mexicans.

See that's what I've been saying!
What are they doing there anyways! Isn't it easier for them to find work in big cities? Well as long as employers want to hire illegals to clean their homes,mow their lawns, wash their cars, pick fruit/vegetables etc....those illegals will ALWAYS arrive in caravans...(lol more like broken down smog polluting trucks with loud music and with more passengers than they can carry!)

Guys outnumber women 3:1
Hmm, then I wont be single if I move there!  O0

AK is a great place for single women to go to look for a potential husband. You just have to sift through a few alcoholics along the way

I do a lot of travelling in the West and there is not a place that doesn't have some illegals. The rural areas have a ton of factories where the locals are too busy doing meth or can't survive on the wages they're offering.  It's not just the Mexicans too, there's El Salvadorians and Peruvians.  They've made their way all the way up to British Columbia! 

Offline cjd

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2008, 09:04:54 AM »

 but even those areas have recently been invaded by illegal Mexicans.

See that's what I've been saying!
What are they doing there anyways! Isn't it easier for them to find work in big cities? Well as long as employers want to hire illegals to clean their homes,mow their lawns, wash their cars, pick fruit/vegetables etc....those illegals will ALWAYS arrive in caravans...(lol more like broken down smog polluting trucks with loud music and with more passengers than they can carry!)

Guys outnumber women 3:1
Hmm, then I wont be single if I move there!  O0

AK is a great place for single women to go to look for a potential husband. You just have to sift through a few alcoholics along the way

I do a lot of travelling in the West and there is not a place that doesn't have some illegals. The rural areas have a ton of factories where the locals are too busy doing meth or can't survive on the wages they're offering.  It's not just the Mexicans too, there's El Salvadorians and Peruvians.  They've made their way all the way up to British Columbia! 

If the illegal animals were not here and taking substandard pay for the jobs the companies would have to increase the wage. The whole situation with illegals being here is depressing the wage structure here in America. At face value this seems to be a good thing because it might mean that prices for goods and services remain cheaper. Sadly however it seems that although employers save on the cost of labor the prices for the services they produce don't reflect the savings. In a few more years when the wage structure has been completely undermined because of the glut of people willing to work cheap middle class Americans will have no choice and will then be forced to work for less money.
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