Author Topic: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?  (Read 5110 times)

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I have noticed that it seems a good deal of the population on this forum are early twenties. I ask what can a young person in their early twenties do with the main problems our two countries are facing?

In reality we lack experience, proper direction, and our culture and society has raised a generation that is lacks the ability to think for one's self, to be a leader, and to face reality, and not only that but to be a doer! We have been taught to believe anything we are taught in school. That what is said on TV is how everyone is and what everyone should be doing. All it really accomplishes is to distract us from the real picture. We have a news media that only wants us to know what they want us to know, that only wants us to view things in the light they have it set up in.

So, what is the answer to this generation, and how they can save Israel & America?

I would like to begin a discussion on what those that are in their forties and up can tell those of us that are just starting out with a vision. What ideas they have to form a generation that can accomplish such.

Listen, the Muslims raise their kids from a young age to work against Israel and all infidels.

The Muslims, send their people to the US, upon obtaining a citizenship, they then marry those back home, they get them US Citizenships, divorce them, and they continue the process.

For to long, I believe we have taught the younger generation, that is now in their late teens early to mid twenties NOT to go into politics. Yes, we need those willing to join the US service, and the Israeli service. Above all though, why not aim for the top? Why not encourage those your age, to go to college, get into politics and to stick to their guns? What are we scared of?

Why not let our voices be heard? If those of us that are young, would unite together, get into the political movement, by the time we are 35, we can be that next Governor, that next Judge, that next Senator, that next President, that next head of Homeland Security, and who knows maybe even the next Prime Minister, to make the RIGHT decisions.

Who are you? What are you about? Are you willing to fight for the country you claim both loyalty and love to? Not only to fight for it on the battlefield, but in the political one as well? Or will we simply talk about it?

Who is going to be the next Prime Minister in ten years from now? Who is going to be the next President?

Will you be? If NOT, then WHY? Will the real men and woman, that have what it takes to stand up, and do something about it. Please do so.

If you are in your late teens or mid twenties. Where do you see yourself at 35?

If you are older and know those in their twenties, etc, where do YOU see THEM? Are YOU helping them to get there? To be a part of the solution?

Are you sick of seeing what is happening in America? Are you sick of what is going on in Israel?
Then my question is this: "What are YOU going to do about it?"

Remember every Journey begins with a Vision.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 01:28:38 PM »
not me...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein


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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 02:00:36 PM »
"I'm 29, but most people in America below my age range are nonwhite, liberal as Ted Kennedy, and have no sense of national pride that means anything good for people of my demographic."

I know. I am an American. Americans make me sick. They are very ignorant.

"I can do what I can but in the end I don't know if America's time for judgement is coming near or not. I do know that by the time I'm in my 40s there may not be a sovereign United States any longer."

There are a lot of Americans that are for the right things, that are sadly giving up-losing hope.  I still have faith in this country.
Here is one small reason. Look at Mike Huckabee. Even if he does not get in office. Who would have dreamed such a one would have stood up in the midst of the rest?

To many Americans that are for right and that want the truth. To many of them, watch the news media, watch the tv, and they think all is lost, all is gone. THAT thinking, is what the Liberal crowd wants us to believe.  They make it appear like there is no one out there, like we are the only ones taking a stand. They are the ones that are delusioned. Throguhout history, whenever Good Men have stood up, good has prevailed, and will.

Just one voice, makes a difference.

I think more people need to dig out our old biographies of men like Ben Franklin, etc. Think about this, Noah Webster, grew up poor, with not much of a chance for an education. That did not stop him. Before his death he knew over 20 languages, and wrote the Webster's dictionary.

"I may be moving to Portland, Oregon or some other area that may be a temporary safe haven soon."

Where are you at now?


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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2008, 02:02:59 PM »
Schools and universities are turning our young peoples minds to liberal mush :-\

Offline JR-Obilic

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2008, 02:09:50 PM »
I agree wit KM.  With what the system is doing to us young people, it's hard to be optimistic.  Most young people don't really think about anything outside of what goes on in their own lives, the relationship between men and women is at a all time low, and as a result of moving here from Europe we are slowly losing our roots while Muslims grow.  Our population is going down... Crime and corruption is going up...  Ignorance is at an all time high.  I could go on but I don't want to get even more negative.  The main hope for this new generation is the new mediums like the internet, which allow us to get alternative information like the great JTF.  hopefully JTF eventually produces a great leader for the future generations of north america!
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 02:12:48 PM by JR-Obilic »
All or nothing.

Offline briann

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2008, 02:11:12 PM »
If you think its bad now.... wait for another 40 years.  My god... its gonna suck!!!!!!!!

Hopefully I'll be senile by then and wont be aware of whats happened.  :o

Offline Merkava

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2008, 02:12:02 PM »
I am a child of the 1990s. Born in 1992. I know that I am mature beyond my years  ^-^ I carry the future of JTF in my shoulders  8)
"We are in 1938, and Iran is Germany"


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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2008, 02:16:12 PM »
"Schools and universities are turning our young peoples minds to liberal mush"

EXACTLY. Why is this?

Because we fail to realize "Thinking men cannot be ruled."

We fail to be self thinkers. We can still make the grade, while we take it all with a grain of salt.

It is using one's own mind, and self teaching yourself, while at the same time you make the grade. Have the deploma you need to get to the next rung in the ladder.

I know it is difficult. It is all about adversity making one stronger.

There are also alternatives, such as Christian colleges, etc. Such as college on-line, etc.

Do not take me wrong, I agree to the fullest that colleges remove common sense from the individual's brain, and teaches them to not be an independent thinker, but to only believe what a "pro" says.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2008, 04:34:40 PM »
"I'm 29, but most people in America below my age range are nonwhite, liberal as Ted Kennedy, and have no sense of national pride that means anything good for people of my demographic."

I know. I am an American. Americans make me sick. They are very ignorant.

"I can do what I can but in the end I don't know if America's time for judgement is coming near or not. I do know that by the time I'm in my 40s there may not be a sovereign United States any longer."

There are a lot of Americans that are for the right things, that are sadly giving up-losing hope.  I still have faith in this country.
Here is one small reason. Look at Mike Huckabee. Even if he does not get in office. Who would have dreamed such a one would have stood up in the midst of the rest?

To many Americans that are for right and that want the truth. To many of them, watch the news media, watch the tv, and they think all is lost, all is gone. THAT thinking, is what the Liberal crowd wants us to believe.  They make it appear like there is no one out there, like we are the only ones taking a stand. They are the ones that are delusioned. Throguhout history, whenever Good Men have stood up, good has prevailed, and will.

Just one voice, makes a difference.

I think more people need to dig out our old biographies of men like Ben Franklin, etc. Think about this, Noah Webster, grew up poor, with not much of a chance for an education. That did not stop him. Before his death he knew over 20 languages, and wrote the Webster's dictionary.

"I may be moving to Portland, Oregon or some other area that may be a temporary safe haven soon."

Where are you at now?

You're going to judge all 280 million americans just becuase you have paid attention to the 10 loud ones who are obnoxious!?
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2008, 02:29:59 AM »

Thousands of white people flock to the Pacific NW to get away from regional hell holes but it is EXTREMELY LIBERAL. All the Berkley hippies from the 60's settled throughout Oregon and many people born in places like Portland and Corvalis have never lived in a place where there was more than one theft a decade. They don't understand what they have and Arabs/Africans/Mexicans/Muslims are flooding into the NW. The grey haired hippies are going out of thier way to get Somalis and Iraqis settled throughout Oregon. They're welcoming these people in and this place is not far behind the rest of the country.  Portland is very livable but the people will drive you up the wall with thier ignorance and it rains ALL THE TIME!

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2008, 03:49:50 AM »
If you think its bad now.... wait for another 40 years.  My G-d... its gonna suck!!!!!!!!

Hopefully I'll be senile by then and wont be aware of whats happened.  :o

I am senlie now ............. :D

20's pfft they past a while ago. 

Offline briann

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2008, 02:44:44 AM »
If you think its bad now.... wait for another 40 years.  My G-d... its gonna suck!!!!!!!!

Hopefully I'll be senile by then and wont be aware of whats happened.  :o

I am senlie now ............. :D

20's pfft they past a while ago. 

Ahh yess... the 20'sss.. they were great.   But then that damn depression came and ruined everything. :(

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2008, 02:47:12 AM »
If you think its bad now.... wait for another 40 years.  My G-d... its gonna suck!!!!!!!!

Hopefully I'll be senile by then and wont be aware of whats happened.  :o

I am senlie now ............. :D

20's pfft they past a while ago. 

Ahh yess... the 20'sss.. they were great.   But then that damn depression came and ruined everything. :(

:::D :::D

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2008, 02:52:10 AM »
I am in my 20s! Of course, I wont say how old I am exactly since I'm a little sensitive about it. I wish I were 20 again and re-do everything I didn't do sooner.  :'(

I would hate to do that era again. I will leave that to you mills lol

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2008, 03:22:07 AM »
I'm 22 I will be the future of the State of Israel I move there in 2 years
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2008, 09:10:46 AM »
Quote from: KellyMaureen link=topic=16962.msg#msg date=
Schools and universities are turning our young peoples minds to liberal mush :-\

I agree.  But it is the responsibility of the parents to make sure that their kids either do not enter these brainwashing institutions or enter them with the tools to recognize, debate and dispute the mush.  Sadly many parents today are all too quick to relinquish this responsibility.
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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2008, 12:16:15 PM »
23, mentally feel like I'm an angry 45


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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2008, 12:24:24 PM »
Dont panic too much about the young. They start out as half-wits but usually grow out of it.

Confessions of a former liberal

By Dave Duffy   

There is an old adage that goes something like: "If you're not a liberal when you're in your 20s you haven't got a heart; if you're not a conservative by the time you're 40 you haven't got a brain." It's a reasonable summation of youth's innocence and its desire to save the undertrodden from the seeming unfairness of the world, and of adults' experience and its learned realization that utopia on earth is not an option.

I fit that old adage rather nicely, as do millions of others of my generation who were formerly young 1960s liberals bent on saving the world, but who are now middle-aged conservatives and libertarians bent on saving American institutions from the reckless attacks of today's new generation of liberal youth.

I am reading a book by one of my peers, a prominent Sixties radical named David Horowitz, who was one of the founders of the New Left and an editor of Ramparts, the magazine that set the intellectual and revolutionary tone of the Sixties leftist movement. Horowitz's cohorts included Black Panther leader Huey Newton and Tom Hayden, a radical who promoted guerrilla warfare in America's cities in the Sixties but who went on to become a California state senator. The book is called Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey, and it chronicles Horowitz's transformation from prominent left wing radical to prominent conservative publisher, revealing along the way the lies, communist front groups, and other subterfuges many Sixties radical groups used to hide their real agenda, which was to subvert America and replace it with a communist utopia. ................



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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2008, 01:52:23 PM »
Dont panic too much about the young. They start out as half-wits but usually grow out of it.

Thanks for the article. You don't grow out of being nonwhite though.


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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2008, 02:51:45 PM »
Thousands of white people flock to the Pacific NW to get away from regional hell holes but it is EXTREMELY LIBERAL. All the Berkley hippies from the 60's settled throughout Oregon and many people born in places like Portland and Corvalis have never lived in a place where there was more than one theft a decade.

When they don't know what minorities are really like (as a group, not necessarily all individuals) then they don't have a problem letting them move into the neighborhood. They believe the tv lies that we're "all the same" because they are not exposed on a daily basis to racial reality as those of us in more "diverse" areas have been.

They probably still think of the Katrina evacuees as poor victims rather than criminal scum. Ask most people in TX and they'll agree with me that Katrina made a lot of Texans racist if they weren't before.

Whites have been systematically stripped of all racial pride and have been forced to integrate with nonwhites literally at the point of a gun. This of course results in cases like that of Jana Shearer.

They don't understand what they have and Arabs/Africans/Mexicans/Muslims are flooding into the NW. The grey haired hippies are going out of thier way to get Somalis and Iraqis settled throughout Oregon. They're welcoming these people in and this place is not far behind the rest of the country.  Portland is very livable but the people will drive you up the wall with thier ignorance and it rains ALL THE TIME!

The hippies don't believe that whites have any right to free association, to protect their property, to have children grow up in a safe society, or for white women to avoid rape.

I know moving to Portland would be like putting a band-aid over a gunshot wound, but at least it might help me survive for a bit.

My own kind up there might be stupid but at least they're a lot less dangerous than the enemy here in Texas.

Move to the Ozarks..............and I'm not kidding.

     The only part of the US I consider viable as any survivalist's
refuge from the coming storm is the Ozarks.  Temperate climate. 
Plenty of water.  All but luxury foods grown locally.  Wood for
fuel plentiful and cheap or free.  Highly defensible from
outsiders.  Low population density.
     Most of the people here own farms or were raised on them. 
They were comparitively isolated from the outside until better road
systems were put in.  They are doggedly independent and are
unashamedly intolerant of parasites, thieves and degenerates. 
Their police officers are alert and dedicated.  Mostly local men,
they know the territory and the people far better than officers in
most other regions.
     The per-capita crime rate in the Ozarks is the lowest in the
country and the police in the region have the highest record for
arrests of lawbreakers.  Boone County leads the area in strict law
     In the last year, not one woman has been raped.  There has not
been one mugging or even an armed robbery here.  Even so, the
police keep a low profile.  You seldom see them unless you're in
violation of the law.
     Mainly, it's the honest and hardworking people, themselves,
with their built-in contempt for inferiors, which keeps the overall
crime rate so low.  A Boone County jury, presided over by a hanging
judge, keeps most idiots out of the area.
     I've been here over a year and have yet to see a hippy, fag,
beggar or tramp.
     Boone County is dry, which accounts for the lack of drunks and
derelicts which infest most other downtown areas.  If you drink,
you have to go to Berryville, 31 miles away.  There you can buy any
kind of liquor you want and bring it back.
     Although very friendly and helpful, most area residents are
gun owners and are very proficient due to a lifetime of hunting. 
The Ozarks will be a sorry place indeed for looters in the years

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2008, 03:32:24 PM »
Re:  "...Move to the Ozarks..............and I'm not kidding."

What is the situation with prevailing wind patterns?

Everything you've described sounded like a great place to survive the coming difficulties.

Even so, I am convinced that a nuclear exchange will be launched against America by one or a combination of our long-time mortal enemies.

G-d forbid this from happening!  But, given the current geo-political realities, not the least of which is an America presiding over an insane imperialistic foreign policy, in which it bullies, threatens, and betrays both ally and friend alike, I do expect that sooner or later Washington's arrogance and disregard for all other nations will result in "the inevitable".  Heaven knows that today there are no shortage of "flashpoints" over which such a decision could be taken by our enemies when they perceive such to be unavoidable, and with little if any risk to themselves.

Given the unpleasant scenario above, how would the Ozarks fare in regards to winds depositing radioactive fallout?

One last question:  I know that Jews have always lived in Arkansas in very small numbers.  How would the people of the Ozarks receive newcomers who were Torah Jews?

Offline LWB123123

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2008, 03:47:45 PM »
I just turned 20, this year.
We British will never Be Slaves!!!

Offline OdKahaneChai

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2008, 03:49:28 PM »
I am a child of the 1990s. Born in 1992. I know that I am mature beyond my years  ^-^ I carry the future of JTF in my shoulders  8)
We're doomed...

One does not deal with terrorists; one does not bargain with terrorists; one kills terrorists.
- Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT"L, HY"D


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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2008, 03:54:06 PM »
Re:  "...Move to the Ozarks..............and I'm not kidding."

What is the situation with prevailing wind patterns?

Everything you've described sounded like a great place to survive the coming difficulties.

Even so, I am convinced that a nuclear exchange will be launched against America by one or a combination of our long-time mortal enemies.

G-d forbid this from happening!  But, given the current geo-political realities, not the least of which is an America presiding over an insane imperialistic foreign policy, in which it bullies, threatens, and betrays both ally and friend alike, I do expect that sooner or later Washington's arrogance and disregard for all other nations will result in "the inevitable".  Heaven knows that today there are no shortage of "flashpoints" over which such a decision could be taken by our enemies when they perceive such to be unavoidable, and with little if any risk to themselves.

Given the unpleasant scenario above, how would the Ozarks fare in regards to winds depositing radioactive fallout?

One last question:  I know that Jews have always lived in Arkansas in very small numbers.  How would the people of the Ozarks receive newcomers who were Torah Jews?

The evangelical christian majority would be honoured to help Jews and be blessed for it. A 2% minority of whack-jobs would crap on about black helicopters and 'Jooo bankers'. Just the standard stuff.

Oregon was the safest place as far as prevailing winds and nuclear fallout go, but as you've read above, the silly old liberal hippies are filling it with turd world future looters & killers.

Anywhere in northern California or thereabouts will be flooded with unprovizioned refugees who'll turn predator so forget it.

Peak oil/economic collapse and subsequent riots, killing, looting are 10 times more likely than a nuke so I'd stick with the Ozarks. The mountains in the west are too cold for long term subsistance farming, the deserts can't support life, the South East will be full of turd worlders & subject to hurricanes, South West & West full of mexican peasants looting & killing..................... It's the Ozarks  with 97% white population, fierce independance, patriotism and proficiency with guns no matter how you look at it.

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Re: How many are in your twenties? What is THIS generation going to do?
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2008, 04:04:24 PM »
My college has a Hillel with a cubicle office in the student organization office area of The Student Union Building but no one is ever in the office, not even when it says it has office hours. And what little events they might have take place in the evening so it is only for people who live on campus. And it is for beginners level and if I went, I would probably be the most religious person there and I'm not even Shomer Shabbat yet.

The office also has a "GLBT Safe Spot" sticker on the door as many offices at my college do. "GLBT" ("Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender".). Even one of my teachers included something about fags in the syllabus and how he went through "sensitivity training" by the "Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Alliance". Hey, at least they admit they're queers.

Sometimes Christian groups protest on campus against the immorality but the groups come from ousside to protest because the college is a tax payer funded public university.

For more information, see .
I still think "GLBT" sounds like something you'd get in a greasy diner...

One does not deal with terrorists; one does not bargain with terrorists; one kills terrorists.
- Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT"L, HY"D