Author Topic: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?  (Read 7429 times)

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Offline Mifletzet

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Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« on: February 23, 2008, 09:52:00 PM »
Is Rabbi Aviner of Ateres Cohanim a hero?

Or a Shabak subversive agent as Chamish claims?

Or a bit of both, like Raviv?!

What is the opinion of Aviner in the Kahanist Camp?

                                  SHLOMO TO THE RESCUE by Barry Chamish                   

If I forget thee
Oh Jerusalem
May my right hand
Cling to the roof of my mouth
     -Rabbi Shlomo Aviner 

      Who can forget that evening in July, 2005 when 70,000 people gathered in the then-lovely town of Sderot to march for three days to save Gush Katif? Marching in the July heat didn't quite wreck the chances of success, so the secret service (Shabak) rabbi, Shlomo Aviner stepped to the podium and told his youthful followers to always remember that the police were, "Your brothers in flesh and blood. We will never confront them." And how the youth of Yesha cheered their own holy naysayer of doom! After all, he had already prevented any real protest by guiding the idealistic young protesters to hand out worthless orange rags at junctions, or to hold hands in a line from Gush Katif to the Western Wall.
       He had altered his followers from angry protesters to flaked-out hippies. All for the government.
       He was an easy agent, already well publicized for molesting young women who sought his advice and for changing the laws of menstruation to make lots of babies illegitimate by Halachic law. And who can forget his appearance at the Gush Katif attack by the IDF, when he wrestled rabbis objecting to the atrocity to the ground? But heck, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund had vowed to buy Gush Katif's hothouses and make the residents very wealthy in whatever new homes they were to purchase. So what if he fooled tens of thousands of idealistic morons for the Shabak? They'd be better off for it.
       If you think that Aviner's work was done after betraying Gush Katif, then you don't know the Shabak. It seems that those youthful Yesha hotheaded youths are causing troubles for the "peacemakers" and "Rav" Shlomo is needed again. Just look at the aggravation they are causing with their stubborn "outpost" building:                                                   ,0,4
From the Los Angeles Times
Israel's 'hilltop youth' are settling in
Their illegal outposts in the West Bank are muddling peace efforts.
By Richard Boudreaux
Los Angeles
     Well fear not, Shlomo Aviner is back to the Shabak's rescue. He must divert the idealists and get them to stop their silly nation building. Instead, they must, "Talk Torah everywhere, in Tel Aviv and in Sderot."
     Before we begin with his latest operation, there is a movement to end Aviner's deceit, peacefully. If you have any information about his covert activities, write:

English: [email protected]

Hebrew: [email protected]

      Now look at the pitiful but in blind Israel's eyes, effective, ploy to separate himself from the Shabak while in its employ:

The following terrifying article was written by Rabbi Shlomo Aviner,  and appeared in a leaflet printed and distributed by “Yeshiva Machon Meir,” on  Parshat Trumah –3rd of Adar Alef 5768.  Rabbi  Shlomo Aviner is Chief Rabbi of Beit El, and Rosh Yeshiva of Ateret Hakohanim  in the Old City

Secret  Information From the Shabak

Following is information from the Shabak [Israel’s  General Security Service, sort of like the FBI].  While  numerous details are missing, and some of it has been summarized and edited,  the general tenor is clear enough:     

            “Topic: We have received orders from above to prepare the next  evacuation.  There is still no date and no decision, but an  option is being debated; the Gaza evacuation exacted an emotional and economic  price, and took a toll of the army as well.  Therefore, the  program under debate is not an evacuation but the question of leaving the  settlers in place, inside the Palestinian Authority, without Israeli  sovereignty and without the protection of the I.D.F.   According to the information we possess, on that day, the armed forces  of the Hamas will carry out murderous terror attacks, and then the settlers  will flee into Israel.  An irrevocable condition for the  plan to succeed is public support.  Towards that end, the  settlers have to be presented as weird, violent, quarrelsome people,  disturbers of the peace, who through their own efforts have brought ruin on  themselves.  They wanted things to be this way, and they mustn’t be pitied.  Therefore, at this stage we have been  asked to weigh the possibility of planting provocateurs amongst the settlers in order for them to incite the youth and raise the level of verbal and  physical violence.

            “Survey: The settlers in Judea and Samaria have no support or  admiration amongst the general population.  During the  Disengagement from Gaza, there was no public storm of protest.   Business went on as usual.  On the day of the  Disengagement, itself, news coverage of the evacuation had low  ratings.  This population continues to be viewed as  eccentric and extremist.  The Amona evacuation contributed  greatly to this.  Likewise, those who go up to live in outposts are perceived as hotheads who all their lives look for ways to make  trouble for the country.  True, the extremist portion of the  population is insignificant and doesn’t reach even one percent of the  settlers, yet it is very vocal and every aggressive pronouncement they make  merits wide media coverage.  In the meantime, there is no  physical violence among them, but just constant verbal violence.   They say: More evacuations will occur “over our dead  bodies”.  If they are evacuated, “there will be a war that  will make Amona pale by comparison”.  They say, “We will  fight against the traitorous army”, etc., etc.  Yet we have  to suppose that many youths will advance from words to deeds and will commit  acts against the security forces or even against the moderate  leaders.  As far as those leaders, no one listens to them,  and they don’t get media coverage either.  They also keep  quiet lest their pronouncements against violent expressions weaken the  struggle for Eretz Yisrael. 

“Conclusion: At this  point, there is no need for provocations.  The extremist  portion of the settler population is serving our interests.   Our agents who are planted everywhere continue to reinforce and to  encourage an ongoing stream of violent expressions.

            “We shouldn’t prevent people from going up to the outposts.   They stir things up without leaving any results, and they serve  us.  They are not understood by the broader public that  reacts to them apathetically and disparagingly.”

Yesiree. Protesters, keep on building outposts because no one supports you and in the end, we'll leave you to be slaughtered by the Arabs. That is how frightened the rulers are of this fast growing survival movement, and why Aviner is back at the forefront of the lying game.

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2008, 10:02:52 PM »
This informing kike was responsible for the lack of resistance to sharons ethnic cleansing of gaza in 2005. He was running around like the the piece of drek that he is telling everyone to obey orders and surrender to the nazis. Chaim spoke about him at length. I believe he has informed on jews many other times as well.
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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2008, 10:04:27 PM »
So is Chamish saying violent acts and outposts are a good thing?  bad thing?  Neither???

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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2008, 10:10:15 PM »
I don't know what chamish said nor do I care. I know what Chaim said in 2005 and I know about this rabbi. He is a daud haivri type.
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Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2008, 12:23:23 AM »
I don't know what chamish said nor do I care. I know what Chaim said in 2005 and I know about this rabbi. He is a daud haivri type.
agreed, dont know what he said and dont care

Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2008, 01:27:49 AM »
To learn about the true nature of this rabbi, English speakers, watch this.

And Hebrew speakers, watch this:

My Rav takes Aviner to task for his twisting of Halakha. Rav Bar Hayim is the best.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2008, 01:29:44 AM by judeanoncapta »
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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2008, 02:12:40 AM »
Ok Judeanoncapta, I really appreciate you sharing that video. It clearly shows that shlomo aviner yimach shmo is a savage capo. I hope he gets severly punished for hurting that boy and for allowing the deportation of jews.
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Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2008, 02:16:21 AM »
Ok Judeanoncapta, I really appreciate you sharing that video. It clearly shows that shlomo aviner yimach shmo is a savage capo. I hope he gets severly punished for hurting that boy and for allowing the deportation of jews.

He was one of the main rabbinical voices that broke the spirit of the opposition.

Without him and rabbis like him, the expulsion may have been averted.
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Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2008, 02:19:55 AM »
Ok Judeanoncapta, I really appreciate you sharing that video. It clearly shows that shlomo aviner yimach shmo is a savage capo. I hope he gets severly punished for hurting that boy and for allowing the deportation of jews.

He was one of the main rabbinical voices that broke the spirit of the opposition.

Without him and rabbis like him, the expulsion may have been averted.

I know that well. Rabbis like these are more dangerous than muslims. Without scum like this misleading people, more would of resisted the deportation. Judeanoncapta, who do you think aviner supports in the Israeli elections? Do you think he is a shas supporter?
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Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2008, 02:23:43 AM »
Ok Judeanoncapta, I really appreciate you sharing that video. It clearly shows that shlomo aviner yimach shmo is a savage capo. I hope he gets severly punished for hurting that boy and for allowing the deportation of jews.

He was one of the main rabbinical voices that broke the spirit of the opposition.

Without him and rabbis like him, the expulsion may have been averted.

I know that well. Rabbis like these are more dangerous than muslims. Without scum like this misleading people, more would of resisted the deportation. Judeanoncapta, who do you think aviner supports in the Israeli elections? Do you think he is a shas supporter?

No, I would bet the family farm he supports Mafdal.
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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2008, 02:25:14 AM »
Ok Judeanoncapta, I really appreciate you sharing that video. It clearly shows that shlomo aviner yimach shmo is a savage capo. I hope he gets severly punished for hurting that boy and for allowing the deportation of jews.

He was one of the main rabbinical voices that broke the spirit of the opposition.

Without him and rabbis like him, the expulsion may have been averted.

I know that well. Rabbis like these are more dangerous than muslims. Without scum like this misleading people, more would of resisted the deportation. Judeanoncapta, who do you think aviner supports in the Israeli elections? Do you think he is a shas supporter?

No, I would bet the family farm he supports Mafdal.

Is that NU/NRP? I bet even they are too right wing for him.
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Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2008, 02:26:55 AM »
Ok Judeanoncapta, I really appreciate you sharing that video. It clearly shows that shlomo aviner yimach shmo is a savage capo. I hope he gets severly punished for hurting that boy and for allowing the deportation of jews.

He was one of the main rabbinical voices that broke the spirit of the opposition.

Without him and rabbis like him, the expulsion may have been averted.

I know that well. Rabbis like these are more dangerous than muslims. Without scum like this misleading people, more would of resisted the deportation. Judeanoncapta, who do you think aviner supports in the Israeli elections? Do you think he is a shas supporter?

No, I would bet the family farm he supports Mafdal.

Is that NU/NRP? I bet even they are too right wing for him.

Yes Mafda is nrp. And they are right up his alley. Peas in a pod.
Post questions here for the ASK JUDEA TORAH SHOW

my blog: Yehudi-Nation

Who is truly wise? He who can see the future. I see tommorow today and I want to end it - Rabbi Meir Daweedh Kahana

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2008, 02:29:13 AM »
Ok Judeanoncapta, I really appreciate you sharing that video. It clearly shows that shlomo aviner yimach shmo is a savage capo. I hope he gets severly punished for hurting that boy and for allowing the deportation of jews.

He was one of the main rabbinical voices that broke the spirit of the opposition.

Without him and rabbis like him, the expulsion may have been averted.

I know that well. Rabbis like these are more dangerous than muslims. Without scum like this misleading people, more would of resisted the deportation. Judeanoncapta, who do you think aviner supports in the Israeli elections? Do you think he is a shas supporter?

No, I would bet the family farm he supports Mafdal.

Is that NU/NRP? I bet even they are too right wing for him.

Yes Mafda is nrp. And they are right up his alley. Peas in a pod.

I remember Chaim discussing Aviner when the disengagement was taking place. Chaim was saying how this savage was running around getting violent with jewish children who were trying to resist. This shows how right Chaim is again. Thanks for linking everyone to that video judeanoncapta. I hope everyone sees is so we can expose this ferd for what he really is.
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Offline Mifletzet

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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2008, 04:11:35 AM »
Any angle on Chamish's reference to this Frenchman (yes: Aviner was born in France - "NEVER trust a Frenchman!") having molested Orthodox females?!

Offline TorahZionist

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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2008, 05:09:27 AM »
English site about Aviner:
Endorsed by Rabbi Ido Elba, Rabbi of JTF in Israel.

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2008, 05:13:30 AM »
Wow that is an interesting site. It really exposes this hooker Aviner for what he really is. The video on there is really incredible and shows what a sick kike Aviner really is. He is more dangerous than smolmert because some religious jews would actually take aviner seriously while everyone knows olmert as the father of a homosexual. I hope Aviner is struck down by g-d.
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Re: Ateres Cohanim's Rabbi Shlomo Aviner: hero or agent?
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2008, 06:10:38 AM »
An interesting site nonetheless