The government of Republic of Serbian Krajina in exileThe president of Republic of Serbia – Mr. Boris Tadic
The president of the government of Republic of Serbia – Mr. Vojislav Kostunica
The president of the parliament of Republic of Serbia – Mr. Oliver Dulic
We are providing you an annex which is based on the decisions of the parliament and the government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina.This annex is constructed by the resolutions of the parliament which are based on the new political environments.
W E - D E M A N D
The fully acknowledgement
of the Republic of Serbian Krajina and it’s state’s institutions.
The Republic of Serbian Krajina’s parliament in exile is not annulling it’s constitutional activities and is respecting the resolution of the UN council of 1992 (number 743) which is guaranteeing the security of the Republic of Serbian Krajina and removing the constitutional ability of Republic of Croatia over the territory of Republic of Serbian Krajina. The government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina which is in exile is continuing the works which have the intensions to stop the consequences of Croatia’s genocide, crime and ethic cleansing over the Serbs from Krajina and Croatia in the period of 1990 till 1995.
The withhold of the facts of the committed crimes, genocide and ethic cleansing over the Serbs from the Republic of Serbian Krajina and Republic of Croatia is exposing the fact that the international community is violating the mentioned resolution of the UN’s council because they did not took any actions to stop the Croatian aggression against the Republic of Serbian Krajina which was an United Nation’s protected area. The international community, which was responsible for the safety and the stability of the UNPA (United Nation’s Protected Areas), did not take any actions to stop the consequences of the genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Serbs from 1995 till this day.
The government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina is separating a certain group of representatives of Europe’s parliament because they voted for the resolution (743)
in which they demanded the restore of Republic of Croatia as a bi-national state like it was before 1990. They demanded to remove all the consequences of the banishment of the Serbs as follows:
- to restore the state federal status of the Serbs
- to return the citizenship to the Serbs
- to restore the destruction of the Serbian areas
- to take back the Serbian properties
- to restore all other rights of the Serbs
Having in memory that the forgetting of the exile of the Serbs from the Republic of Serbian Krajina and Republic of Croatia opened the new doors for the banishment of the Serbs of Kosovo. This all is resulting into the accession of injustice and in the destabilization of the relations between European countries.
The government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina is providing:
The resolution about the Serbian historical and ethnic rights for the restore of the Republic of Serbian Krajina as an independent country. Which’s establishment is based on the Serbian historical and constitutional rights.
1. The parliament of the Republic of Serbian Krajina is not canceling it’s duties to reestablish it’s own state which’s foundation was based on the principles of the Serbian historical and constitutional rights and on the results of the referendum of the Serbian people of 12 May 1991 whereupon the Republic of Serbian Krajina was formed as a Serbian national state.
2. Republic of Serbian Krajina had all attributes of an modern state
- population
- territory
- authorities
- elected parliament
- police
- military institutions
According to the resolution of 743/ 1992 (Vence and Owen’s plan)
the Republic of Serbian Krajina has a special status and is recognized by the UN as a United Nations Protected Area. This resolution which provides a special status wasn’t overpowered or eliminated by an other resolution. This means that the position of the Republic of Serbian Krajina as an independent state still exist according to the laws of the UN.
3. The Republic of Serbian Krajina was four years long a state which had it’s authority on it’s controlled areas till the moment when the brutal aggression was committed by Croatia in 05 August of 1995.
4. The socialist Republic of Croatia had two identities a Serbian identity and a Croatia identity till the year of 1990. The Serbs were recognized as a founding nation of the new socialist Republic of Croatia because the anti Fascist actions of Croatia were mainly organized and committed by the Serbs during WW2. In the year of 1943 according to a resolution which was established by the Anti Fascist movement had the following contend: “ there will not be a Croatian state before a strong guarantee of the equality and the rights of the Serbian people”
5. After the multi elections of Croatia in 1990 the HDZ party which was the winning party prepared and conducted a new fascist order. The government of the HDZ party prepared, organized and conducted ethnic cleansing over the Serbs from Krajina and Croatia. The year of 1990 – according to the new constitution of Croatia the Serbs lost their state federal status which was guaranteed to them according to the constitution of 1971 and according to the founding principles of the Yugoslavian federation which was established by the winning nations after WW2. The actions of the new Croatian government which were lead by the party HDZ eliminated illegally the constitutional rights of the Serbs in Croatia.
6. The Republic of Serbian Krajina was formed as an answer to the separation of the Republic of Croatia from the Yugoslav federation. The Serbs form the socialist Republic of Croatia had the same and equal rights as the Croatian citizens for self governance on it’s historical, ethnic and national territories.
This is just 60% of the whole tekst. I am now working on the rest of the tekst. It is the final annex of the government of Republic of Serbian Krajina.
It is translated from Serbian into English.
I need again some cooperation about the quality of the tekst.
Thank you all you are the greatest