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How do some 'black' people manage to have blue eyes?

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Now and again I have borne witness to a black creature sporting bright blue eyes.  I have to say that black skin and blue eyes don't go together terribly nicely IMHO.  How does a negro get blue eyes?  I suspect that their mother must have been a pure-white blonde, blue-eyed person; and my mind begins to wander thinking about why such a woman would want to have a child by the biggest, blackest creature imaginable.

I shudder to think of it.

But I suppose there can't be any other way a black could inherit blue eyes?

People often tell me that my dark-brown eyes are very striking.  However I am always struck by blue eyes (in a white person).  Looking into those eyes reveals a history of Nordic crusades, Viking longships and Norse g ds.  It's a rich history worthy of some respect even although it isn't my history.

But to think of a woman from such a culture to be having babies by a black African - I am certain that this proves the futility of human existence.

fake plastic trees:
And why should white women not mate with black men... how are black men different from you except skin colour?


--- Quote from: fake plastic trees on December 19, 2006, 03:57:11 PM ---And why should white women not mate with black men... how are black men different from you except skin colour?

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I admit that young black men are awesome, and powerful, and seduce and natter white women in a superior fashion: white women are overpowered by the sexual prowess of the black man.  White women consider black men superior to white men for many different reasons.

However, white females are more attractive than black females.  But the only way more white females can come into the world at the moment is through white-on-white intercourse.  If we can implement a system where white women give birth to black male children but white female children then it will be okay.  Otherwise it's a travesty to reduce the number of white women in the world, considering how superior their beauty is and how desperately all the coloured men of the world want them too.


--- Quote from: fake plastic trees on December 19, 2006, 03:57:11 PM ---And why should white women not mate with black men... how are black men different from you except skin colour?

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They just should not. The difference is more than skin color. Black people minds and thought processes work differently than whites. Different value systems, different outlooks on life. Also the offspring of this sort of union is hideous not black not white only now and then will a normal offspring develop. Then in the next generation you might get a pair of siblings one white and the other black interesting isn't it. People should stick to their own race its that simple. 


--- Quote --- How do some 'black' people manage to have blue eyes?

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