Pork was my favorite meat up until three years ago. Then I read why Jews don't eat pork, and it influenced me to stop eating pork 
Health reasons are good enough for not eating pork.
And that is not why jews don`t eat it.
The reason why jews don`t eat it is because jewish law says not to. G-d has given us a sign which meat is forbidden to eat, and pigs come under that. I think the text also happens to say something like (jews) eating pig is an abomination.
I didn't say I stopped eating it for health reasons. I know it's not kosher because it doesn't chew its cud, but that's not what influenced me to stop eating it. Pig is the only animal to have split hooves and not chew its cud, therefore, it is holy on the outside but not on the inside, which makes it a fraud. And there's nothing worse than a fraud in Judaism (same in Christianity), it hit me like a ton of bricks.. that's why I stopped eating pork.
Isn't chewing the cud something you see on the outside too. Just like the split hoof.
You could say that a kosher animal is a fraud, since he has chewing the cud (which you call an inward sign). And the split hoof (the hoof of course faces the ground where you cannot see it easily). So he is trying to pretend to be something he isn't, as if he is trying to evade capture, evade G-d's plans!
You could say that a treif animal, one that chews the cud but does not have split hooves, is a fraud, pretending to appear kosher. Since you need 2 signs, and one of them is on his hoof facing the ground where you can't see it.
Fact is, the argument by reasoning. To say that the pig is a fraud, is just insane.
It's not like we need 100 signs and the pig has 99 of them. You only need to look for 2 signs!