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Shalom, from an ex muslim

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wow that was a very long but very interesting thread i read the whole thing. respect to you for sharing this personal info. you should make speech and record it on audio.  :o ??? :-\ ^-^ O0

Now do you hate muslims?

Ultra Requete:
You validate our point that being anti Islamic is not rascist; A-rabs anf other A-rabised ME can abandon iSSlam and shud do this for their own good too; On the ather hand we have many persons in the west; "liberals", comies, nazim who side with them becouse they're evil too. Welcome on Board! O0

One question, Are you Israeli citisen or from Yesha? I don't want to know details which can endanger you; just curius if you was in IDF.   

Ex Muslim 4 Israel:

--- Quote from: Yirmiyahu Ben Moshe on March 02, 2008, 01:11:34 AM ---Shalom Saleh,

You are a person of tremendous courage and I admire you. This has been one of the most moving threads I've read on this forum in a long time. Your life has been quite a remarkable journey and you're a living testament that we can all overcome unjustified hate. Welcome to the forum brother!

--- End quote ---

Shalom my friend. Thanks a lot for your words. I'm really very happy and excited for me finally taking the step and standing for what I believe in, and even connecting to you guys as right wing jews is really something very new to me. Jewish "Extremisism" is really the hope for the middle east and Israel against the Islamic radicalism which is taking all over the world. I could have connectyed with secular jews if I wanted to, yet I came here as i know where the solution lies. I'm breaking the taboos I've been brought to fear from all my life. The love for Israel brought us together.

Ex Muslim 4 Israel:

--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on March 02, 2008, 02:12:02 AM ---Welcome to the forum, and may Hashem keep you safe.

Did you know of Yaakov Jaabari, he was a muslim who converted to Judaism and was actually a member of Kach under Rabbi Kahane zt'l

--- End quote ---

Nope. Nver heard of him. I've looked his name on yahoo didn't find anything. I only know of Avraham Sinai, the ex Hizballah memner who is now ultra orthodox jew, and one other Iranian plane hijacker who converted to judaism too. Are there any more? please tell me about them. I'm really very Very intersted to hear about muslim converts to judaism. That is very inspiring to me.


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