Author Topic: Maybe not healthy, but a better way of satying up if you have paper due tommoror  (Read 870 times)

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Offline Haim_Ben_Shimon_3JFB

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Basically what you do is you drink like 1 or 2 cups of dark coffee better 1. Then go straight to sleep. What will happen is you will jump out of bad with in like 2 hours but then you wont be abe to fall a sleep for a while. Any comments??..Did you ever try it or would you ever..

Offline q_q_

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no need..
I know a guy that drunk lots of coffee and went shaky.

In the past, like when I was around 22 or less,  I had drunk a can or two of coca cola (first time in years). I often would stay up a night if I lacked the discipline to go to bed. But after that I stayed up 3 days/nights (had no reason to go to bed). After that I wasn`t tired, but my walk was slower, and I just felt if I don`t go to bed then maybe it`s dangerous. So I did the old 17 or so hour sleep afterwards.

At 18, I knew the material for some maths exams. And did fine in them after staying up a whole night. But for one of them I decided I would do the healthy thing and at least get some sleep. I got about 4h sleep. When I took the exam, the words of teh question were moving around the page, I could not read it. So I skipped a question - lost alot of points from it.  (if i was smarter then I would have asked an invigilator to read the question out to me).  But still did well in the exam. It was a strange one..

For all those exams, I did some miraculously efficient revision the night before. Threw everything off my desk, went through past papers..  Sorted everything out and knew what I was doing. I jotted down any and every mistake I was making, and made sure not to make it again.

In one particularly difficult one.. When I was doing past papers I ran into endless things which if answered I would be able to do it.. I just wasn`t sure about loads of things.  I got in early. Quizzed a friend , barragged him with about 30 questions. He could not believe it, he thought I was screwed. In the end I did better than him in that exam.. He was a bit annoyed!

I am not always lucky like that, but sometimes I have managed to break the rules, in my friend`s words , "with you it`s like the matrix".  Sometimes I make no effort, ignore all rules, and things just work out great.  (though other times I make an effort and things go bad).  I can`t say I didn`t make an effort with those maths exams though, it just only seemed to really click the night before.   Things are a bit random with me.

I can stay up without any coca cola. But coca cola is always an option.

never done coffee.

I used to ONLY drink coca cola as a kid. No water. No orange juice. Literally, coca cola all the time when at home. All through my time at primary school..
At school they once offered milk in the morning, which was great. But they stopped that soon after I started primary school. Margaret Thatcher stopped it!
I would drink bottles of coca cola, pouring it into glasses that were big like beer mugs.
I had yellow teeth that never fell out. They still haven`t fallen out. But I switched to water when I left home to study at uni. Not tons of it though like the coca cola! don`t want water intoxication! too much water makes me dizzy.