Wow, I wonder when Germany and Europe will finally wake up that their "Euro-Arab Committee" is causing the total decline of every State of the EU? Tragic to toss away 2 thousand years of culture for a "utopia". I wonder how France will see things when their country turns into an Islamic Welfare state with sharia law, stonings and beheadings....?
These people in power see everything different.
They want Europe to become an Empire again, stronger than USA, Russia or China.
The massive influx of non-whites - sorry but I consider a lot of low-class Turks and Morokans here as non-whites, some at the other hand whiter then Greeks or Spaniards.- is beneficial for them in order to stir up racial hatred, so that they can divide and rule.
But I don't believe the regimes in the EU are vulnerable for real muslim-takeover yet.
Much of the muslim-related misery is a reaction against the US-wars in Iraq/Afghanistan, and of course the ME-conflict between arabs and Israel.
The muslims(and other ex-colonial scum) are in fact lower class here, and rarely can comply with the materialistic worl we live in.
For turks eg , showing you're rich is VERY important, so they absolutely have a bad taste for buying sport shoes, and BMW's, while they live in some 19h century "houses", but can' afford anything to keep up these apperances.
The north-africans are hated by the turks (I agree with thurks

) and these are sometimes really animals.
Lots of drugs-abuse, rap/hiphop lifestyle, arrogance,...
-No problem for me, I wait for the day a war begins and will fight them out. My day will come

First of all, France will try to assimilate its muslim citizen. The kids that are playing Intifada in Paris are MTV-deculturated trash.
In their homelands they are regarded as low-class scum. Their revolt against us now, is more ethnical of caracter then religious,
in other words, racism.
I say combat fire with fire.
I was not a racist a few years ago, but today I surely am.
I know a lot of immigrants - chinese-russian-arabs-berbers-turks-indian,...-
and I talked a lot with them.
Here in we regard theses muslim youths as scum as well, but pretend we give them "equal opportunities".
Everybody knows that a morokan cannot become a university-graduaded ingeneer, because his parents were mostly analfabets.
It is a soft dictatorship, and they have a big problem with us.
A tiny minority of the turks or Holland e.g. that reach higher positions trough university studies, are living in the better parts of Amsterdam, but now even move back to Istanbul or Ankara.
Lots of higher class turks are eshamed when they visit Europe, and see what evil turkish scum lives here.
I know arabs here that hate all other muslims that are not of their own country.
That's also the truth. The racism is not only white vs. non-white, but it is also between non-whites.
I think the current polarisation in europe between muslims and whites, is indeed a strategy of the European elites to gain power.
The muslim youth gets more extreme than their backward partents ever were, because they smell our fear.
But , frankly, I think that this conflict in Europe is more along the ethnical lines white/relatively more succesful and better educated/to lazy for hard labour/relatively rich/(post)-Christian vs. non-white/more welfare parasite or hard & flithy labour, low education/...
The result will be probably, a decline of the welfare state , during the baby-boom-pension-period, and after that an ethnic rivalry for ethnical majority dominance. The non-whites of mostly muzz and also some black descent will try to revolt, and to overthrow the white former majority.
However, even if we are a minority in 2050 or so, that does not say, that we can't win a civil war against them.
I think racism will be the main motor of the ethnical reconquista. Some integrated/assimilated muslims / non-whites will be tolerated, and their families will be safe, but I think , in case of a violent eruption, that most Europeans will kill everybody they can of the arab-berber-turk-black ethnicities, without asking their religious background.
Most of all, the "muslims" are becoming atheists too, and are currently radicalising in their muzziness, because they have no culture of their own here.
Since their cultures are quite backward to ours, I think they will fail to military defeat all of our Western Nations, even if the army they are breeding is quite big around 2050.
I frankly see no role for the West-European Christian Churches to lead our people in this conflict, because they are already capitulating and collaborating with the enemy.
Thus, the clergy is against us.
There is also a lot of intra-European racism, and the Denmark e.g. the Italians are considered as low as arab scum.
A significant number of Nordic people hate south-europeans.
So In my opinion; a return to Christianity will only happen
AFTER or during the days that we as a minority will fight the descendants of the immigrants out.