Can you explain what multiculturalism means? 
I'm old
I speak a different lingo then you do Erica.
I'm a lot like Johnson Brown.
Yacov brought up the word but since you asked me multiculturism is the mixture of different cultures in a diverse society. I do think though, that Yacov (may) think that multiculturism is the process of "making" people of different cultures get along. (Correct me if I'm wrong, Yacov.)
You know, Erica. Multiculturalism is truly great.
I know that we could end the war in the Balkans if we simply sent enough "Diversity is our strength" bumper stickers over there.
I think you really need to relax. Seriously. You are getting angry because there are actually blacks who don't think like the blacks you refer to. I actually love being around every race. I'm extememly comfortable around different I think that diversity is a great thing here, in America . People in the Balkans who are having problems should straighten out said problems by making resolutions...I wouldn't MAKE anyone try to get along if it isn't in them to do so.
Then forced integration of the school system is something you are OPPOSED to?!?!?!?!
Forced integreation of school systems? What? I don't understand the world we're living in now. If blacks don't have an education, they're ridiculed. If blacks want to study among others who have an education (i.e., civil rights movement to integrate all white schools), they should "GO BACK TO AFRICA, Nga!". What do you all want? I know you're not a Klan member, Judea but if Blacks' only reason here in America is to fail because you deem them failure, why are YOU here?
You said "I wouldn't MAKE anyone try to get along if it isn't in them to do so. "
It is not in Americans to go to school voluntarily with blacks. Many whites fought it physically. Most just pulled their kids out of public school and revived parochial schools and jumpstarted a homeschooling movement.
Do you think that is just a coincidence that after forced busing (which led directly to me having a gun pointed at my head when I was eleven years old) there is suddenly a resurgence of Parochial schools and homeschools?
Let me burst your bubble. It is no coincidence.
Whites do not want to be with Blacks. That is a fact.
Don't you notice that Whites avoid any neighborhood with a majority black population?
Erica, Non-blacks are frightened of the violence and savagery of Blacks. That is a fact. And it's logical.
It is not an illogical fear based on width of black noses, size of black behinds and melanin content of black skin. It is because blacks are so wildly overrepresented in the theft, rape and murder statistics.
Blacks are 18% of the population and they commit 70% of the murder.
What do you expect from Non-Blacks?
You want us to pretend it is not so?!?!?!?!?!?!
What do Non-Blacks want from Blacks?!?!?!?!?!
Get an education by yourself. We Jews did it.
When no one wanted to hire Jewish doctors. We created our own hospitals. Blacks could have done the same thing under segregation,
They didn't and instead nurtured a violent Low IQ underclass.
Plenty of people were hated in this country. Not just blacks.
Irish, Italians, Jews.
But none of these groups did as poorly as Blacks and you can blame racism forever but it doesn't explain Black Failure because more people hate Jews and they have not Failed. Plenty of people hated Irish. In old newspapers, they were depicted as Monkeys. And yet they have prospered. And blacks have Failed.
As far as your last question:
First of all, I don't think that Jews belong outside of our homeland amd I will be returning to my homeland as soon as my children are a little older.
But I do not understand what connection that has to Black Failure.
Please explain.