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Hello everyone i am Croatian

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--- Quote from: Sergio 11 on March 18, 2008, 04:17:42 AM ---
its ok not to know the answer but don't tell me that it started through dictatorial powers because that is an unfounded lie....

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I will go deeper into the subject.

Serbs do not hate Croats.  The Croats hate the Serbs because the Croats are the descants of the Serbs who accepted Roman catholism. That's why the Croats of today speak Serbian.

With other words the Croats are the fallen Serbs and they are ashamed because of it.
That's why they can not stand anything what represents the Serbs.


--- Quote from: EagleEye on March 17, 2008, 06:12:54 PM ---  Of course this is 2008, not 1940,

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The ustashi ideology in Croatia is today  of course more camouflaged that during WW2 and during the collapse of Yugoslavia.

But the ustashi ideology is still alive in today's Croatia.
This Croat won't recognize that. Maybe he is not informed enough or he has no problems with it.

Today - 2008 -
- 80% of the exiled Serbs from Krajina and Croatia did not return back to their homelands.
- The Serbian private property is not returned back to the Serbs and it is still stolen by Croatia.
- Violence and hatred against the Serbs is something that the Serbs are still facing today in Croatia.
- Ustashi and other Nazis from WW2 are accepted as national heroes in Croatia.


Ultra Requete:
Welcome American Hero, I don't undurstand why Croats who I met on net think of themself as Goths or Iranians not Slavs. And why Balkan Slavic nations fight each other instead of fighting the Turks (bosniaks, albanians, etc...)  We shud all be brothers in Christ.  :-\


--- Quote from: Americanhero on March 17, 2008, 06:02:23 PM ---i did not know that was there ideology i just think each country is made for That group

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According to the constitutions of Yugoslavia Croatia was a bi-national state, a state of the Serbian and Croatian nations which lived on it's territory.

Croatia did not had the right to remove the state federal status of the Serbs from Croatia.

Tell me friend, was Croatia only made for the Croats?
You are a supported of the anti facsist movement of Yugoslavia?

What was the main principle of the anti facsist movement of Yugoslavia regarding the creation of a new Croatia state?

The following:

"There is no, there cannot be and there will not be a Croatia in which the Serbs could not be guaranteed full equality and full rights";

You claim to be a descant of anti fascists?
Do you respect the above  mentioned principle of the anti-fascist movement which is the movement of your fammily according to you?


--- Quote from: Ultra Requete on March 18, 2008, 01:27:50 PM ---Welcome American Hero, I don't undurstand why Croats who I met on net think of themself as Goths or Iranians not Slavs. And why Balkan Slavic nations fight each other instead of fighting the Turks (bosniaks, albanians, etc...)  We shud all be brothers in Christ.  :-\

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Remember the Croats committed genocide against the Serbs!
They also bannished the Serbian minority from Krajina and Croatia.

Do you really think that the Croats and the Serbs should form some kind of alliance.
You do not thing like that?


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