Thanks so much MasterWolf1!
And Cyberella, you are on a ROLL with the great pictures!!!! WOW 
Glad you enjoyed the pictures.
To tell you more about Easter; in our family
we usually go to Easter Sunrise Services. Our service is held by the sea here and is quite beautiful. The service starts early in the morning and is timed so that the you can see the sun rise when the service is going on.
This is celebrated because Mary Magdalene was said to have come to Jesus' tomb at sunrise, only to find the stone rolled away and the tomb empty.
After the service, the church serves a breakfast for the the attenders of the church service.
The ladies in my family all have to have a new easter dress. We all get dressed up in our new finery and go to church. There is always an easter egg hunt for the children on the church lawn. In our family we usually prepare a huge dinner and serve a ham with all the trimmings- lots of pies and cakes. My grandparents and all local relatives are invited. It's really quite a lovely day.