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".... for only a truly righteous person is capable of hating only that which deserves hatred and love only what worth loving. We must never be guided by hate, but rather guide our hate toward what is hateful."
Zelhar, with all due respect, I do not agree with you! So if someone hates me I will hate him and I will love only those who deserve to be loved! Kako zvuci starozavetno! :) That is human's logic but not God's. You see, the huge difference is that we rely on Christ's logic ...He is our Logos!
What logic is to hate people who believe in Allah ( who they consider to be God) just because it is evil as you say??! But they think it is right and I should reject them for believing in something they think it is right and true! Absolutely not! You say you respect their choice but you don't! Instead of talking about how wrong Islam is, you all attack people who are actually victims of false ideology! Sorry guys, I don't understand all this hate! It is understandable to be irritated or angry by what certain Muslims do and to dislike that ideology but hating them soooo much is definitely not justifiable.
--- Quote from: JelenaSrb on March 30, 2008, 05:21:56 AM ---
Now I am talking to Orthodox Christians here.....I cannot imagine any true Christian to hate anybody except satan and antichrist! Read what Saint Nikolai Velimirovich said about hating the enemies. I strongly recommend you read the book "Prayers by the Lake" .
I am aware that Islam is not a very peaceful religion and I personally don't like it at all! But when it comes to people who accepted that religion I cannot judge them for being what they are. It is extremely difficult to be Christian but Lord never said it would be easy! I'm not saying that we should forget that Muslims did terrible things to our people in Kosovo, destroyed Churches, medieval monasteries...But G-d knows everything, sees everything..and waits patiently! :)
After all, we cannot expect justice on earth! We never believed in earthly kingdom!
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I think that this is a fair thought.
You have a realistic point of view.
Enclosed I will add some more:
From a diplomatically point of view we must not trust the Croats, Albanians and Bosnian Muslims. We must also not trust those who ordered and prepared them to participate in the extermination of the Orthodox communities at the Balkans.
--- Quote from: JelenaSrb on March 30, 2008, 02:06:37 PM ---".... for only a truly righteous person is capable of hating only that which deserves hatred and love only what worth loving. We must never be guided by hate, but rather guide our hate toward what is hateful."
Zelhar, with all due respect, I do not agree with you! So if someone hates me I will hate him and I will love only those who deserve to be loved! Kako zvuci starozavetno! :) That is human's logic but not G-d's. You see, the huge difference is that we rely on Christ's logic ...He is our Logos!
What logic is to hate people who believe in Allah ( who they consider to be G-d) just because it is evil as you say??! But they think it is right and I should reject them for believing in something they think it is right and true! Absolutely not! You say you respect their choice but you don't! Instead of talking about how wrong Islam is, you all attack people who are actually victims of false ideology! Sorry guys, I don't understand all this hate! It is understandable to be irritated or angry by what certain Muslims do and to dislike that ideology but hating them soooo much is definitely not justifiable.
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When a man chose to believe in a false ideology which commands him to subdue, murder, rape and pillage all non-believers, than that man chose to be evil. I don't think you know enough about the islam, your opinion seems too naive. So for clearance, substitute 'muslim' by 'nazi' in your statements to understand why they make little sense to me. I have no problem with false ideology (such as yours for example) as long as it is not the genocidal kind.
Jelena is not naive.
She just does not want to chose for hate.
Of course we condemn murders, criminals and Nazis.
But to say that a whole group of people which follows a certain religion is equal with the Nazis is just to far. Even if the majority is allied with a false theory you should not attack the weak the children and the women. Because that is no solution. You can overpower them if you destroy their leaders and convince them that they are following a wrong way. By trying to kill them all you will give them more arguments to continue their blind fight against you and you will make martyrs of them.
You must know your enemies. And you must resist them.
But never join them, never accept their way of thinking and their inferior values!
Just like David did not throw the spear to Saul when Saul tried to kill him.
If David had thrown the spear back he would become just like Saul.
Not all Muslims kill and rape! I am sure that they do not choose to be evil especially not those who are truly religious among Muslims! They see Jihad as spiritual fight! I am not talking about fanatics who perhaps interpret Kuran wrongly! That is also possible!
I also don't have problem with your false ideology and wrong interpretation of the Tanach! The same way I respect you as a human being and your choice to believe in your God and your "Messiah" !
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