I think you go a little bit over the top. The majority of Germans vote for parties, which defend and support this insane murderous Nazi Cult called Islam.
There are two main reasons for this.
1. The majority of Germans believe in big gouvernment and Socialism.
2. The majority of Germans use the struggle of the Jews in Israel to get rid of their feeling of guilt.
The problem is, in a free market society, it is very difficult for the Muzz to gain ground, because he is not able to earn enough money to feed his family. In a welfare-state the gouvernment takes the money from the hard working people in order to give it to stupid, primitive and lazy people, like Muzzies are.
There is no logical reason to support the Arabs in Israel. They only consuming the substitutions from the EU, the USA and the Muzzie oil-countries. It is a psycho-pathological problem.
And in addition, the more evil people, like Muzzies, Socialists and in the east part of Germany in some areas real Nazis growing, the more suffering through crime, violence and injustice.
The solution is so simple to get rid of this beasts without bigger bloodletting.
1. Establish a real free market society
2. Cut all welfare
3. Beeing independent to foreign oil
The Muzz will be thankfull to be back in it's country and the Nazi and Socialist scum will have to work for the daily bread instead of doing all the evil things they usually do.