Author Topic: France : The Cost Of Immigration  (Read 1999 times)

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France : The Cost Of Immigration
« on: March 27, 2008, 01:54:29 AM »
The Cost Of Immigration

This article posted by Le Conservateur summarizes the true cost of immigration to the French people:

We are constantly reminded that immigration is a benefit for France. It appears to be forbidden to challenge what is presented as an ideological imperative. The "intelligent" are immediately offended when we dare to question this dogma. We are treated as backward, passé, even as "racists", simply because we dare ask questions about the real impact of immigration on the economy of our country, our growth and our social systems.

What is obvious at first glance is that no serious study has been undertaken. The large public institutions and the ultra-liberal think tanks DON'T WANT to know. Today the trap is closing in on us. Immigrants are now so numerous that it is electorally dangerous to ask even simple questions. The new religion of diversity - which is a modest term for the regression of our culture and our way of life in our own country - makes any serious analysis of these questions impossible. Instead we must endure repeatedly lies so foul that even intelligent children could sweep them away with their hand. For example, it seems that "immigration is necessary in order to pay for old-age pensions." This is a ridiculous argument, almost insulting, but you will find it in all the pseudo-economic journals. In reality, the "immigrants", having the same entitlements as we, pay into the system an amount that doesn't even cover the deficit that they themselves help to create.

This brings us to an excellent study conducted by Contribuables Associés (Associated Taxpayers), and quoted by Le Salon Beige, on the real cost of immigration.

Note: At this point the article reminds us that for a 30-year period after the Second World War immigration was a benefit to the State. But when the immigration laws changed to allow family reunification, and political or economic asylum, employment as the primary motive was replaced by the notion of population substitution, i.e. the bringing in of massive numbers of immigrants to change the ethnic make-up of a country. The needs of the immigrant population have thus surpassed the revenue from payroll contributions and taxes. The key points of the study are as follows:

- France has 6,868,000 immigrants, or 11% of the population.

- Immigration reduces by two thirds the growth of the GNP.

- The cost of immigration in France is 71.76 billion euros.

- The revenue from immigration in France is 45.57 billion euros.

- The deficit from immigration shouldered by the taxpayers is 26.19 billion euros.

- When an immigrant does not return home at the expiration of his work contract, it is the State (the taxpayer) who bears the cost of welfare and social benefits.

- Non-European immigrants and their descendants receive 22% of all social benefits.

- The unit-price of requests for asylum is 15,000 euros.

- The majority of immigration expenses do not depend on the Ministry of Immigration headed by Brice Hortefeux.

- Expenses for security linked to immigration amount to 5.2 billion euros.

- The black market involves at least 500,000 immigrants and represents a loss to the State of 3.810 billion euros.

- 65 to 90% of prostitutes are foreign.

- The unemployment rate of immigrants is twice that of non-immigrants.

- Social benefits constitute 14% of the average revenue of immigrant households versus 5% for non-immigrant households.

It is obvious that this study will have no impact on the media. The system refuses to ask these questions, for fear of discovering a catastrophic reality. (...) It is the great artifice of the immigrationists: the refusal to know. We now know that immigration is but a tool in the hands of the lobbies ("officines"). The poor immigrants are merely toys, the first victims of a machine gone wild. Massive immigration conceals a great design favored by those desiring to destroy French culture, a culture hated by the cosmopolitan elite of our country. Through the maintaining of cheap labor, the electoral landscape of France will change in favor of the Left.

We can add that one highly successful outcome of the Left's immigration swindle is the perception that the various groups of immigrants are not opposed to one another. Through organizations of propaganda such as SOS Racism, the great manipulators lead the immigrants to believe that they are in solidarity, that they are all in the same boat. Nothing could be further from the truth! There exist as many conflicts of interest between immigrants, due to their success, their social standing, their date of arrival, the success rate of their children, as between ethnic Frenchmen. (...)

The authors of the study offer alternative solutions to reduce these costs:

- Incentives to help increase the native French population

- Incentives to national preference and EU preference in employment

- Toughening the conditions for entry of non-European immigrants

- Priority to the integration of foreign populations already on French soil, rather than to new influxes

Note: The article at Le Salon Beige (linked above) has a link to the complete study, in pdf format.

The photo shows the interior of the National History of Immigration Center that opened last year in Paris. The State-financed museum has been criticized for extolling the virtues of immigration at a time of civilizational crisis for France, and for elevating everyday objects such as pots and pans, or suitcases (above), to the level of art.
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Re: France : The Cost Of Immigration
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2008, 03:08:08 PM »
This are good points. Muzzies cost us money and contribute only negative things to western society.

I think this society is evil enough. When the Muzzies will added, it will collapse   :(
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