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Pastor John Hagee
« on: March 30, 2008, 10:09:23 PM »
Pastor John Hagee is one of the most outspoken Christan leaders in America today. He has been condemned for his comments calling Islam a death cult. In Houston, Texas Pastor Hagee holds an annual event to raise funds for Pro Israel organizations. It started small in 1988 when he could only give a $10,000 check, but by the time 2004 rolled around he gave 2.25 Million two 2 Jewish Organizations that fundthe immigration of Jews to Israel and one that supports Israeli orphans. John Hagee is an evangelical and someone who I think could help us get some much needed funds for our movement in Israel. Pastor John Hagee founded the organization Christans United For Israel and I feel that he would be sympathetic to our cause.
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2008, 11:06:33 PM »
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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2008, 11:50:35 PM »
I like Pastor Hagee and his ministry!

He truly loves Israel and the Jewish People.

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2008, 02:00:29 AM »
This man should be honored as the National Pastor

Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2008, 02:24:24 AM »
I am a great supporter of John Hagee!  :)
I admire the work he does!
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2008, 02:07:06 PM »
I posted this in the think tank because I think he could contribute lots of money to our movement. If anyone has a way of contacting him and explaning what we are all about I think we could get a sizeabel check from Pastor Hagee
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2008, 04:43:30 PM »
This man should be honored as the National Pastor
As a Catholic how can you possibly say such nonsense?!?!

Hagee thinks that teh Catholic Church is just as bad as the MuSSlim Nazis. He calls the Chuch ‘The Great Whore,’ an ‘apostate church,’ the ‘anti-Christ,’ and a ‘false cult system' ect. There are plently of decent Protestant leaders who stand up for Israel, but do not hate Catholics, but Hagee is not one of them.

He is scum who should rot in hell!!!

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2008, 04:54:48 PM »
He is scum who should rot in hell!!!

He is not scum. He is great he support Israel more than any Jewish Politican. He called Isalm a death Clut. I don't think he shoudl be national pastor but he ranks up there with Pat Robertson and the late Jerry Fawell
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2008, 05:35:58 PM »
Bibi is absolutely right when he says Israel has no better friends than Christian Zionists!
"My name is Daniel Pearl. I am a Jewish American"
"My family follows Judaism. We've made numerous family visits to Israel."
~Daniel Pearl

"We are a small nation, but strong."
~Moshe Dayan

"First of all, Arafat is wrong. Jerusalem is Israel's capital, will never be divided, and will remain the capital of the State of Israel, the capital of the Jewish people, for ever and ever. "
~Benjamin Netanyahu

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2008, 05:36:31 PM »
He is scum who should rot in hell!!!

He is not scum. He is great he support Israel more than any Jewish Politican. He called Isalm a death Clut. I don't think he shoudl be national pastor but he ranks up there with Pat Robertson and the late Jerry Fawell
No Hagee is not in the tradition of preachers like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. Those men actively worked with Catholics, whom played leading roles in the Moral Majority and Christian Coalition, as well as at times praised Catholic leaders and theology. They are certainly not from the Bob Jones and Ian Paisley wing of Protestantism that John Hagee subscribes to- people's whose only purpose is to divide Christians against eachother in America, Europe, and the rest of the World. The only people who put John Hagee in the same category as Robertson and Falwell (whom called Hagee a heretic btw) are secular leftists in the media whom regard all three as bigots and religous nuts, so I am surprised that you have as well.

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2008, 05:44:08 PM »
Bibi is absolutely right when he says Israel has no better friends than Christian Zionists!

I can not think of anything more foolish that supporters of Israel in America could do than prevent the support of, and spit in the face of, the 79 million Catholics (about 44% of all Christians) in the United States, by embracing a crackpot televangelist with a congregation of 18,000 who calls their Church ‘The Great Whore,’ an ‘apostate church,’ the ‘anti-Christ,’ and a ‘false cult system' ect. as their "Christian" leader of supporters of Israel in the United States.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2008, 02:28:07 AM by dhimmi_pride »

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2008, 05:46:03 PM »
Mabey you could try to send him information about the JTF and also to some of his elders in his Church. O0

Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2008, 10:33:53 AM »
This man should be honored as the National Pastor
As a Catholic how can you possibly say such nonsense?!?!

Hagee thinks that teh Catholic Church is just as bad as the MuSSlim Nazis. He calls the Chuch ‘The Great Whore,’ an ‘apostate church,’ the ‘anti-Christ,’ and a ‘false cult system' ect. There are plently of decent Protestant leaders who stand up for Israel, but do not hate Catholics, but Hagee is not one of them.

He is scum who should rot in hell!!!

John Hagee's response to charges of Anti-Catholicism

Pastor Hagee’s Press Release

I feel the need after days of media misrepresentation to respond to slanderous accusations about being a religious bigot. It is truly disappointing to me to see how quickly accusation and rumor crystallize into fact in the hands of media outlets, which do not seem interested in subjecting these claims to serious review in search of the truth.

I know that those of you here today know better than to believe everything you hear on the television or read in the newspaper. I want to thank you for your trust and your faith in me as evidenced by your many cards, letters and phone calls of support at home and across America. The main claim my critics are making is that I am anti-catholic and that I have made derogatory statements about the Catholic Church.

Anyone who knows anything about me, my life’s work and this church, knows how utterly false this accusation is. Nonetheless, let me state my position as clearly as I can. I am not now, nor have I ever been anti-Catholic. Cornerstone Church has operated a social services center for more than 20 years where we feed the hungry and clothe the needy five days a week. The vast majority of those who benefit from this ministry are Catholic.

I personally supported a convent for over ten years providing complimentary housing for elderly, retired nuns. Many of you remember the day of honor that we had for those nuns in this church for their lifetime of service to God. These are not the acts of someone who is anti-Catholic. I have dedicated most of my adult life to eradicating anti-Semitism from Christianity.

As part of this effort, I have criticized the past anti-Semitism of the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church. In fact, I rarely speak about Christian anti-Semitism without denouncing the founder of Protestantism, Martin Luther, whose book, “concerning the Jews and their lies” was a poisoned well of anti-Semitism. Calling Christians to account for our past anti-Semitism does not make me anti-Catholic and it does not make me Anti-Protestant. It simply makes me an opponent of anti-Semitism.

Throughout my life, I have often taught from the Book of Revelation. During these teachings, I have read to you the Apostle John’s writings about the great whore of Revelation 17. In my writings, I have never stated that the great whore is the Catholic Church. Quite to the contrary, the Book Revelation teaches clearly that the great whore will be an apostate church made up of all Christians from all denominations that stray from the path of God and embrace a godless lifestyle including the sin of anti-Semitism.

The media attacks have expanded to include the accusation that I am also anti-gay. The Bible clearly teaches that homosexuality is not a righteous lifestyle. But this doesn’t mean that I and the millions of other bible-believing Christians are hateful toward the gay community. The Bible teaches that there are many sins and that all of us are guilty of committing sin at some point in time.

Does this mean that I hate you, that I hate myself or anyone who comes short of the Glory of God? No, on the contrary. Christ teaches us to love one another, as I have loved you. We follow Christ’ example; we hate the sin and we love the sinner. As most of you know, two years ago, I founded Christians United for Israel. I believed then and believe now that Israel’s friends dare not be silent when Israel is facing such serious threats to her existence.

Ever since I started speaking out for Israel, I have come under intense scrutiny and increasing attack. I did not plan to spend this period of my life in the middle of a political fire storm. Rest assured I will not shrink from our work on behalf of Israel.

I will continue to stand with Israel in the future. (Applause)  Thank you very much. Thank you.

It is the work of God for such a time as this. I will continue to preach an uncompromising Gospel and continue to speak out when I feel that my love for America and the State of Israel and the Jewish people deserve it, even when it is not politically correct. I want to thank you all for your confidence in me and your support of me. It means more to me than you know. I have received many messages of support from church members, ministry partners, political leaders, and friends in the community and from across America.

View video here:

© John Hagee Ministries 2008   
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)

Offline AsheDina

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2008, 02:36:59 AM »
Bibi is absolutely right when he says Israel has no better friends than Christian Zionists!

~Aside from Mr. Hagee being a great Christian, the night that my home got broken into- he was on the radio- he was preaching a very strong 'Hell, Fire, and Brimstone' Message... it scared the heck out of the evil trespassers, when they were going to take my VERY LITTLE stereo, the police walked about divine providence.  He has great book out that I read at the bookstore one day- he really hits the nail on the head. I hope he lives really LONG.
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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2008, 03:57:57 AM »
The catholic church has a glass jaw and doesn't like comming to terms with it's anti-semitism (both past and present). A black catholic priest in Illinois has recently defended and supported both pastor Wright AND Farrakan yet he has not been sanctioned by his bishop as far as I'm aware. The RCC also supports, aids & abets illegal immigration.

Now if the RCC wants people to stop criticising it, maybe it should take a look at itself and lift it's game.

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2008, 05:10:38 AM »
The catholic church has a glass jaw and doesn't like comming to terms with it's anti-semitism (both past and present). A black catholic priest in Illinois has recently defended and supported both pastor Wright AND Farrakan yet he has not been sanctioned by his bishop as far as I'm aware. The RCC also supports, aids & abets illegal immigration.

Now if the RCC wants people to stop criticising it, maybe it should take a look at itself and lift it's game.

He backed them up becouse he's black not becouse he's catholic. Not white people are not tought to be self hating by liberals and they support one another against others.  What the contrast to all those backstabing,  PC guilt ridden White Christians and Jews.  :(
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!


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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2008, 05:12:51 AM »
The catholic church has a glass jaw and doesn't like comming to terms with it's anti-semitism (both past and present). A black catholic priest in Illinois has recently defended and supported both pastor Wright AND Farrakan yet he has not been sanctioned by his bishop as far as I'm aware. The RCC also supports, aids & abets illegal immigration.

Now if the RCC wants people to stop criticising it, maybe it should take a look at itself and lift it's game.

He backed them up becouse he's black not becouse he's catholic.
That maybe true but it's not the point. The point is that the RCC leaders didn't sanction him.

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2008, 06:00:58 AM »
Sadly speaking there's small chance of that, you can be basicly nazi and antisemitic provided you're not WJCHMP. The bishop woud take the flak from both the left and right and catholic chierahs are above all politicians. The Jews are (again) close to the very bottom in new PC ladder structure based on victimhood. Plus they're still hated by some of the old right.
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2008, 01:59:19 PM »
its nice to see you much pro-israel activity amongst the christians but im seriously concerned about the price we pay for it. i mean they feel way too free here in israel to do whatever they want. theyre roaming around our cities trying to make our kids fall into their yeshu-traps and convert them chas veshalom.

you really trust all these yeshu-freaks?

im a bit concerned  ???
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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2008, 04:52:37 AM »
I'm also a bit concerned.

Offline AsheDina

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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2008, 04:53:01 PM »
This man should be honored as the National Pastor

  It was TOTALLY RIDICULOUS for McCain to have DUMPED HAGEE!!!! BAD MOVE- Rod Parsley is a NUT.
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Re: Pastor John Hagee
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2008, 06:17:42 PM »
Pastor Hagee is a gem, a spectacular speaker and person - in fact anyone wanting to learn how to communicate to the masses should watch him on the Prayer Channel - channel 92 in Queens.

A lot of important people on the National scene will probably be there (and check out youtube) for their videos - Brigitte Gabriel (the gorgeous Lebanese Christian who speaks in favor of Israel), Walid Shoebat, Noni Darwish, and many more.

If we do not get to the famous people, I am sorry, but we have no chance.  It is kind of like diseases - until a famous or illustrious person has a disease, it is impossible to raise awareness.