Demonstration Den Haag
Posted by Sitemaster on March 27, 2008
Our flags are being burned, there’s no Dutch flag in top anymore at our embassy in Lebanon, threats are being made. Our Government lets ifself being pushed around.
We will never bow for islam. We will never bow for threats. We are proud to be Dutch and wer’re sick and tired that our freedom is enganged, islam is in the news all the time, that muslims constantly demanding more and more.
We’re going to demonstrate on friday the 4th of April 2008 at the Malieveld in Den Haag from 1300 - 1600 hrs.
After a short introduction of the people behind SIOE/SIOE Nederland, we’re starting approxematly at 13.15 hrs with our protestmarch to the Plein, were we shall present a Manifest to members of the Parliament.
After presenting the Manifest, we’re walking back to the Malieveld. At the Malieveld speeches will be held by Martin and Monique van der Hulst, Anders Gravers, Stephen Gash and other members of SIOE Nederland.
Everybody is free to make a speech that day. There’s only one condition: you have to email your speech to
[email protected]The main targets during the demonstration are:
- Freedom of expression for ever
- Freedom of speech for ever
- Stop political correctness
- No political correct dictatorship
- Stop building mosques
- Democracy not theocraty
- No sharia here
- Against independence of Kosovo
- No antisemitism
- Stop the islamisation of the Netherlands
- Stop the islamisation of Europe
SIOE Nederland calls upon everybody to join our demo.
More and more countries are declaring to be against Geert Wilders, therefore we especially call upon the PVV-voters and sympathisants to join up with our demonstration.
Come to Den Haag in great numbers!
Together we’re strong! Afghanistan they are burning our National flags. So bring our National flags to Den Haag and show it with pride.

Join the resistance!
Forbidden: Swastika’s and other nazi-signs, racist banners and slogans and all other totalitairian signs. No face covering!
(The police cleared our demo)
Martin and Monique van der Hulst