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I'm not Jewish but I stand with you 100% against Obama

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Hi all!

     I am Tricia from Charlotte, NC and joined your community to share my opinion, and help in any way I can in our mutual objective to stop Obama.

     The Black Theology of his Reverend and church scares me. I am appalled with such hatred, racism and also anti-americanism.  For him to seek out this church from all the others that were available to him and his family and to sit there for 20 years truly makes me believe he embraced this same philosophy.

     Some uniter, he couldn't even unite his own church, transcender of race, my fanny.

     Never in my life would I ever think I would hear that from the pulpit. In front of children no less.  And he makes excuses for the man??  He wants to represent and stand up for our country and he couldn't even stand up to one man?

     It is also extremely bothersome to me that everything negative discovered about Obama disappears.  I'm envisioning a conspiracy.  He no longer has a 7 year Illinois senate record, it disappeared.  The mission statement, Black value system, the Trumpet Magazine link (and website) are gone. This magazine and church bulletins also reflected the hatred and racism displayed in the church, it's sermons, congregation and Barack Obama himself.  The endorsements from Reverend Wright, Louis Farrakhan and the Black Panther Leader all disappeared off Obama's campaign website.

     He does not have the wisdom nor the character to run this country.  His character, honesty, integrity and judgement are forever tainted. His racist, hatred philosophy is detestable.

     Thank you for allowing me to join and to vent to you today.  I was getting upset and frustrated continually arguing in blogs with the Obamabots and getting nowhere.

Welcome Aboard Tricia!  O0

Welcome Tricia!  It's great to have you on board. 

TriciaNC:  "I was getting upset and frustrated continually arguing in blogs with the Obamabots and getting nowhere..."

Welcome, TriciaNC!

As you have learned the hard way, there is no discussion or reasoning to engage in with the brainwashed leftist fools.

They are all "True Believers", as defined by Eric Hoffer in his famous psychological study.

Nothing on heaven or earth can change the mindset of a "true believer"; not jail, not torture, not loss of life and property.

Absolutely nothing.

In his famous book, The True Believer, Hoffer wrote of the Russian Jews in Moscow who were members of the Communist Party, had renounced their heritage and embraced Soviet atheism, and then were betrayed by Joseph Stalin.

Stalin accused them of the crime of being "cosmopolitans" (Soviet code word for "Jews"), and they were arrested by the NKVD and exiled to Siberian concentration camps.

Ten or more years later, those that had survived the ordeal, returned to Moscow.

Rather than denounce the creed that had betrayed them and cost them everything, they were more "Communist" than before they were arrested...even rationalizing their arrests and imprisonment as somehow being good to further Communism!...unable to face the fact that they had been brainwashed to believe hideous propaganda.

Such is the case today with "Obamination"...brainwashed and confused fools wanting so badly for a "messiah" figure to recreate the world in their own warped image, that they simply "believe" in the candidate as if he is a deity.

Stay here on JTF...don't waste your time "casting pearls before swine".

welcome  :)


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