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I'm not Jewish but I stand with you 100% against Obama

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Welcome to the forum Tricia!  O0

Hail Columbia:
Welcome to JTF!

Wayne Jude:
Good 2 meet ya! :) O0

Ultra Requete:
Great post MGN; welcome in our mad house Tricia. ;)

Welcome, Trish.

Massah is 100% right. There is no point arguing with leftists as they are all insane and irrational.

Just look at the core beliefs of those people:

1/ We'll all be safer if we are unarmed & helpless

2/ Judaic-christian, western society (that produced science, modern medicine and abundant food & housing) is evil & has no merit and third world cultures (that produce starvation & face flies) are more worthy.

3/ The white-european westerner is a cancer on the earth and if they could  only be supplanted by third worlders we'd all live in a fair, tollerant, liberal-democratic paradise (despite the fact that there isn't a single "fair, tollerant, liberal"-democracy anywhere outside the west/Israel).

Arguing with leftists (who believe that sort of idiocy) does about as much good as arguing with neo-nazis who think Jewish bankers are comming to take over in black helicopters or with cult members who think the world will end at 3.00PM tomorrow and they'll be picked up by the 'space brothers' in a UFO.


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